
card 基本词汇 英 [kɑːd]   [kɑːrd]    
    n.纸牌;卡片;名片;<口>怪人;梳理机v.把 ... 记入卡片;梳理
  • cardercardedcardedcardingcardsnewcard的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)请帖纸牌明信片,名片卡片节目单梳理机,梳棉机纸牌游戏钢丝刷硬纸板<口>引人发笑的人办法,手段,妙计入场券信用卡,现金卡,储值卡v.(动词)(纺纱前纤维)梳理,梳,刷把...记入卡片在...上附加卡片使起绒毛把...制成卡片把...列入时间表要求出示身分证备置卡片为…提供卡片记入记分卡双解释义n.(名词)[C]卡,卡片,名片 a small sheet of stiffened paper or plastic, usually with information printed on it and having various uses[C]柬帖; 明信片 a piece of stiffened paper usually with a picture on the front and a message inside, sent to a person by post on special occasions, such as a birthday or at Christmas; a postcard[C]纸牌,扑克牌 any of a set of 52 small sheets of stiffened paper marked to show their number and the class they belong to, and used for various games[C]办法,手段,妙计 sth such as a very effective argument or course of action, which gives one an advantage and which one keeps often secretly until the right moment英英释义Noun:one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes;

    "he collected cards and traded them with the other boys"

    a card certifying the identity of the bearer;

    "he had to show his card to get in"

    a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures);

    "they sent us a card from Miami"

    thin cardboard, usually rectangular

    a witty amusing person who makes jokes

    a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;

    "a poster advertised the coming attractions"

    a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited

    (golf) a record of scores (as in golf);

    "you have to turn in your card to get a handicap"

    a list of dishes available at a restaurant;

    "the menu was in French"

    (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat;

    "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"

    a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities

    Verb:separate the fibers of;

    "tease wool"

    ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to co中出是什么意思?中出一词来源于日本教育向爱情动作影片,“中出しnaka dashi”是一个表示溢出的动词,指不戴安全套就内射的行为。词义上来说,中出偏向于男方在女方反对或不愿意的情况下强行进行,有一定强迫意味。nsume liquor;

    "I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!"

    card的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)They play cards every Friday.
    他们每个星期五玩纸牌。No one understood how I did the card trick.
    谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。I have received eleven Christmas cards by now.
    到现在为止,我已经收到了十一张圣诞卡片。He listed all the members' names on the card.
    他把所有会员的名字都记在卡片上。Will you take my card and ask if he can see me?
    您可以拿着我的名片,问他可不可以见我吗?Here is my business card and my address is on it.
    这是我的名片,上面有我的地址。Bertie's quite a card.
    伯蒂真是个怪人。You can brush with a card.
    你可以用梳理机刷。 常见句型用作名词(n.)A piece of paper was folded in the card.
    有一张纸叠在卡片中。He was down on all cards at the middle of the tenth round.
    到第十回合的中途,他在所有裁判记录卡上分数还是落后。I contrasted Fair's report card with Dan's to show him how poorly he was doing.
    我把费尔的成绩单同丹的做一对比,以示他的成绩多么坏。This is my visiting card.
    这是我的名片。He was jailed for doctoring his draft card.
    他因篡改征兵证而被捕入狱。The policeman demanded to see their identity cards.
    警察要看他们的身份证。The proposal to introduce identity cards flies in the face of so many British political traditions.
    采用身份证的建议公然违反了英国诸多的政治传统。He was lucky at cards.
    他的牌运好。He was asked to resign from the club when he was discovered cheating at cards.
    人们发现他在玩纸牌时作弊,就要求他退出那个俱乐部。Who dealt the cards?
    是谁发的牌?It's your turn to deal the cards.
    轮到你发牌了。He fanned out the cards in his hand.
    他把手中的纸牌呈扇形展开。Don't play cards with him. He always cheats.
    不要和他打牌,他老是作弊。The train trip was long and tiring, but we killed time by playing cards.
    这趟火车旅程又远又累,所以我们靠打牌来消磨时间。We played cards and he cleaned me out.
    我们玩了纸牌,他把我的钱全赢去了。I don't drink and I've never played cards.
    我不喝酒,也从不打牌。The child tried to build a house of cards but it soon fell over.
    这孩子试着用牌搭一所房子,可是它一会儿就倒坍了。In bridge, each player is dealt thirteen cards.
    在桥牌游戏中,每位牌手拿到13张牌。Before we start the card game, let's draw for partners.
    打牌前,先让我们抽牌来选定伙伴。I sent her a sympathy card when she was in hospital.
    她住医院的时候,我给她寄去了一张慰问卡。My brother forgot to buy his wife a birthday card but managed to carry it off by taking her out for an expensive meal.
    我兄弟忘了给妻子买生日卡,但他把她带出去美餐了一顿,成功地把这件事解决了。Things look bad for them, but they still have a few cards up their sleeve.
    a big card
      风云人物 a very important person in a special history period
    a sure card
      万全之策 the best method
    ask for one's cards
      要求辞职 ask for leaving the job
    chuck in one's cards
      〈非正〉停止打牌 stop playing cards
    count on one's card
      指望一举成名 wish oneself to be famous
    hold one's cards close to one's chest
      守口如瓶 keep information from sb
    in the cards
      可能的 maybe
    play one's best card
      打出王牌 show best method
    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~cut cards切牌deal cards发牌exchange cards交换名片get well card拿到健康卡have a card up one's sleeve有锦囊妙计hold all the cards支配全局hold all the winning cards稳操胜券keep away from cards不要打牌play cards玩牌play one's cards badly把问题处理得不得当play one's cards right小心从事play one's cards well把问题处理得很得当play one's last card使出最后手段put one's card on table摊牌show one's cards亮牌throw up one's cards罢手认输形容词+~big card大名鼎鼎的人物congratulatory card贺卡postal card明信片safe card安全可靠的方法sure card靠得住的办法名词+~application card申请卡birthday card生日贺卡boxing card拳击程序表calling card名片Christmas card圣诞贺卡confirmation card确认卡credit card信用卡Easter card复活节卡filing card文件卡,档案卡flash card单词卡片graduation card毕业贺卡greeting card贺卡library card借书证New Year's card贺年卡permit card许可证playing card纸牌post card明信片press card记者证ration card食物定量供应卡score card记分卡student card学生证sympathy card慰问卡time card时刻表union card会员证visiting card名片wedding card结婚请帖介词+~have a game at cards打一场纸牌by cards用卡片on a post card用明信片on the card是可能的~+介词card of announcement of a birthday生日请帖card of announcement of a wedding结婚请帖经典引文

    That the Card to guide the World by.

    出自:fig.card的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)card的基本意思是“卡”“卡片”“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”“明信片”“纸牌”“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。词源解说☆ 直接源自古法语的carte,意为纸片,纸牌。card的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】dialdominomapwagprogramme临近单词cardboardcarcinomacardiCardycardoCARDScardonCardeaCardenCardisCardescardio