
dismiss 核心词汇 英 [dɪs'mɪs]    美[dɪs'mɪs]     vt.开除;解散;屏除;(法律)驳回 形容词:dismissible名词:dismission过去式:dismissed过去分词:dismissed现在分词:dismissing第三人称单数:dismissesnewdismiss的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义v.(动词)开除,解雇,把...免职消除,去除,抛弃,摒弃不考虑让...走开,打发走放弃,断(念)忘掉草草了结【律】驳回,拒绝受理解散,遣散对…不屑一提双解释义v.(动词)vt. 解雇; 撤职; 开除 send away from one's employment, from servicevt. 使退去; 解散 allow to govt. 自心中摒除,不再考虑或谈论 put away from the mind; stop thinking or talking about英英释义Verb:bar from attention or consideration;

"She dismissed his advances"

cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration;

"This case is dismissed!"

stop associating with;

"They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock"

terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position;

"The boss fired his secretary today"
"The company terminated 25% of its workers"

end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave;

"I was dismissed after I gave my report"

declare void;

"The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections"

dismiss的用法和样例:例句用作及物动词(vt.)If you are late again, you will be dismissed.
如果你再迟到,你将被解雇。Let us dismiss and return in an hour.
让我们先解散,一个钟头后再回来。We should dismiss all thought of revenge.
我们应该屏除一切报复的念头。The justice dismissed his evidence out of hand.
法官当即驳回了他的证据。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessors.
新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇。They dismissed him and made no bones about it.
他们毫不犹豫地把他开除了。Race dismissed him with a curt nod.
雷斯微微点了一下头,就把他打发走了。We dismissed the cook because her cooking was so poor.
我们把厨娘解雇了,因为她的烹调技术太差了。The teacher dismissed the class ten minutes early.
老师提前了10分钟下课。I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.
我把马车打发走了,徒步走完最后一英里路。Please dismiss all doubts about it.
请打消对此的一切顾虑。Let's dismiss the subject and talk of something else.
我们不要再谈论这个题目了,谈点别的什么吧。Let's dismiss our troubles.
咱们别想这些烦人的事了。Dismiss the meeting.
散会。1The members who had voted against the court were dismissed.
曾投票反对宫廷者均遭免职。No, he's been installed in the chairmanship for too long to be dismissed now.
不,他任主席的时间太长了,现在无法撤销他的职务。Jones was dismissed because he got across the foremen.
琼斯因得罪了工头而被解雇了。If you are late again, you'll be dismissed.
如果你再迟到,你将被解雇。He was dismissed without notice.
他未得到预先通知就被辞退了。The possibility of a last-ditch on the part of the enemy should not be lightly dismissed.
敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不容轻易忽视的。Papa dismissed the idea with a shake of his head.
爸爸摇了摇头打消了这个念头。He dismissed the idea as suddenly as it had risen.
他的这个念头产生得突然,打消得也突然。When the war ends, we should dismiss all thoughts of revenge.
当战争结束时我们应摒弃一切报复的念头。His appeal was dismissed.
他的上诉被驳回了。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as n./adj.He dismissed the story as a rumor.
他把这个消息当作谣言而没有理会。He just laughed, and dismissed the question as unimportant.
他只是笑了笑,认为问题无足轻重而不予考虑。He dismissed the idea as impossible.
他认为那个主意不现实而断然拒绝。He dismissed my argument contemptuously as not worth refuting.
他把我的论证轻蔑地一笔抹杀,认为不值一驳。The tourists dismissed the Irish weather as merely wet and cold.
旅游者认为爱尔兰的天气又冷又潮,很不适应。1The question can't be lightly dismissed as a fad or a dream.
不可轻率地认为这个问题是一个怪念头或空想而不予考虑。He was dismissed as incompetent.
他被认为无能而遭辞退。Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous.
dismiss for (v.+prep.)
    因…而解雇,开除(某人) make (sb) leave sb's job or place of work for (a reason or doing sth wrong)
    dismiss sb for sth/v-ing

    The worker was dismissed for laziness.


    He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.


    The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.


    He was dismissed for stealing bicycle parts.


    dismiss frnmsl是什么意思?nmsl原本是骂人的词(母亲去世),被黑粉带节奏,翻译成了never mind the scandal and liber(永远不要理会谣言和重伤)。因此,不少网友原本不知道该词的意思,还都以为是一个正能量的好词。om (v.+prep.)
      使退去 allow to go
      dismiss from one's mind (v.+prep.+n.)
        试图忘记某事或某人 try to forget sth or sb
        dismiss sb/sth from one's mind

        She tried to dismiss him from her mind.


        The judge asked the whole group to dismiss the lawyer's remark from their minds.


        The doctor urged the patient to dismiss all worries from her mind and take a good rest.


        The matter was so unimportant that she dismissed it from her mind.


        I did not sleep much.A feeling unreality could not be dismissed from my mind.


        词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词dismiss the case驳回该案件dismiss a class下课dismiss the court退庭dismiss doubts消除疑虑dismiss an idea摒弃一个主意dismiss the thought打消念头~+副词dismiss curtly三言两语地拒绝考虑dismiss disgracefully难堪地打发走dismiss easily容易消除dismiss finally最终解散dismiss instantly立即解散dismiss lightly轻率地拒绝考虑dismiss reluctantly不情愿地解散dismiss safely有把握不予考虑dismiss summarily简单地拒绝考虑~+介词dismiss for因…而解雇dismiss sb for being late因迟到而解雇某人dismiss sb for neglect of sb's duty因玩忽职守而免除某人的职务dismiss...from使从…离开,解雇,从…除去dismiss sb from sb's job免职dismiss from one's mind从思想上打消…dismiss sb from sb's post撤某人的职dismiss sb from school开除出校dismiss sth with a shake of one's head摇头表示否决经典引文

          Blushing Aurora had yet scarce dismist Mount Libanus from the Nights gloomy Mist.

          出自:transf.dismiss的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)dismiss的基本意思是“不再保有或同意离开”,指自动或被迫脱离所负的责任或所任的职务。引申可作“置之不理”“不加考虑”解。dismiss作“解雇”解时,并不追究事情的前因后果,故双方均可接受,语气较为平和。dismiss用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。dismiss在其宾语后面接介词as时,动词宾语和介词宾语都指事,表示“当作…时而不予考虑”。宾语后接介词for,介词宾语指事(可以是名词或动名词),表示解雇的原因。宾语后接介词from,介词宾语指地位和职务时,表示“解雇,免职”; 介词宾语指思想时,表示“打消念头”。dismiss用于法律上时,还有“驳回”的意思,常用于被动式。词义辨析v.(动词)
          dismiss, cashier, discard, discharge这组词都有“抛弃”“丢弃”或“除掉”的意思。其区别在于:1.dismiss和discharge一般用以指人; 而discard和cashier则既可指人,也可指物。2.指人时, dismiss通常指“开除”“解雇”或“解散”职员、工人或学生等; discharge特指开除处于从属地位的人、释放刑满的犯人等; discard指将无用的或不喜欢的人“抛弃”或“遗弃”,有时含“裁撤”之意; cashier主要指将雇员撤职、免职或开除。3.指物时, discard指把无用的或不喜欢的东西丢弃掉; cashier是把用旧的、废的东西抛弃掉或处理掉。4.dismiss还可引申为“摒弃”某种思想、概念、疑虑等。
          dismiss, eject, evict, expel, oust这组词都可表示“把某人赶出”“把某物去掉”。它们之间的区别是:eject含义最广,常可与其他词换用,强调用力从里面抛出某物或赶走某人; expel指有意地、永久地正式开除某人或彻底排出某物; oust指非法剥夺某人的权利/力或用暴力把某人赶走; evict指依法从不付房租的房客那里收回租屋并把房客赶出; dismiss指依法驳回申诉或请求,也指解除某人的职务、企图或消除顾虑、仇恨、忌妒等。
          remove,eliminate,dismiss,expel这些动词均有“开除,驱出,去掉”之意。remove普通用词,不带任何感情色彩。eliminate通常指例行的、有步骤地去掉某物或某人。dismiss既可指突然地迅速地排除,也可指解雇或开除。expel多指强行解除公职或驱出住地。词源解说☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的desmis;最初源自古典拉丁语的dimissus(dimittere的过去分词):di (分开) + mittere (送出),意为分别送出。dismiss的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】discharge排出fire火release释放send away派遣give notice通知sack袋子let go放开, 松手reject拒绝set aside留出write off勾销shelve放在架子上disdain轻蔑expel驱逐drop落下liberate解放disband解散depose废黜unseat使……退职free自由的dethrone废除(君主)retire退休justify替 ... 辩护send发送away离开cashier出纳员eject喷射usher out领出remove消除terminate结束push aside把 ... 推到一边...ignore忽视eliminate除去displace取代brush off刷掉force out挤(出去)throw out扔出send packing解雇, 逐走, 开除...dissolve使溶解can可以discount折扣give the sack解雇brush aside扫除(障碍)...disregard不顾【反义词】employ雇佣临近单词dismissaldismaydismisseddismissionDismiss asdismiss fordismissibledismiss fromdismiss schooldismiss curtlydismiss a suitdismiss doubts