
Toby 畅通词汇 英   美     n.老人形啤酒杯Toby.n.托比(人名;Tobias的昵称) 瓜皮是什么意思?四川人说瓜皮可能有以下三种意义:一是此人是傻子,神经有问题;二是此人不聪明,反应比较迟钝;三是此人是其最喜爱的人,瓜皮是对他的爱称。 newToby的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)矮胖老人形啤酒杯,老头杯(形状呈头戴三角帽的矮胖子的啤酒杯)细长劣质雪茄街,道路托比(人名,Tobias的昵称)英英释义Noun:a drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat Toby的用法和样例:例句Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up.本对托比说他能跑得比学校的冠军还要快; 托比要他跑着看一看,否则就别吹牛。I asked Toby if he wanted to come with us, and he was licking his lips even before I had finished asking the question.我问托比是否愿跟我们一起来,还没等我问完他便咂着嘴一副急不可耐的样子。 词汇搭配high toby骑马的拦路抢劫...low toby徒步的拦路抢劫...Toby的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】toby jug(形状像戴三角帽的胖老头...临近单词TodtobaccoTobyeTobylTobyntoby jugTobyhannaToby won a prize.Tobyhanna Army Depottoby's confidence heartens his friendToby's confidence heartens his friend.