
chair 基本词汇 英 [tʃeə(r)]   [tʃer]    
    n.椅子;(会议的)主席vt.主持;当 ... 的主席
  • chairedchairedchairingchairsnewchair的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)椅子主席(席位)大学教授的职位<美口>电椅<旧>轿子讲座议长,会长总统的职位市长职位【铁路】轨座【矿】罐座垫板【天】星座委员长(职位)v.(动词)使入座,使就座,使坐下使就任要职, 使就职,使就位任主席,当 ... 的主席<英>将(比赛、选举等中的获胜者)高高抬着走主持(会议)双解释义n.(名词)[C]椅子 moveable seat with a back and sometimes with arms, for one person to sit on[C]大学教授职位 position of a university professor; professorship[U]主持会议的主席(的席位或职位) (position of the) person in charge of a meetingv.(动词)vt. 主持 act as a chairman of (sth)vt. 把得胜者高高抬起 carry sb who has won sth in a sitting position on the shoulders of a group英英释义Noun:a seat for one person, with a support for the back;

    "he put his中出是什么意思?中出一词来源于日本教育向爱情动作影片,“中出しnaka dashi”是一个表示溢出的动词,指不戴安全套就内射的行为。词义上来说,中出偏向于男方在女方反对或不愿意的情况下强行进行,有一定强迫意味。 coat over the back of the chair and sat down"

    the position of professor;

    "he was awarded an endowed chair in economics"

    the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization;

    "address your remarks to the chairperson"

    an instrument of execution by electrocution; resembles an ordinary seat for one person;

    "the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair"

    a particular seat in an orchestra;

    "he is second chair violin"

    Verb:act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university;

    "She chaired the department for many years"

    preside over;

    "John moderated the discussion"

    chair的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)Her hands rested on the arms of her chair.
    她的双手搁在椅子的扶手上。He sat in a chair near the door.
    他坐在靠门的一把椅子上。Mr Smith will take the chair at the next meeting.
    下次会议将由史密斯先生主持。He was elected chair of the city council.
    他当选为市议会主席。用作及物动词(vt.)I'd like you to chair the meeting.
    我想请你主持会议。The teacher appointed her to chair the class meeting.
    老师指定她主持班务会。Take the chair for the papers by Cunin and Cronan.
    担任库宁和克罗兰等论文讨论会的主席。She takes the chair in all our meetings.
    她担任我们一切会议的主席。 常见句型用作名词(n.)He drew a chair near her.
    他把一张椅子拖到她的身边。Arrange the chairs in couples.
    把椅子一对对地排好。There weren't enough chairs so that I had to sit on the floor.
    椅子不够,我得坐在地板上。He got the chair for killing the old lady.
    他因杀害那位老太太而上了电椅。She sat in a low chair by the fire, reading a novel.
    她坐在炉边的一张矮椅子里,读着一本小说。I sat down on a green chair.
    我在一张绿色椅子上坐下来。This chair belongs in the living room.
    这把椅子适合放在起居室里。The chair belongs in the corner.
    这把椅子应放在角落里。This chair belongs with the others upstairs.
    这把椅子和楼上的那些同属一类。The disposal of the chairs along the sides of the hall left plenty of space for dancing in the middle.
    把椅子沿墙排列到大厅当中,就腾出了足够的地方跳舞。This chair is calling for order.
    主席叫大家遵守秩序。The chair sternly rebuked the audience for their laughter.
    主席厉声斥责听众哄笑。A woman rose to address the chair.
    一位妇女站起来对主席讲话。He was offered the Chair of the department.
    他被选为“系主任”。He was endowed the Chair of English grammar.
    他被授予英语语法教授职位。She still keeps the Chair of French literature.
    她仍担任法国文学教授。I have to attend the Chair of Philosophy.
    我还要听哲学讲座。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He chaired the meeting last night.
    他昨晚主持了会议。1The commission of inquiry was chaired by a well-known judge.
    调查委员会主席由一位著名的法官担任。The successful candidate was chaired by his supporters.
    fall off one's chair
      大吃一惊 be very surprised
    take the chair〔be in the chair〕
      主持会议,担任主席 be charge of the meeting
    chair off (v.+prep.)
      抬着走出 carry sb to go away
      chair sb off sth

      The winning team chaired their captain off the field.


    chair round (v.+prep.)
      抬着绕一圈 carry sb to go around
      chair sb round sth

      When he won the race, his supporters chaired him round the field.


    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~appoint a chair任命主席get the chair被处(坐电椅)死刑give up a chair放弃大学教授的职位go to the chair被处(坐电椅)死刑hold the chair of担任主席职务keep one's chair保持住主席职务leave the chair结束主席会议make a chair制作椅子manufacture a chair制作椅子move a chair移动椅子resign a chair辞去主席职务set chair安放椅子take a chair坐上椅子take the chair当主席,主持会议形容词+~rotating chair转椅antique chair古式椅子broken chair破椅子comfortable chair舒适的椅子easy chair安乐椅electric chair电椅(处死刑用)empty chair没人坐的椅子,空坐椅hard chair硬椅子rocking chair摇椅soft chair软椅子editorial chair主编的职位professional chair业务讲座名词+~arm chair扶手椅baby chair婴儿坐椅beach chair海滨躺椅camp chair〈英〉轻便折椅cane chair藤椅comfort chair安乐椅double chair双人椅kitchen chair厨房里用的椅子leather chair皮椅living-room chair起居室的椅子spring-seat chair弹簧坐椅the witness chair证人席university chair大学教授职位wheel chair轮椅介词+~dismiss sb from his chair解除某人的主席职务rise from one's chair从椅子上站起sit in a chair坐在椅子上sink into a chair瘫坐在椅子上be on the chair在任职appeal to the chair请主席裁决~+介词chair of English phonetics英语语言学讲座chair of oak橡木椅子用作动词 (v.)~+名词chair a discussion主持讨论chair a meeting主持会议chair an evening banquet and after-dinner program主持晚宴和饭后节目~+介词chair off扛着走出chair sb off the field扛着…走出场地chair round抬着绕一周chair sb round the field抬着某人绕场一周chair的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)chair的基本意思是“椅子”,指有靠背,有时还有扶手的单人椅。引申可指“坐在椅子上的”会议主席、大学教授职位。在大学里,设立、保持、得到、辞掉一个讲座也用chairchair作“会议主席,大学教授”等职位解时,须与the 连用,首字母通常用大写。用作主语时,其谓语动词常用单数形式。take a chair表示“请坐”, take the chair表示“主席就位,主持会议”。v.(动词)chair用作动词时表示“主持”,还可表示“把得胜者高高抬起”。chair是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。词义辨析n.(名词)
    sit in a chair, sit on a chair这二者都表示“坐在椅子上”,不过后者往往指坐在较大、较深的椅子里。例如:A man was sitting in a chair by a great stove.大火炉旁边的安乐椅里躺着一个人。
    chair, chairman, chairperson这三者都有“主席,议长”的意思, chair的基本意思是“椅子”; chairman常指男性,但也可指女性; chairperson是女权运动者为避免过分强调男性作用,提高妇女地位而创出的新词,本词适用于不知主席性别的情况下。另外,女主席喜欢称自己是chairperson; 有些人为了避免涉及性别问题,可以用chair。例如:Who is the chair?谁是主席?A chairperson will be appointed.主席将被任命。
    chair, bench, seat, sofa这四个词所指并不相同:bench指长凳,可有背,也可无背; chair指有背的单人椅; seat指固定在汽车、火车、飞机、轮船,剧院、礼堂里的座位; sofa则指沙发。
    词源解说☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的chaiere;最初源自拉丁语的cathedra,意为座位,椅子。chair的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】n.benchseatstoolcouch临近单词chairmanchainChairyChairojChairayChairouChairulchairmenchairbedchairliftChairallachairamin