
brain 基本词汇 英 [breɪn]   [breɪn]    
    n.脑;智力;智者;控制中心vt.打 ... 的脑袋
  • brainedbrainedbrainingbrainsnewbrain的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)脑,头脑,脑袋;脑髓智力,脑力,智慧智囊;出谋划策者,策划组织者电脑,计算机智者,<口>聪明人制导系统智能v.(动词)打破...的脑袋(致死),打...的头部打某人双解释义n.(名词)[C]大脑,脑子 the part inside the head of a person or an animal that thinks and feels[U]脑浆,脑髓 organ of the body that consisting of a mass of soft grey matter inside the head[U][C]智慧,智力 the ability to think clearly, quickly, and well[C]聪明的人,智囊人物 a person with a good mind英英释义Noun:that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord

    mental ability;

    "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense"

    that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason;

    "his mind wandered"
    "I couldn't get his words out of my head"

    someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality;

    "Mozart was a child genius"
    "he's smart but he's no Einstein"

    the brain of certain animals used as meat

    Verb:hit on the head

    kill by smashing someone's skull

    brain的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)The drug may cause permanent brain damage.
    这种药可能会引起永久性的脑部伤害。His brain seems to be functioning normally.
    他的大脑看起来功能正常。His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.
    他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。She has a good brain.
    她很有头脑。You need brains to become a university professor.
    当大学教授要有才智。He is one of the leading brains in the country.
    他是国家的知识分子精英。Brain is the master control center of the body.
    脑是身体的主要控制中心。The medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning.
    延髓是大脑最重要的部分,因为它包含着呼吸和心脏功能的控制中心。用作及物动词(vt.)I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet.
    如果你不保持安静的话,我就敲你的脑袋。 常见句型用作名词(n.)He burst one of his brain vessels.
    他的一根脑血管破了。The surgeon operated on his brain.
    外科医生对他做脑部手术。The human brain is a complex brain.
    人的大脑是个复杂的器官。He has a mathematical brain.
    他有数学头脑。He has a fine brain.
    他脑子好用。He has got a lot of brains.
    他足智多谋。He has very little brains.
    他头脑简单。He hasn't much brains.
    他没有多少智慧。Two brains are better than one.
    三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮。I hired you for your brains, so why don't you use them?
    我是雇你来出主意想办法的,干吗不动动你的脑筋?She's a clever girl with plenty of brains.
    她是一个聪明而又很有才华的女孩子。John is the brain of the family.
    约翰是他家里的智囊。Some of the best brains in the country are here tonight.
    国内一些智囊人物今晚都出席了。Sheep's brains is his favourite dish.
    beat one's brains out
      绞尽脑汁 spend a lot of time thinking or worrying about sth
    blow one's brains out
      对准脑袋开枪自杀 shoot him through the head
    brain drain
      人才外流 brain gone to outside
    bruise one's brains
      苦苦思索 think sth hard
    have on the brains
      一心想着某事物,对某事物入迷 think about sth constantly, be obsessed by sth
      have sth on the brains

      I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called.


    sb's brains need washing
      某人该洗脑,某人的错误思想应该加以纠正 correct one's mistake thought
    the brains
      智力超群的人 cleverest person in a group
    the brains behind〔of〕...
      …的策划者 the designer of sth
    use one's brains
      开动脑筋 start to think sth
    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~beat one's brain over对…冥思苦想blow out sb's brains把某人的脑袋打开花have brains有头脑lack brains缺乏头脑muddle the brain使头脑糊涂operate on brain对大脑施行手术pick sb's brain采用某人的主张,抄袭他人的想法tax one's brain费脑筋,苦思turn sb's brain使某人得意忘形,冲昏某人的头脑use one's brain动脑筋形容词+~clear-thinking brain思路清晰的头脑disordered brain混乱的头脑fine brain头脑灵活political brain政治头脑名词+~animal brain动物大脑human brain人脑,人类智慧~+名词brain trust智囊团介词+~on the brain念念不忘,热衷于writer with brains有头脑的作家经典引文

    Was that plan the conception of any one brain?

    出自:W. Stubbs

    Men of all ages who..hadn't the brains of an earwig.

    出自:V. Brittainbrain的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)brain的意思是“大脑”“脑子”,是可数名词,指人体的神经中枢,用来控制人的思想、记忆或感情等。单数形式指一个人脑子的整体,复数形式指脑子的各部分。brain还可表示“智慧”“智力”,作此解时常用其复数形式brains,可用them之类的词指代。brain可引申表示“聪明的人”“智囊人物”,指有头脑或有才能的人,其复数形式brains指“计划者,设计者”,多见于新闻媒体。brains还可作“脑浆”“脑髓”解,表示单数意义是不可数名词。brain表示“智慧,智力”时可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词,常用复数形式。常见错误n.(名词)他很有智慧。

    误 He has many brains.

    正 He has much brains.

    析 brains是不可数名词,因此不可用many或few来修饰,而应用much或little。
