
devise 核心词汇 英 [dɪ'vaɪz]    美[dɪ'vaɪz]     vt.设计;发明;遗赠 形容词:devisable名词:deviser过去式:devised过去分词:devised现在分词:devising第三人称单数:devisesnewdevise的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)遗赠(财产),遗让遗赠财产的遗嘱设计,发明,创造制定,创立,编制搞出,研究出找出,探寻提出,设想,想到遗赠的财产,遗赠的不动产v.(动词)设计,发明,创造想出,设想,想象,计划制定【律】遗让(财产),遗赠(不动产)产生图谋,密谋,策划猜(测),推测双解释义v.(动词)vt. 想出; 计划; 设计; 发明 think out; plan; conceive; invent英英释义Noun:a will disposing of real property

(law) a gift of real property by will

Verb:come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort;

"excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"

arrange by systematic planning and united effort;

"machinate a plot"
"organize a strike"
"devise a plan to take over the director's office"

give by will, especially real property

devise的用法和样例:例句用作及物动词(vt.)This time we'll devise a better solution.
这次我们将设计一种新的解决方案。The government devised a scheme for redeveloping the city center.
政府制定了市中心重建计划。He devised a new type of transistor.
他发明了一种新的晶体管。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.They devised a machine.
他们设计了一台机器。He devised an instrument to measure light waves.
他发明了一种测量光波的仪器。He devised a scheme, which proved to be a successful one.
他设计了一个很成功的方案。He has devised a scheme for making money.
他想出一个赚钱的办法。That scholar has devised a new method of teaching foreign languages.
那位学者发明了一种教外语的新方法。They have devised a plan for winning the game.
他们想出了比赛取胜的办法。S+~+ n./pron. +to sbHe devised all his money to his son.
他把他的钱全都遗留给了他的儿子。When the old man died, he devised nothing to his family.
当这个老人死的时候,他什么也没有留给他的家人。1His house was devised to his two daughters.
他的房子遗留给了他的两个女儿。He didn't know that his father's property has been devised to his brother and his sister.
他还不知道他父亲的财产遗留给了他的哥哥和姐姐。S+~+wh-to- vHe is devising how to do that thing.
他正计划如何进行那件事情。Let's devise how to finish the work.
咱们来计划一下如何完成这项工作。The captain was always devising how to get the mate into trouble.
船长总是设法找大副的麻烦。词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词devise an idea想出一个主意devise an instrument发明仪器devise a machine发明了一台机器devise a method想出一个方法devise a plan制订了一个计划devise a scheme想出一个办法~+副词devise carefully认真地构想devise crudely粗糙地计划devise cunningly巧妙地设计devise curiously不寻常地计划devise economically有效益地设想devise ingeniously巧妙地构想devise shrewdly准确地计划devise specially特别地设计devise suitably合理地计划~+介词devise to将…遗赠给经典引文

    How suttly to detain thee I devise.


    She could devise some means to persuade him.

    出自:W. S. Maugham

    A foundation for that particular soil had to be devised to bear the load of any building we wanted to build.

    出自:F. L. Wright

    He and Roberta would devise adventure stories.

    出自:K. Mooredevise的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)devise的基本意思是通过努力思考找出达到某一目的或做成某事的方法。强调动脑筋而较少强调独创性。devise作“计划”“设计”解时,在句中只用作及物动词,可接名词或带疑问词的动词不定式作宾语。devise后接介词to时可表示“把…遗留给”,注意其动词宾语多为不动产。词义辨析
    devise,conceive,formulate这些动词的均含“设计、设想”之意。devise侧重设计的临时性和权宜性,并隐含有更多的设想可用。conceive强调在制定计划之前的先有设想构思。formulate与conceive相反,指在devise之后的具体设计活动。devise的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】plan计划invent发明create创造contrive图谋conceive设想concoct捏造formulate用公式表示think up想出work out做出set up建立arrange整理frame骨架originate发起improvise即兴创作fabricate编造manufacture(手工)制造...compose作曲up向上architect建筑师make做coin硬币make up弥补mint薄荷organise组织forge锻造machinate图谋get up起床prepare预备organize组织excogitate想出临近单词devoiddeviousdeviserdeviseedevise plandevise toolsdevise a plandevise a plotdevise a schemedevise a machinedevise a formula曹县很富吗?曹县是山东省管辖的一个县。从该县2020年完成的宏观经济指标来看,GDP已经超过460亿元,属于全市为数不多GDP突破460亿的县,综合经济实力相对较强。devise strategies