
beginning 基本词汇 英 [bɪ'ɡɪnɪŋ]   [bɪ'ɡɪnɪŋ]    
  • newbeginning的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)起源,发端,,开始,起始起点,开端,开头,出发点原始思想(结束的)前兆初级阶段,早期阶段开始部份,开头部分结局的开始当初端绪本原_null.动词begin的现在分词双解释义n.(名词)[C][U]开始 first part[C][U]源,根源 source; origin英英释义Noun:the event consisting of the start of something;

    "the beginning of the war"

    the time at which something is supposed to begin;

    "they got an early start"
    "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"

    the first part or section of something;

    "`It was a dark and stormy night' is a hackneyed beginning for a story"

    the place where something begins, where it springs into being;

    "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"
    "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"
    "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"
    "communism's Russian root"

    the act of starting something;

    "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"

    Adjective:serving to begin;

    "the beginning canto of the poem"
    "the first verse"

    beginning的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)The trees are just beginning to leaf.
    树刚刚开始长叶子。He was biased against the plan from the beginning.
    他从一开始就对这个计划有偏见。The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation.
    认罪是得救的开端。We have already made a good beginning.
    我们已经有了一个良好的开端。English democracy had its beginning in the Magna Charta.
    英国的民主起源於大宪章。He presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.
    他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。Fr.Sergio Ticozzi has recently finished his manuscript on the biographies of PIME fathers in Hong Kong from the very beginning of the mission.
    在香港工作的会士传记,包括最早期在香港开展传教工作的传教士之生平及工作实录。Stylistically, this image has undergone constant changes in China, beginning with a formative phase mainly relying on the stylistic influence from India.
    半跏思惟像在中国发展的进程,从早期样式化的生硬造型,一方面接受外来形式的影响,一方面又融入民族的传统理念,开始佛像民族化的进程。用作形容词(adj.)That’s why, in this beginning stage of my new habit, I've been focusing on pleasure.
    这就是为什么在我刚开始锻炼的时候,我总是把焦点放在锻炼的乐趣上。 I have some problem about efficiency in my beginning term.
    最近时间安排上有些问题,导致了效率低下。 常见句型用作名词(n.)School teaching, however good, can only make a beginning and create a desire for further advance.
    学校教育无论怎样好,只能是开一个好头,唤起学生进一步提高的愿望。He had been taken to see several of the bosses, with the result that one had promised him a job the beginning of the next week.
    他已经接受了很多个老板的面试,其中一个答应下星期初给他安排工作。That was the beginning of my troubles.
    我的麻烦开始了。I missed the beginning of the film.
    我没能看到那部影片的开头。You have the beginnings of a double chin.
    你已经开始有双下巴了。But it was only a small beginning.
    但这件事开头规模很小。Start at the beginning and play the piece again.
    从头开始,这段再弹一遍。The beginning of the trip was dull.
    旅游的一开始就很乏味。A good beginning makes a good ending.
    良好的开端创造良好的结果。It is a good beginning.
    这是个良好的开端。You've made a good beginning.
    你已经作出了良好的开端。When studying a foreign language, it is important to make a good beginning.
    当学习一种外语时,重要的是要有一个良好的开端。It was an excellent beginning of the story.
    从头讲这个故事吧。The idea of the airplane had its beginning with study of the flight of birds.
    制造飞机的想法起源于对鸟类的研究。Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
    民主制度是创始于雅典吗?Many big businesses start from small beginnings.
    很多大企业都是从小企业起步的。This industry had its beginning in 1864.
    at the beginning
      起初 in the beginning
    at the beginning of
      在…初 when sth begins
    beginning of the end
      预示结果的先兆 first clear sign of the final (and usually unfavourable) outcome
    from beginning to end
      从头至尾 from start to its end
    from the beginning
      从一开始 as soon as sth occurs
    in the beginning
      在开始时 at the time of beginning
    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)形容词+~auspicious beginning吉祥的开端every beginning每一个开端excellent beginning极好的开端favourable beginning良好的开端good beginning良好的开端hopeful beginning有希望的开端little beginning微不足道的开端modest beginning平淡无奇的开端promising beginning大有希望的开端successful beginning成功的开端suitable beginning适当的开端unpromising beginning毫无希望的开端unrecorded beginning没有记载的开端介词+~at the beginning在…开始in the beginning在…开始时~+介词beginning of…的开始beginning with在…方面的开端经典引文

    Thou o from the begynnynge.

    出自:Bible (Coverdale): Habakkuk

    If you miss, you must penalize yourself, go back to the beginning, and start again.

    出自:B. Spock

    The vexed question of whether it is possible..for time to have a beginning or ending has been debated by philosophers for over two thousand years.

    出自:P. Daviesbeginning的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)beginning的基本意思是“开始,起源”,既可指某一时间或时期的开始,又可指某一事件的开始或开端。beginning指时间或时期的开始时,通常用作不可数名词,前面有时用介词,有时不用; 指事情的开始或开端时,通常用作可数名词,常用复数beginnings,前面可用介词in。beginning可构成介词短语(如in the beginning)或短语介词(如at the beginning of),前者一般用于时间,而后者则既可用于时间,又可用于空间。from the beginning意hb是什么意思?一种硬度或灰度居中的铅笔;血红蛋白的英文缩写;生日快乐的英文缩写;网络用语中表示红包。为“从开始便……”。

    He was opposed to the plan from the beginning.

    at the beginning意为“起初”。

    He was opposed to the plan at the beginning.

    at the beginning和in the beginning用法一致,前者用得更多些,但说世界的开端时要用in。

    In the beginning there were no living creatures.

    at the beginning, from the beginning, in the beginning这组短语都有“开始”的意思。其区别是 the beginning是“起初…”,后来可能有变化; from the beginning是“从一开头便…”,并不是“后来才…”。例如:I opposed the plan at the beginning.我起初反对这个计划(也许后来不反对了)。I opposed the plan from the beginning.我一开始就反对这个计划(并不是后来才反对的)。 the beginning和in the beginning没有太大的区别, in the beginning现在用得较少。但说“世界之初”时必须用in; 而在begin at the beginning这一短语里的at不可以改为in。例如:She disliked the new house at〔in〕 the beginning.她起初不喜欢这栋新房子。They begin at the beginning.他们从头开始。In the beginning there was no air.世界之初没有空气。

    误 I have read the book from the beginning to the end.

    正 I have read the book from beginning to end.

    析 from beginning to end是固定习语,表示“从头至尾”, beginning和end之前不能加冠词。

    beginning的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】commencementemergenceinitiationoutsetstartbirthoriginrisesource【反义词】endingfinishtermination临近单词begrudgebeginnerbeginningsbeginning formbeginning stepbeginning markbeginning labelbeginning statebeginning pricebeginning eventbeginning pointbeginning stage