
bar 基本词汇 英 [bɑː(r)]   [bɑːr]    
    n.酒吧;条;横木;栅vt.禁止;阻挠;闩上;在 ... 设栅栏
  • barredbarredbarringbarsnewbar的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)条,杠,棒障碍物,栏杆酒吧,(宾馆等处的)酒吧间小吃店(专售某一商品的)柜台闩,横杠(光、颜色等)线、条、带法庭[the ~] 律师界【音】小节沙洲,沙滩条纹巴尔(音译名,位于中国西藏自治区)abbr.(缩略词)=buffer address register 缓冲位址暂存器=Browning automatic rifle 白朗宁自动手枪prep.(介词)除…外,除…之外除非v.(动词)封锁禁止,不准闩住,闩上中止对…不予考虑排斥,排挤,反对,讨厌在…上饰以条纹阻碍,防止,阻滞除去【律】阻止诉讼阻止,阻拦,阻挠堵,挡住(用条、杆等)拴牢(用栅栏)阻挡使隔离关,闭不顾,把…置于一旁用线条画(标)出,在…上划(出)线条双解释义v.(动词)vt. 闩门 fasten a door, gate, etc., with a barvt. 阻止,阻拦,封锁 obstruct; prohibitn.(名词)[C]酒吧(间),售酒的(饮食)柜台 (a place with) a counter where an alcoholic drinks are served[C]条,块 a piece of solid material that is longer than it is wide[C](门、窗等的)闩,栅栏 a length of wood or metal across a door, gate, or window to keep it shut or prevent movement through it英英释义Noun:a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter;

    "he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar"

    a counter where you can obtain food or drink;

    "he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar"

    a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon;

    "there were bars in the windows to prevent escape"

    musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats;

    "the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song"

    an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal;

    "it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar"

    the act of preventing;

    "there was no bar against leaving"
    "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza"

    (meteorology) a unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter;

    "unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter"

    a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore;

    "the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river"

    the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction;

    "he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey"

    a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background;

    "a green toad with small black stripes or bars"
    "may the Stars and Stripes forever wave"

    a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax);

    "a bar of chocolate"

    a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War

    a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises

    a heating element in an electric fire;

    "an electric fire with three bars"

    (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried;

    "spectators were not allowed past the bar"

    Verb:prevent from entering; keep out;

    "He was barred from membership in the club"

    render unsuitable for passage;

    "block the way"
    "barricade the streets"
    "stop the busy road"

    expel, as if by official decree;

    "he was banished from his own country"

    secure with, or as if with, bars;

    "He barred the door"

    bar的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)There are several bars in the hotel.
    这家旅馆里有好几个酒吧。A bar of chocolate is enough to stop his crying.
    一条巧克力就可以让他不哭了。There's a strong bar on the door.
    门上有一个很坚固的闩。There is a burning man hovering in the air over a grille in the Smoldering Corpse Bar.
    有一个焚烧中的人,飘浮在冒烟尸体酒吧的铁栅上方。用作及物动词(vt.)After the bombing, the whole area was barred to the public.
    轰炸后,整个地区禁止公众通行。The members voted to bar women from the club.
    会员表决不让妇女加入该俱乐部。I will bar no honest man to my house.
    我不会阻止任何诚实的人到我家里来。Be sure to bar all the doors before you leave.
    在离开前, 务必把所有的门都闩上。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Be sure to bar all the doors before you leave.
    在离开前,务必把所有的门都闩上。Soldiers barred the way and we couldn't go any farther.
    军队挡住了路,我们不能再往前走。The convention barred the use of the poison gas in war.
    这项公约禁止在战争中使用毒气。My mother barred smoking at the dinner-table.
    我母亲禁止(我们)吃饭时抽烟。1After the bombing the whole area was barred to the public.
    轰炸后,整个地区被禁止通行。The empty house was barred for the door and windows.
    那间空房子的门窗都被关死了。All talking is barred in the library.
    图书馆内禁止说话。用作名词(n.)I went to the store for a candy bar and two bars of soap.
    我到商店买了一块冰糖和两块肥皂。There were bars across the windows of the prison.
    牢房的窗户上都有铁条。Poor health may be a bar to success in life.
    健康欠佳可能成为人生中取得成功的障碍。There are several bars in the hotel.
    旅馆中有好几间酒吧。He opened a snack bar.
    他开了一家快餐店。The man served a term behind bars.
    这个人在狱中服过一段刑。He will retire from the bar.
    bar from (v. + prep.)
      禁止(接近/做…) forbid sb from sth or doing sth
      bar sb from sth/v-ing

      The member voted to bar women from the club.


      Nothing could bar them from meeting each other.


      After the member was caught cheating, he was barred from the club.


      The doctor was barred from practising after he was proved guilty of improper behaviour.


      Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries.


      He has been barred from playing for two weeks because of bad behaviour.


    bar in1 (v. + adv.)
      关在里面 lock in with bar
      bar sb ⇔ in

      She barred herself in so no one could get at her.


    bar in2 (v. + prep.)
      关在里面 lock in with bar
      bar sb in sth

      He barred himself in the room and thought how to do next.


      The horses died in the fire because they were barred in the hut.


    bar out (v. + adv.)
      关在外面 lock out or exclude with bar
      bar sb ⇔ out

      The children cried when they couldn't get into the house; their mother had barred them ontr什么意思?ntr是一个网络词汇,简单来说就是最近被别人戴绿帽了,有部分地方也将ntr称为牛头人。ut.


    bar up (v. + adv.)
      关上,拦住 block with bars
      bar sth ⇔ up

      When the family left the house for the winter, they barred the windows up.


    词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词bar a passage阻止通过bar a road拦在路上bar the way挡路~+副词bar determinedly坚决禁止bar harshly严厉禁止bar legally合法阻拦bar strongly竭力阻止bar unfeelingly无情地禁止bar unkindly非善意地禁止bar utterly绝对禁止~+介词bar against foreign intercourse禁止与外国交往bar from阻挡bar sb from a competition禁止某人参加比赛bar with light露出一道曙光用作名词 (n.)名词+~a candy bar一块冰糖a chocolate bar一块巧克力a gold bar一根金条an iron bar一根铁条介词+~metals in bar金属条~+介词a bar of chocolate一块巧克力a bar of gold一根金条a bar of soap一条肥皂经典引文

    Thereby fixing a permanent bar against any relief.


    Disparity in not invariably a bar to harmony.

    出自:L. A. G. Strong

    Is there anything here that barreth those that be under the patriarch of appeal to the see apostolic?

    出自:N. Harpsfield

    I will bar no honest man my house.

    出自:2 Henry IV,Shakespeare

    A Disease..barrs us of some Pleasures, but procures us others.

    出自:R. L

    Last from her own home-circle..They barr'd her.

    出自:Tennysonbar的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)bar的基本意思是把门闩上,限制某人/物进入或外出,引申可指阻止、禁止、阻挡、封锁等。bar是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。宾语后可加介词from,表示“禁止(做…)”。n.(名词)bar用作名词可指“条,杆,棒;闩,栅栏”。a bar of可表示“一条…”。bar引申可表示“障碍”,其后常接介词to。美式英语中bar指“酒吧”,而在英式英语中,“酒吧”用pub,但pub里面可以喝酒的各个小房间叫bar,在旅馆或剧院中可以买酒喝的地方也叫barbar还可指法庭上的“围栏”,可引申为“法律界”“律师界”,也可喻指“审判台”“狱中”。词义辨析v.(动词)
    bar, block, dam, hinder, impede, obstruct这组词的共同意思是“阻挡”。其区别是:1.block指有效地堵住了所有通道,使人、物等无法通过; bar指堵住出入口; dam指挡住涌流物,如眼泪等; obstruct和impede都指在路上设障碍以使运动的物体或事物速度放慢或阻挡其前进, impede比obstruct语气更强些,指困难非常大; hinder则强调阻碍和干扰的有害或令人讨厌。例如:Heavy traffic blocked the road.拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。She barred him out of her room.她把他关在她的房间外面。She barred up her tears.她抑制住了自己的眼泪。Tall trees obstructed his moving.大树阻挡了他的前进。The development of the project was seriously impeded by a reduction in funds.由于基金削减,工程进度严重受阻。2.bar有时没有阻碍的含义,只指“禁止”。例如:My father barred smoking at the dinner-table.我父亲禁止在餐桌上用餐时吸烟。
    词源解说☆ 12世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的barre,意为杆,栅条。bar的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】rod杆pole杆block街区obstruct阻隔saloon大厅exclude排除obstruction障碍hinder阻碍tavern酒馆forbid禁止stick手杖prohibit禁止ban禁止counter柜台but但是prevent预防cake蛋糕impede妨碍picket尖木桩dike堤坝beam微笑shut关闭inhibit抑制shelf架子lever杠杆joint联合的padlock挂锁bench长凳hindrance起妨碍作用的事物或人...omit省略lunch午餐restaurant餐馆preclude阻止slab平板save救barricade【C】路障except除了 ... 之外...with the exception of除 ... 之外excluding除…之外apart from缺少secure安全的stop停止fasten拴紧a英语字母表的第一个字母...close off把 ... 隔离开来...group群as同样地stem柄barrier栅栏reject拒绝music音乐staff员工shoal浅的reef暗礁bank银行sand bar沙洲deterrent威慑的blockade【C】封锁block off封锁relegate使降级legal profession法律行业out出barroom酒吧间ginmill酒吧间Browning automatic rifle布朗宁自动步枪...prevention阻止taproom酒吧banish驱逐debar排除在外legal community法律界block up堵塞stripe条纹streak一系列measure措施obstacle障碍hamper妨碍shut out关在外面【反义词】unbar拔去横木临近单词barbbaptizeBARLBarcBarybarobarsBarqBargBariBARRbarv