
ball 基本词汇 英 [bɔːl]   [bɔːl]    
  • balledballedballingballsnewball的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)球炮弹,子弹球状物,球状体舞会,狂欢会人体的球状部位眼球发球方式<口>睾丸<口>胡说八道胆量鲍尔(音译名)棒球<口>快乐的时光球戏【棒】坏球v.(动词)使成球形, 呈球状,使成球把...抟成丸,(把…)捏成球形使成团块<美>和(女性)交媾尽情享受<俚>性交 ,与(某人)发生性关系(含攻击性,慎用)双解释义n.(名词)[C]球,球状物 a round thing that you use in games and sports; any round thing[C]舞会 a big formal party where people dance英英释义Noun:round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games;

    "the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve"
    "the mayor threw out the first ball"
    "the ball rolled into the corner pocket"

    a solid projectile that is shot by a musket;

    "they had to carry a ramrod as well as powder and ball"

    an object with a spherical shape;

    "a ball of fire"

    the people assembled at a lavish formal dance;

    "the ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded"

    one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens;

    "she kicked him in the balls and got away"

    a spherical object used as a plaything;

    "he played with his rubber ball in the bathtub"

    United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989)

    a compact mass;

    "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder"

    a lavish dance requiring formal attire

    a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass;

    "the ball at the base of the thumb"
    "he stood on the balls of his feet"

    the game of baseball

    a pitch that is not in the strike zone;

    "he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him"

    Verb:form into a ball by winding or rolling;

    "ball wool"

    ball的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball.
    猫追着球跑过来跑过去。She rolled the socks into a ball.
    她把袜子卷成一团。I cut up the meat for cooking meat balls.
    我把肉剁碎后做肉丸子。His left arm was shattered into matches by a cannon ball.
    他的左臂被一炮弹击碎。The ball we are about to discharge at the moon is our ambassador to her.
    我们将要发射到月球上的这棵炮弹,是我们的使者。How did you enjoy the ball?
    你们在舞会上玩得高兴吗?Tom said he had a real ball at the beach last week.
    汤姆说上个星期他在海滨度过了非常愉快的时光。用作动词(v.)She balled the letter into a wad.
    她将信揉成一团。 常见句型用作名词(n.)The ball rolled backwards.
    那球滚回原处。The ball bounced out of bounds.
    球弹到了界外。The ball curved to the right.
    球向右偏斜。A cricket ball is solid; it has no air in it.
    板球是实心的,里面没有空气。He pitched the ball to the other end of the field.
    他把球掷到场地的另一端。He has pitched his ball into our house.
    他将球扔进了我们的房子。He knocked the ball out of court.
    他把球打出了场外。He was pitching the ball.
    他正在投球。If a footballer handles the ball to stop another player getting it, it is often called professional foul.
    如果足球运动员为了阻止别人得到球,就用手触球,这通常称为故意犯规。The children tossed the ball to each other.
    孩子们把球传来传去。Jack centred the ball,Jim got it and kicked it into the goal.
    杰克把球传到中路,吉姆接过来把它踢进了球门。The centre forward headed the ball into goal.
    中锋用头把球顶入球门。My father promised me a ball for my birthday.
    爸爸答应在我生日时给我一个球。The boy gave his father an account of the ball game.
    那男孩向他的父亲描述球赛的情况。Bring your bat so we can play ball.
    带上你的球拍,我们好打球。His arm is lame from playing ball.
    他打过球后一只手臂僵痛。There is a fancy ball tonight.
    今晚有化装舞会。The school will give a ball at the weekend.
    周末学校要举办一个大型晚会。I was dressed as a horseman at the ball.
    在舞会上我装扮成骑士。Please honor us with your presence at the ball.
    敬请光临我们的舞会。Tonight she will attend a grand ball at the palace.
    今晚她将参加王宫的盛大舞会。They were invited to a ball.
    他们被邀请去参加舞会。When does the ball come off?
    什么时候举行舞会?How did you enjoy the ball?
    have a ball
      尽情享乐 enjoy oneself
    keep〔set, start〕 the ball rollingoc是什么意思?oc是指原创角色,original character的缩写。oc还有更多方面的意思。
      使…运行 begin sth, such as a conversation or a plan
    open the ball
      开球,开始行动 begin to do sth
    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~bat a ball击球catch a ball接球drive a ball抽球drop a ball丢掉球give a ball传球hit a ball击中球hold a ball拿着球kick a ball踢球miss the ball未接住球pass a ball传球shoot a ball射门throw a ball抛球,扔球carry the ball负起责任play ball with与…合作take up the ball接着讲话,值班,接替形容词+~curved ball曲线球fair ball好球名词+~curve ball弧圈球foul ball界外球leather ball皮球meat ball肉丸子medicine ball(锻炼身体用的)实心皮球rubber ball皮球snow ball雪球tennis ball网球costume ball化装舞会birthday ball生日舞会介词+~on the ball效率高的经典引文

    The..tents..are adorned on the top with guilded balls.sssss R. E. Vern&egra;de

    出自:M. W. Montagu

    All the flagella around the sphere beat in an organised way and drive the tiny ball in a particular direction.

    出自:D. Attenborough

    There's nothin' like a ball o' malt occasional like.

    出自:S. O

    Brooks balls off twine.

    出自:E. K. Kane

    Small hands balled into possessive fists.

    出自:P. Gallico

    This handkerchief, balled up in Mavis's hand.

    出自:E. Crispinball的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)ball的基本意思是“球”或“球状物”,可大至星球,小至玻璃弹子,引申可指“球类运动”。ball还可作“舞会”解,这种舞会一般指的是正式、大型、带有社交性质的舞会。ball作“球”解时是可数名词,其前习惯加定冠词; 表示活动作“球类运动”解时是不可数名词,前面不能加冠词a或the。这种用法多用在美式英语中。ball作“舞会”解时也是可数名词。表示“球类运动”时,ball前不加a或the,如play ball,不说play a/the ball。但是ball前有加the或a的时候,如play with a ball(玩一个球)和play with the ball(玩这个球);在美国,play ball有多种意思,分别是玩棒球,开球,开始行动,合作和公平办事;有时,ball还可指“正式的,盛大的社交舞会”,常在前用at修饰,不用in,而dance指“私人的小舞会”。要注意的是欧美国家舞场举办的舞会不能用ball表示;表示“开舞会”时,可用hold/give a ball表示,held在请帖中使用更普遍。词义辨析n.(名词)
    ball, danceball指正式的盛大舞会; dance一般为私人举行的小型舞会。例如:The ladies were all dressed in long gowns at the ball.舞会上贵妇人都穿着长礼服。They will give a dance for their daughter's birthday.他们将为女儿的生日举行一次舞会。
    下面各组中句子和短语的意思不同:How did you enjoy playing ball?你玩球玩得痛快吗?How did you enjoy the ball?你跳舞跳得痛快吗?play ball 打球play with a ball 玩弄一个球
    词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语;最初源自古北欧语的bollr,意为圆的物体。ball的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】orb球globe地球sphere范围globule(液体的)小球体...spheroid球状体pellet小球droplet小滴bead珠子marble大理石dance舞会conglobationconglobate的名...baseball棒球football<英>足球apple苹果round圆的bullet子弹slug蛞蝓grapeshot葡萄弹prom班级舞会(高中或大学班级...hop跳跃evening party晚会soiree晚会carnival嘉年华会masquerade化妆舞会masque假面剧shindig热闹喧哗的社交聚会...lump块bollock 睾丸Lucille Ball露茜丽·鲍儿(...clump丛formal正式的chunk矮胖的人或物...glob一滴egg蛋ballock睾丸orchis红门兰testis睾丸nut坚果testicle睾丸clod土块【反义词】strike罢工临近单词balladBalkansBallaBalluBalleballyBalliballoBallatBallusBallesBallut