
below 基本词汇 英 [bɪ'ləʊ]   [bɪ'loʊ]    
    prep.低于;在 ... 下面adv.在下面;向下
  • newbelow的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义prep.(介词)低于,劣于,少于,不及在...的下游有失...的身分无...的价值在…下面,在...以下,在...之下,到...下面,去...下面在…掩饰之下在…背后adv.(副词)在下面,在下方,到下面,向下在下游在楼下在甲板下在水面下在下级,在某一级以下在本页下面<书>在尘世上<口>在零下(温度)在地上在下界,在地狱中在地下双解释义prep.(介词)(表示位置)在…下面,低于 in a low place than; on a lower level than(表示状态)在…掩饰之下,在…背后 behind sth(表示比较)不及,劣于; 低于 inferior to(表示方位)在…以南,在…的南面 in southadv.(副词)在下面,到下面 in a lower place, on a lower level, or at a lower position英英释义Adverb:in or to a place that is lower

    at a later place;

    "see below"

    (in writing) see below;

    "vide infra"

    on a floor below;

    "the tenants live downstairs"

    further down;

    "see under for further discussion"

    below的用法和样例:例句用作介词(prep.)His income is well below the average.
    他的收入大大低于平均水平。The class has dropped below ten students this year.
    今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。Please do not write below this line.
    请不要写到这条线下面。用作副词(adv.)The information below was compiled by our correspondent.
    以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。The captain told the sailors to go below.
    船长叫水手们下到舱里去。 常见句型用作介词(prep.)He waited below her window until she opened it and spoke to him.
    他在窗下一直等到她开窗和他讲话。The temperature is below freezing.
    温度低于冰点。I don't know the real reason below the mass of pretexts.
    我不知道在一大堆借口掩饰之下的真正原因。A colonel is below a general.
    上校级别比将军低。He is below the average at school.
    他在学校的成绩是平均水准以下。She can't be below 50.
    她不会小于50岁。The bus stop is few yards below the post office.
    公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方。用作副词(adv.)用作状语He who would search for pearls must dive below.
    不入虎穴焉得虎子。用作后置定语I looked down at the hall below.
    我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。Write your name in the place below.
    把你的名字写在下面。用作介词宾语I heard him calling from below.
    我听见他从下面叫我。其他Below is an example of a typical business letter.
    下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。词汇搭配用作介词 (prep.)~+名词below one's breath悄悄地,低声地below par在票面价值以下below stairs在地下室,在仆人住的地方below strength不足额的below the belt不正当手段地begps是什么意思?GPS是全球定位系统Global Positioning System的缩写形式,它是一种基于卫星的定位系统,用于获得地理位置信息以及准确的通用协调时间。low the mark未达标准below the moon月下的副词+~down below在底下,在下面经典引文

    The child..leaped from her arms into the flood below.


    From below Sweet gales, as from deep gardens, blow.


    The slamming of the car doors below made them both jump.

    出自:K. Amisbelow的详细讲解:词语用法prep.(介词)below表示位置时不表示垂直关系。adv.(副词)below用作副词时常作后置定语,作状语时可修饰动态动词和静态动词。below可用作介词from的宾语,意为“从下面”。below用作副词时不用于比较等级。词义辨析prep.(介词)
    below, beneath, under, underneath这四个词均可表示“在…的下边”。under与over相对,物体之间可以互相接触,也可以有一定空间; below与above相对,物体之间不一定存在垂直的位置关系,而且互不接触; beneath的用法和under相仿,二者可互换,但under使用的频率较高; underneath表示空间位置关系时,常可用under, beneath, below替换。
    below的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】prep.beneathunderadv.beneathdownlowerunder【反义词】prep.aboveadv.above临近单词beltbelovedbelow paybelow parbelow dambelow kneebelow costbelow deckbelowdecksbelow lanebelow zerobelow norm