
Waite 畅通词汇 英   美     n.韦特(人名) newWaite的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:United States jurist who was appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1874 by President Grant (1816-1888) Waite的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)Waite's research does lend support for individual couples who chose to work on their marriages either on their own or with the help of professional counselors.一些夫妻选择独立处理婚姻问题,还有一些选择求助于职业婚姻顾问,韦特的研究无疑为这些人提供了支持。 rush是什么东西?rush是一种原产美国的两性用品,有着催情及增强性体验,延长性高潮的作用,是很多同性恋者的最爱。 Waite的相关资料:临近单词waiterwaitWaitesWaite a minute.Waite a moment.waited at least an hour.Waited out the miniskirt crazewaited out the miniskirt craze.waited searching self- syne'hronization