
decrease 核心词汇 英 [dɪ'kriːs]    美[dɪ'kriːs]     v.减少;减小;降低n.减少;降低 副词:decreasingly过去式:decreased过去分词:decreased现在分词:decreasing第三人称单数:decreasesnewdecrease的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:sync是什么意思?双区同步温控,sync通俗点说就是同步的意思。按开就是同时调空调一边的温度、风量,另一边也同步调节,不按的话,就是各自调各自的。详尽释义v.(动词)减,减少,降低,减弱,减轻,使缩短,压缩变小,下降,缩小,缩短,缩减n.(名词)减少,减小,减退,降低减少额,减少量减缩位置双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. (使)缩短;减小,减少 (cause to) become shorter,smaller,lessn.(名词)[U]减小,降低 reduction[C]减少(量) amount by which sth decreases英英释义Noun:a change downward;

"there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided"
"there was a sharp drop-off in sales"

a process of becoming smaller or shorter

the amount by which something decreases

the act of decreasing or reducing something

Verb:decrease in size, extent, or range;

"The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"
"The cabin pressure fell dramatically"
"her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"
"his voice fell to a whisper"

make smaller;

"He decreased his staff"

decrease的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.)They are making further efforts to decrease military spending.
他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。His interest in this subject gradually decreases.
他对这门学科的兴趣逐渐减退。The government projected a tax decrease.
政府计划降低税收。They tried to decrease the costs.
他们设法降低成本。用作名词(n.)The new treatment led to a huge decrease in the number of deaths.
新的疗法使死亡率急剧减少。There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.
这个城市的人口在持续下降。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.
该城市去年交通事故减少了。The population began to decrease.
人口开始减少。Interest in the sport is decreasing.
人们对此项运动的兴趣已逐渐减退。用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.They decreased the size of the group from 25 to 15.
他们把小组的人数从25人减少到15人。用作名词(n.)The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.
销售量差不多减少了20%。There has been a decrease in exports.
出口货物有所减少。Is crime on the decrease?
犯罪案件是否在减少?词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+介词decrease by 3 times减少三倍decrease by 5 tons减少五吨decrease by ten percent减少百分之十decrease in number数目减少decrease to减少到用作名词 (n.)形容词+~gradual decrease逐渐下降sharp decrease急剧下降slight decrease略微减少steady decrease稳定下降介词+~on the decrease在减少~+介词decrease in在…方面的减少decrease in production生产下降decrease to three hundred减少到300经典引文

    The bruise was still visible..though the swelling had decreased.

    出自:A. Sillitoe

    Decreasing the chances of his proposal being accepted.

    出自:J. G. Farrelldecrease的详细讲解:词义辨析v.(动词)
    decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce这组词都可表示“降低”或“减少”。其区别在于:decrease指各种事物逐渐减少、逐渐衰弱的过程; lessen指减轻强度和减缓烈度,也可指从整体上减去部分或在程度上、数量上的减少; diminish指可以看得出的“缩小”“缩减”; reduce指缩小事物的范围、强度、数量等,也可指级别、地位或经济条件的降低。例如:Decrease the dose of medicine when you feel better.你感到好些就减少药剂用量。The number of fighters had now diminished to two, but the hilltop remained in our hands.现在战士只剩下两个人了,但我们仍然占领着山头。Good lubrication will reduce friction.良好的润滑会减少摩擦。The noise lessened as the plane got further away.飞机逐渐飞远了,噪音也就减弱了。
    decrease,diminish,lessen,reduce,dwindle这些词的共同含义是“减少,变少”。decrease指逐渐地、不断地减少。diminish侧重大小、数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。lessen普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。reduce普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。dwindle与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无。词源解说☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的decresen,意为减少,缩减。decrease的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】v.abatediminishreduce【反义词】v.augmentboostincreasen.boostincrease派生词n.(名词)
      decreased adj. 减少的临近单词decreedecoydecreaserdecrease todecrease indecreasementdecreasesingdecrease filedecrease lossdecrease ringdecrease fameDecrease from