
bound 基本词汇 英 [baʊnd]   [baʊnd]    
  • boundedboundedboundingboundsnewbound的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义adj.(形容词)有义务的被束缚的,被缚住的,受束缚的,受约束的正在前往的打算前去的装订好的,装有封面的<口>下了决心的,非做不可的极可能的,必然的便秘的【文】附着的(和free相反)n.(名词)跳跃,蹦跳,跳起,弹跳范围弹回界限,边界,界线,限度领域,区域跃(进)边境,边界线内的领土冲_null.bind的过去式和过去分词v.(动词)(使)弹回,反跳,弹起,跳开限制,限(使)rush是什么东西?rush是一种原产美国的两性用品,有着催情及增强性体验,延长性高潮的作用,是很多同性恋者的最爱。跳跃,跳起,跳跃着跑,跳跃前进接壤,与...接界,邻接形成…的边界,给…划界以...为界,指出...的范围双解释义v.(动词)vi. 跳; 弹回 jump or bouncevt. 定界限,为…的界限,限制 mark or form the boundaries or limitn.(名词)[C]跳,跳跃,跃进 a jump or leap[P]界限,范围 limitsadj.(形容词)被捆绑的,被束缚的 tied together[P]一定的,必定的 certain to do sth[P]去,准备去 going or ready to go in the direction of英英释义Noun:a line determining the limits of an area

    the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

    the greatest possible degree of something;

    "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"
    "to the limit of his ability"

    a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

    Adjective:confined by bonds;

    "bound and gagged hostages"

    held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union

    secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form;

    "bound volumes"
    "leather-bound volumes"

    (usually followed by `to') governed by fate;

    "bound to happen"
    "an old house destined to be demolished"
    "he is destined to be famous"

    covered or wrapped with a bandage;

    "the bandaged wound on the back of his head"
    "an injury bound in fresh gauze"

    headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students';

    "children bound for school"
    "a flight destined for New York"

    bound by an oath;

    "a bound official"

    bound by contract

    confined in the bowels;

    "he is bound in the belly"

    Verb:move forward by leaps and bounds;

    "The horse bounded across the meadow"
    "The child leapt across the puddle"
    "Can you jump over the fence?"

    form the boundary of; be contiguous to

    place limits on (extent or access);

    "restrict the use of this parking lot"
    "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

    spring back; spring away from an impact;

    "The rubber ball bounced"
    "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"

    bound的用法和样例:例句用作形容词(adj.)It's bound to rain soon.
    过一会儿肯定会下雨。You are not legally bound to answer these questions.
    在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题不可。We are bound hand and foot by the contract, so we are unable to help you.
    我们受到合同的约束而不能帮你。He bought a bound volume of the magazine.
    他买了一本该杂志的合订本。用作不及物动词(vi.)The dog bounded down the hill.
    狗跳跃着朝山下跑去。Polly came bounding into the room holding a letter.
    波利手上拿着一封信,蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了房间。He predicted that the stock market would be sure to bound ahead.
    他预测股市肯定会一路猛涨。用作名词(n.)With one bound, he was over the wall.
    他纵身一跃就跳过了墙。He reached popularity at a bound, while still a youth.
    当他还很年轻的时候,就一举成名了。I will try my best within the bound of my abilities.
    我将在我的能力范围内竭尽全力。There are no bounds to his ambition.
    他的野心是无止境的。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Rubber balls can be made to bound.
    可以使橡皮球弹回。Her heart bounded when she heard the news.
    她听到那消息时,心跳了起来。The little horse is bounding.
    小马在跳跃。S+~+to- vThe little girl came bounding to meet her mother.
    这个小女孩连蹦带跳地来迎接她的妈妈。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.You should bound your desires by reason.
    你应以理性来限制你的欲望。The teacher asked the students to bound Asia.
    老师要学生划出亚洲的边界。Canada bounds the United States on the north.
    加拿大与美国北部接壤。1Our ideas are bounded by the experience.
    我们的思想受到经验的限制。用作名词(n.)He cleared the wall in one bound.
    他一跳就越过了那道墙。The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.
    国王在其王国的疆界之内维持着秩序。His impudence exceeds all bounds.
    他无耻至极。There are no bounds to his ambition.
    他的野心没有止境。用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.He kicked at the bound prisoner.
    他朝那被绑着的囚犯踢了一脚。用作表语S+be+~This ship is homeward bound.
    这艘船是在归航。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe was bound by his promise.
    他受到自己诺言的约束。He is bound by the terms of the contract.
    他受到合约条款的约束。She is bound to her family.
    她被家庭束缚住了。The plane is bound for Tokyo.
    这架飞机飞往东京。Train is bound from Shanghai to Nanjing.
    这班火车是从上海开往南京的。S+be+~+(in sth) to- vI do not feel bound to give you everything you want.
    我觉得没有义务来满足你要的一切。He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.
    他在事业上一定会成功。He is bound in duty to obey.
    他有义务服从。We are bound in honor to help the flood victims.
    bound about( v.+adv. )
      到处跳 jump off here and there
      bound about

      The dog was bounding about.


    bound away( v.+adv. )
      跳跃着离开 move by leaps
      bound away

      The little boy bounded away.


    bound back( v.+adv. )
      弹回; 跳跃前进 bounce; move by leaps
      bound back

      The ball struck the wall and bounded back to me.


      Inflation will bound back upwards next year.


    bound down1( v.+adv. )
      跳下 jump down
      bound down

      Big rocks were bounding down.


    bound down2( v.+prep. )
      沿…滚下 roll down
      bound down sth

      The balls were bounding down the step.


    bound from( v.+prep. )
      从…跳,从…弹回 bounce from; move by leaps
      bound from sth

      Goats can bound from rock to rock.


      The ball bounded from the wall.


    bound on( v.+prep. )
      扑向 jump to sb
      bound on sth

      The leopard bounded on the prey.


    bound off( v.+adv. )
      跳开 jump away
      bound off

      Goats were bounding off in all directions.


    bound up( v.+prep. )
      跃上 move by leaps
      bound up sth

      He bounded up the step with vigour.


    bound with( v.+prep. )
      因…跳动 leap for (some) reason
      bound with sth

      Her heart bounded with joy.


    beyond the bounds of
      超出…的范围 exceed the limits
    by leaps and bounds
    know no bounds
      不知限量 can not be limited
    out of bounds to
      禁止某人入内 (of a place) not to be entered or visited (by sb)
    bound up in
      忙于某事的,热衷于某事物的 very busy with sth
    bound up with
      与某事物关系密切的 closely connected with sth
    I'll be bound
      我确信 I feel sure
    词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+副词bound swiftly迅速地跑跳着bound away跳着跑开bound back(球)弹回~+介词bound down the hillside从山坡上滚下来bound on在…接界bound on the north by Canada北边与加拿大接壤bound to与…接界bound with joy(心)因高兴怦怦直跳用作名词 (n.)动词+~exceed the bound超出…范围pass the bound超出…范围形容词+~violent bound猛跳介词+~at bound一跃beyond bound超出…的范围by leaps and bound飞快地on bound在弹起时on sb's bound在某人的宅界out of bound出界,不可能,禁止用作形容词 (adj.)~+副词bound up忙于…,热衷于…~+介词bound for开往…bound from...to从…开往…bound in duty有义务必须做bound on a journey在旅行途中bound to被束缚在经典引文

    A band of war Has for two days been ready boune.

    出自:Sir W. Scott

    He shall..bound his Reign With earth's wide bounds.


    His views were not bounded by any narrow ideas of expediency.

    出自:A. B. Jamesonbound的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)bound用作动词作“跳跃”解时,指水平向前地、快速连续地跳跃,强调由此获得的冲力,暗含精神上的轻松与活力之意。adj.(形容词)bound用作形容词时与bind的过去分词同形,基本意思是“被捆绑的,被束缚的”,常引申表示“受约束的”“有义务的”,指有法律责任或有义务做某事bound还可作“一定的,必定的”“去,准备去”解,只用作表语。作“一定的,必定的”解时,其后常接动词不定式,不跟to短语;作“去;准备去”解时常跟for短语表示目的地。bound后可接不定式,原在英国表示“将不得不……”,在美国表示“决意……”解。如今,两国人都将其解释为“一定将……”。

    It is bound to rain.

    表示开往某地,仅有目的地时,用be bound for,后接目的地。表示从某地开往某地,出发地和目的地都有时,用be bound。

    The ship is bound from Qingdao to Shanghai.

    bound, hop, jump, leap, skip, spring这组词都可以表示“跳”。其区别是:jump表示从地面或其他平面上跳起或跳下,也可指从一点跳过另一点,即垂直方向,是最普通用词。bound多用以表示“跳着往前运动”,即水平方向,强调跳动的连续性。例如:A herd of antelope bound gracefully across the plain.一群羚羊优雅地跳过了平地。leap则强调腾空跳起或跳至某地点,即从一点越过相当距离跳到另一点,暗示动作优美、轻捷,含有“连跑带跳”的意思。例如:She leaped lightly to the opposite bank of the stream.她轻盈地跳到小溪的对岸去了。spring指突然而迅速地从某处跳起,强调跳得轻、快或突然,给人一种弹性感。例如:He sprang to his feet.他突然一跃而起。skip指轻快地跳,两脚相互交叉地跳。例如:The children skipped down the street to the sweet shop.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地上街买糖去了。hop用于人时,指单足跳; 用于动物时,指所有的足一齐跳。例如:The wounded soldier hopped across the street.受伤的士兵跳过了大街。
    bound, frontier这两个词都指“分界线”。frontier指一个国家邻近另一个国家边境的领土或未开发的地区、领域; bound可指国家、地区等的“边界”,也可指思想领域、法律、科学界等的“界线”“限制”“限制范围”。
    bounds, border, boundary, limit这组词都有“疆界”“边境”“界限”的意思。与boundary和border相比, limit是最普通用词,含意较广,可用于任何最外面的限度、范围、分界等; bounds通常表示的不是看得见的边界(线),而是用于比喻意义,指人的行为; boundary主要用来指领土,尤其是地图上表示的边界、分界线,也可用来比喻知识、欲望等抽象事物的界限; border通常强调两个地区之间的边境,指沿分界线一带的土地。
    bound, confine, limit参见confine条。
    词源解说☆ 1580年左右进入英语,直接源自法语的bondir,意为回声,响应;最初源自古法语的bondir,意为跳跃。bound的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】v.leapjumpspringadj.certainsuretieddestined foron the way【反义词】adj.avoidablefreeunsure临近单词boundarybouncyBoundyboundsBoundakbounderboundryboundedBoundioboundenBoundjibound by