
Stowe 畅通词汇 英   美     n.斯托 newStowe的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:United States writer of a novel about slavery that advanced the abolitionists' cause (1811-1896) Stowe的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)Mrs. Stowe wrote a tract for the times, in the hope of arousing public sentiment.斯托夫人为她那个时代写了一篇论文,希望能够激起公众的情绪。Stowe's words painted a picture of slavery that most people in the North had never seen.斯托夫人的文字描绘了一幅大多数北方人没有看到过的奴曹县很富吗?曹县是山东省管辖的一个县。从该县2020年完成的宏观经济指标来看,GDP已经超过460亿元,属于全市为数不多GDP突破460亿的县,综合经济实力相对较强。隶制画面。 Stowe的相关资料:临近单词STPstowstowerStowersStowellstowed namestowed windstowed valuestowed materialStowe Madeleinestowed streoscopic garage