
clean 基本词汇 英 [kliːn]   [kliːn]    
  • cleanablecleanercleanestcleannesscleanedcleanedcleaningcleansnewclean的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义adj.(形容词)清白的干净的,清洁的,爱干净的干净利落的纯洁的,无色情的,不淫猥的完全的,彻底的,十足的无放射性尘埃的,未染污的巧妙的,高明的正直的,正派的光明正大的,不作弊的未使用过的adv.(副词)干净地,清洁地,整洁地,整齐地彻底地,完全地,全然地,整个地,全部,统统,十分巧妙地,熟练地干净利落地,一干二净一古脑儿地径直全盘招供,和盘托出纯洁地n.(名词)打扫,去垢,清扫,清洁击球员以安全打把垒上全部跑垒员带回本垒得分v.(动词)扫除,(被)打扫,把...收拾干净,被弄干净,使...干净,变干净,清洁,清理,搞清洁卫生,做清洁工作,打扫房屋弄清楚洗涤把...擦干净,擦亮刷收清搬空除去…的灰尘,去除...的污垢,为...清除污物清除内脏清除不必要的人,裁减使净化使成为空(白)的,出空,剥光把鱼去鳞,把(鸡)去毛开膛使输得精光,使一文不名耗尽(常与out连用)提铃至胸下蹲翻双解释义adj.(形容词)清洁的,干净的; 无病菌的,纯净的 free from dirt; free from bacteria or anything impure新的,未用过的 fresh; not yet used正派的; 诚实的; 纯洁的; 正大光明的 morally or sexually pure; fair or honest; not disobeying rules or laws整齐的; 表面光滑的; 规则的; 匀称的 having a smooth edge or surface; even; regularadv.(副词)完全地,彻底地 completelyv.(动词)vt. & vi. 使清洁; 变干净 make (sth) clean or free of dirt; become clean英英释义Noun:a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead

    Adjective:free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits;

    "children with clean shining faces"
    "clean white shirts"
    "clean dishes"
    "a spotlessly clean house"
    "cats are clean animals"

    free of restrictions or qualifications;

    "a clean bill of health"
    "a clear winner"

    (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;

    "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"
    "clear laughter like a waterfall"
    "clear reds and blues"
    "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"

    free from impurities;

    "clean water"
    "fresh air"

    (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense;

    "a clean voting record"
    "a clean driver's license"

    ritually clean or pure

    not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination;

    "a clean fuel"
    "cleaner and more efficient engines"
    "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean"

    (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers;

    "good clean fun"
    "a clean joke"

    free from sepsis or infection;

    "a clean (or uninfected) wound"

    morally pure;

    "led a clean life"

    (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections;

    "fair copy"
    "a clean manuscript"

    (of a surface) not written or printed on;

    "blank pages"
    "fill in the blank spaces"
    "a clean page"
    "wide white margins"

    exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play;

    "a clean fight"
    "a sporting solution of the disagreement"
    "sportsmanlike conduct"

    without difficulties or problems;

    "a clean test flight"

    thorough and without qualification;

    "a clean getaway"
    "a clean sweep"
    "a clean break"

    not carrying concealed weapons

    free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed;

    "he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek"
    "a clean throw"
    "the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife"

    free of drugs;

    "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years"

    Adverb:completely; used as intensifiers;

    "clean forgot the appointment"
    "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"

    in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating;

    "they played fairly"

    Verb:make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from;

    "Clean the stove!"
    "The dentist cleaned my teeth"

    remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits;

    "Clean the turkey"

    clean and tidy up the house;

    "She housecleans every week"

    clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing;

    "clean up before you see your grandparents"
    "clean your fingernails before dinner"

    be cleanable;

    "This stove cleans easily"

    deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.;

    "The other players cleaned him completely"

    remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely;

    "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"
    "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"

    remove while making clean;

    "Clean the spots off the rug"

    remove unwanted substances from

    remove shells or husks from;

    "clean grain before milling it"

    clean的用法和样例:例句用作形容词(adj.)You must keep your clothes clean.
    你必须保持衣着整洁。I'll let you use my bike on condition that you keep it clean.
    如果你能保持车子干净,我就让你用我的自行车。Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning.
    米老鼠从一开始就是一只纯洁的老鼠。President Bush writes a personal letter to Kim, in essence entreating him to come clean on his nuclear program so we can proceed to full normalization.
    布什总统给金正日写了一封私人信件,主要是要求他澄清核项目,这样我们可以和他们继续推进完全的正常化关系。We want you to be a good boy, and live a clean, righteous life.
    我们希望你是个好孩子,过纯洁而正当的生活。用作副词(adv.)I clean forgot about it.
    我完全忘记了这件事。用作名词(n.)The housewife always keeps the sink clean.
    主妇总是保持水槽的清洁。Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing.
    清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。用作动词(v.)Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.
    请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。The mayor is determined to clean up the city.
    市长决心清除市内的不良现象。 常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.Cats are very clean animals.
    猫是非常干净的动物。Go down to my bedroom, and bring a clean shirt.
    下楼到我卧室去,拿一件干净的衬衣来。You must change into a clean dress before we go out.
    在我们出去以前,你必须换一件整洁的衣服。I was brought a clean plate.
    给我拿了一个干净盘子。It was a clean room.
    这是一个很整洁的房间。You'd better wrap a clean cloth around your wound in the arm till the wound closes.
    你最好用干净布把臂上的伤口裹严。Please fetch me a clean handkerchief from my bedroom.
    请你从我卧室拿一条干净的手帕来。A blunt knife won't make a clean cut.
    钝刀子切不匀称。It is good to suck in such clean fresh air for a change.
    换换环境,呼吸呼吸新鲜的空气,太好了。Don't worry about it; it's all good clean fun!
    请放心,这是一个绝对正派、纯洁的消遣活动!They demanded the establishment of a clean government.
    他们要求建立一个廉洁的政府。用作表语S+be+~Neither hand is clean.
    两只手都不干净。The room is tidy and clean.
    这个房间整洁又干净。An unlaced shoe may be perfectly clean, but is not tidy.
    未系鞋带的鞋可能是很干净的,但不能算是整齐的。His record is clean.
    他历史清白。I'm not worried about the investigation because my hands are totally clean.
    我不担心调查,因为我完全清白。用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~You should keep the machine thoroughly clean.
    你应该保持机器的绝对清洁。Be careful to keep your clothes clean.
    小心不要弄脏衣服。I washed my sheet clean yesterday.
    昨天我把床单洗干净了。It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath; it makes me feel so much cleaner.
    在热水澡盆里用海绵擦洗真舒服,它使我感觉清爽多了。Keep your language clean!
    不要出口污言!用作副词(adv.)用作状语I clean forgot about it.
    我把它完全忘记了。I clean forgot to ask him about it.
    我完全忘了向他打听那件事。He clean forgot it was her birthday.
    那天是她的生日,可他忘得一干二净。The room must be clean swept.
    这屋子必须彻底打扫。The plan didn't work because it cut clean across the will of the masses.
    那个计划完全违背了群众的意愿,因而行不通。The arrow flew clean to the center of the target.
    箭不偏不歪,恰好射中靶中心。The prisoner got clean away and never seen again.
    囚犯逃得无影无踪,再也没有看见他。You are clean wrong.
    你完全错了。To make such a portrait is clean impossible.
    画这样一个肖像完全不可能。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The new rifle cleans easily.
    新步枪容易擦干净。A porcelain sink cleans easily.
    瓷水槽容易弄干净。These pots clean easily.
    这些罐子很容易擦干净。I'm going to clean this morning.
    今天早晨我要去搞清洁工作。Please don't leave your clothes lying about the room; it makes it difficult to clean.
    请不要把衣服乱丢在房间里,这样很难洗涤。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Please clean the blackboard.
    请擦一下黑板。Use a moist, not damp cloth to clean the table.
    用一块微干而不是潮湿的抹布将桌子抹干净。He wrote some letters, then he cleaned the car.
    他写了几封信,然后清洗汽车。She cleaned two of the bedrooms in the morning.
    她上午打扫了两间卧室。She spent a profitable day cleaning the house thoroughly.
    这一天她过得很有成效,彻底清扫了房子。She was beating the rug to clean it.
    她在敲打毛毯使其干净。The worker's work 我为你翻山越岭却无心看风景是什么意思?急于找到你,来到你的身边,以至于在路途上没看风景的心情!所爱隔山海,山海皆可平。我跟你隔着山山水水,它们都很美,路上遇到的人也很可爱,但是一想到路的那头有你,我就无心停下来赏花观水,那些想跟我交流的人我也不去搭理。is to clean the chimneys for people.
    那工人的工作是给人们清扫烟囱。She cleans her nails with a nailbrush every week.
    她每星期用指甲刷把自己的指甲弄干净。1The kitchen was cleaned to perfection.
    厨房打扫得干干净净。The house had been cleaned after a fashion.
    这所房子马马虎虎地打扫了一下。Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.
    as clean as a whistle
      非常干净的 very clean
    clean bill of health
      无罪的证明 innocent certificate
    come clean
      〈非正〉坦白承认 admit truthfully
    keep one's nose clean
      安分守己 stay out of trouble
    live a clean life
      过正派清白的生活 be blameless
    make a clean breast of
      坦白交代 make a full confession of
    make a clean sweep
      彻底清除 dispose of (everything)
    clean through
      穿过,穿透 right through; without obstruction
    clean away( v.+adv. )
      除去 remove (dirt, etc.)
      clean sth ⇔ away

      Do you think we can clean away all these finger marks?


    clean down( v.+adv. )
      把…洗干净 wash out thoroughly
      clean sth ⇔ down

      He spent a whole afternoon cleaning the whole house down.


      We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting.


      I'm going to clean down the car this afternoon.


      I want you to clean down the top of that wooden table until I can eat my dinner off it.


    clean of( v.+prep. )
      把(斑点、污渍等)从(某物)上清除掉 wash (sth) clean of (marks, dirt, etc.)
      clean sth of sth

      Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks?


      She felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hand of the blood.


    clean off( v.+adv. )
      除去 remove (dirt, especially surface dirt)
      clean off

      I hope these black marks will clean off.


      clean sth ⇔ off

      I hope I shall be able to clean off these black marks.


    clean out( v.+adv. )
      离开 leave (usually in a hurry)
      clean sth ⇔ out

      He cleans out his desk drawers every now and then.


      Clean out your desk.


      clean sb/sth ⇔ out

      He cleaned out his room.


      I need some to help in cleaning out the animal shelter.


      Why don't you clean out your handbag?


      clean sb/sth ⇔ out

      The manager cleaned out inefficient personnel.


      clean sb/sth out of sth

      The new mayor promised to clean the crooks out of the city government.


      Inefficient personnel were cleaned out of the management.


      clean sb/sth ⇔ out

      We played cards and he cleaned me out.


      I've no more savings now, buying the TV has cleaned me out.


      She cleaned out her savings in a short time.


      The robbers cleaned the bank out, and got away with £100,000.


      I'm cleaned out after last night's heavy spending.


      Another jeweler's was cleaned out of all its stock on Saturday night.


      clean out

      The thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out.


    clean up( v.+adv. )
      (给自己)洗脸〔洗手,洗澡〕 get (oneself) washed
      clean up

      This room needs cleaning up.


      As soon as I finish cleaning up,I'll join you.


      You should always clean up after a picnic.


      clean up for sth

      Boys and girls, clean up for dinner.


      clean sth ⇔ up

      Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.


      They are cleaning up the house before moving in.


      He has cleaned up the room.


      It's your turn to clean up the bedroom.


      Tell him to clean the table up.


      He cleaned the paper and rubbish up on the floor.


      clean sth ⇔ up

      The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market.


      They cleaned up a tidy sum by selling their tickets at a high price just before the concert.


      clean up on sth

      The company cleaned up on its recent business arrangement.


      clean sb/sth ⇔ up

      They fought bravely to clean up the bandits.


      They left a company behind to clean up the last enemy positions.


      clean up on sb

      The boxer cleaned up on his opponent.


      Far from welcoming criticism, he did all he could to clean up on his critics.


      clean sth ⇔ up

      They clean up old debts.


      They clean up pending cases.


      clean sth ⇔ up

      The mayor tried to clean up the city, but to no avail. Criminal activities were still everywhere and the crime rate was still high.


      clean up

      Wait for me. I have to clean up.


      I'll have to clean up and change clothes before I go to that party.


      When he cleaned up, we could hardly recognize him.


      clean oneself up

      Just give me ten minutes to clean myself up; I'm covered in oil.


    词汇搭配用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词clean clothes干净的衣服clean copy誊清的稿件clean night明亮的夜晚clean proof(印刷)清样clean sheet干净的床单clean sweep大胜,全胜副词+~neatly clean整洁thoroughly clean绝对清洁用作动词 (v.)~+名词clean a wall of paint去掉墙上的油漆clean a wound把伤口洗净clean fish把鱼拾掇干净clean flues打扫烟道clean fowl把家禽拾掇干净clean game把猎物拾掇干净clean grain把谷物里的杂物去掉,扬场clean one's shoes把鞋子刷干净clean the blackboard把黑板擦干净clean the classroom打扫教室clean the slate勾销往事,了结义务clean vegetables洗菜clean weapons擦拭武器~+副词clean generally大扫除clean indifferently漫不经心地打扫clean industriously勤劳地清理clean orally口头上清理clean passably擦得尚干净clean scientifically有条理地打扫clean spotlessly极为清洁clean thoroughly彻底弄干净clean away清除clean down刷干净clean down the dirt扫下脏东西clean off清除clean off a blackboard把黑板擦干净clean out清理,清除,除掉clean out one's desk drawers清理书桌的抽屉clean out the animal shelter清理畜生棚clean out the store将商店洗劫一空clean up a city清扫城市clean up on胜过,击败clean up the movies清除电影中的色情镜头经典引文

    All of Diamond perfect pure and cleene.

    出自:Spenserclean的详细讲解:词语用法adj.(形容词)clean用作形容词的基本意思是“清洁的,干净的”,指实际上无污垢的人或物,也可作“新的,未用过的”“正派的; 诚实的; 纯洁的; 正大光明的”“整齐的; 表面光滑的; 规则的; 匀称的”等解。clean在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。clean的比较级是cleaner,最高级是cleanest。adv.(副词)clean的基本意思是“完全,彻底”,表示程度,在句中可用作状语,修饰形容词、副词、介词及它前面或后面的动词。clean的比较级是cleaner,最高级是cleanest。v.(动词)clean用作动词的基本意思是“使清洁; 变干净”,指通过洗、扫、掸等手段以清除异物,引申可作“清扫”解。clean可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,跟名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,意思是“洗净,打扫干净”,有时主动形式可表示被动意义。clean of表示“洗去…”; 接out,可以表示“打垮”,为美国俚语; 接up作“收拾整洁; 打扫,整顿”解,后面可以接要被清扫掉的物体,也可以接要使之干净、整洁的对象,在口语中,可以表示“发财”。词义辨析adj.(形容词)
    clean, cleanly这两个形容词的共同意思是“干净的”“整洁的”“整齐的”。其区别在于:clean意为“干净的”“清洁的”,强调没有尘污,从没用过或清洗后还没用过等情况,强调的是即时状态; cleanly强调某物是“一贯清洁的”,某人是“爱清洁的”,强调的是“经常性”。例如:It was a cleanly house.这是一间一直很清洁的房子。
    clean, tidy这两个形容词的共同意思是“干净的”“整洁的”“整齐的”。其区别在于:clean指没有尘污,从没用过或清洗后还没用过等情况; tidy表示整齐、有秩序、井井有条,也指有清洁习惯或把一间小屋子布置得清清爽爽。例如:He is very tidy and never goes out without combing his hair.他很爱整洁,每次外出都要梳理一下头发。
    clean, clearclear和clean的意思不同。clear的意思是“清澈”,指没有什么障碍物挡住视线;而clean的意思是“清洁的”。clear water意思是“清澈的水”,表示一眼望到底;而clean water意思是“清洁的水”,吃了不会生病。clean能修饰classroom等不透明物,而clear不能。
    clean, cleanlyclean和cleanly用作副词时意思并不相同,前者意为“完全地,彻底”,后者则是“干净利落地”“准确无误地”。例如:He caught the ball cleanly.他准确地接住了球。The knife doesn't cut cleanly through the meat.这刀切肉不利落。
    clean, cleanse这两个动词都可表示“使清洁,使干净”。其区别在于:clean是常用的普通词,指将某物或某处的污物、污垢清除掉; cleanse通常指用化学方法或用别的技术,如清洗剂等使之干净,为古英语用法。
    clean, sweep, wipe这三个词都有“清理,清扫”的意思。其区别是:sweep用在“打扫房间,拖擦地板”的场合,含有“扫在一起后把它清除掉”的意味; clean指“擦洗,去掉污垢”,并不注重采用何种手段; wipe多指“用布轻轻地”擦。
    下面各短语的意思有些不同:clean a bedroom 把卧室打扫干净clean down a bedroom 彻底打扫卧室clean out a bedroom 把卧室弄干净clean up a bedroom 把卧室收拾整齐
    clean,cleanse这两个单词的拼写非常相近,且都包含动词"净"的意思。clean意思是“使洁净”、“把...去垢”(to make clean by washing,dusting,sweeping or brushing)。如:to clean a dress,room,hand,shoe,watch等。cleanse意思是“清洗干净”,“使...纯洁”(to make thoroughly clean or make pure)。为此,cleanse含有“彻底洗清”之意味,语义比clean强得多。clean和cleanse的另一区别是前者为一般用语;后者是正式的(formal)或古旧的用语,有时它还能用于比喻意义,例如to cleanse one's soul洗涤心灵;to cleanse the heart of sin 洗心革面;ethnic cleansing 种族清洗/灭绝。
    词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的clne,意为清洁,纯洁。clean的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】adj.cleardustlessimmaculateunsoiledunstainedadv.completelyentirelyv.cleansedustmoprinsescoursweepvacuumwashwipedecontaminatepurifysterilize【反义词】adj.contaminateddirtyimpureindecentpollutedsoiledv.pollutesoil临近单词cleanlyclaycleansCleantecleanceCleantocleanercleancutcleanesscleanersCleandercleanish