
appear 基本词汇 英 [ə'pɪə(r)]   [ə'pɪr]    
  • appearedappearedappearingappearsnewappear的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义v.(动词)出现,露面,出场,来到出版,发表出庭,到案演出似乎,(看来)好像显露,露出,显得,显现,呈现,变得明显陈列产生抵达广播起源首次使用双解释义v.(动词)vi. 出现,显现 come and be seenvi. 显得,似乎 seemvi. 产生,出版 produce; be published英英释义Verb:give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect;

    "She seems to be sleeping"
    "This appears to be a very difficult problem"
    "This project looks fishy"
    "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"

    come into sight or view;

    "He suddenly appeared at the wedding"
    "A new star appeared on the horizon"

    be issued or published;

    "Did your latest book appear yet?"
    "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"

    seem to be true, probable, or apparent;

    "It seems that he is very gifted"
    "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"

    come into being or existence, or appear on the scene;

    "Then the computer came along and changed our lives"
    "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"

    appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.;

    "Gielgud appears briefly in this movie"
    "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"

    present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority;

    "He had to appear in court last month"
    "She appeared on several charges of theft"

    appear的用法和样例:例句用作不及物动词(vi.)A ship appeared on the horizon.
    船出现在水平线上。His book appears on the market.
    他的书出版了。An article about him appeared in the paper.
    一篇有关他的文章在报上发表。She appeared very confident.
    她显得很自信。You appear unhappy.
    你看起来好像不高兴。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)He promised to be here at four, but didn't appear until six.
    他答应四点钟到,但六点钟才来。The boy suddenly appeared from under the bed.
    小男孩突然从床下钻出来。We expected him, but he never appeared.
    我们等他,他却一直没来。They both appeared for the entrance examination.
    他们两人都参加了入学考试。Talk of the devil and he'll appear.
    说鬼,鬼就来了。A ship appeared near the harbour.
    一艘船出现在港口附近。The sun appeared from behind the clouds.
    太阳从云层后面露出脸来。When we reached the top of the hill, the town appeared below us.
    当我们到达山顶时,市镇就呈现在我们脚下。This magazine will appear fortnightly.
    这杂志将两周出一期。The works appeared first as a serial in a newspaper.
    那部作品最初是在一家报纸上连载的。Mary appeared in her best dress.
    玛丽穿着她最好的衣服出现了。He appeared in full dress.
    他穿着礼服到场。It ~s/~ed (to sb+)that-clauseIt appears that you're right.
    看来你是对的。It appeared that he had a taste for music.
    看来他对音乐还有一定的鉴赏力。It appears everybody is well prepared.
    看来人人都准备好了。He was taking them to the exhibition, it appeared.
    他看来是准备带他们去看展览会。Very soon it began to appear that the research was not progressing smoothly.
    不久就显露出来这项研究进展得不顺利。Now it appears to me that he may play an important role in settling the problem.
    在我看来,他可能在解决这个问题中起重要作用。It appears to me that something has gone wrong with the election.
    依我看,这次选举似乎出了毛病。There ~s/~ed...There appears to be several reasons for changing our plan.
    看来改变我们的计划有几个理由。There appeared to be only one room.
    看来只有一个房间。There appeared to have cropped up some difficulties in the management of the school.
    在学校管理方面看来曾经出现过一些困难。用作系动词S+~+(to be) n.He appeared to be about fifty years of age.
    他看起来大约50岁。This appears (to be)an important matter.
    这看来是件重要的事情。It appears (to be) a true story.
    它好像是一个真实的故事。This appears an urgent problem.
    这看来是一个紧迫的问题。The question appeared to him one of such importance that he decided to do something about it.
    那个问题在他看来非常重要,他决定采取措施加以解决。The rocket appeared about 12 to 15 feet in diameter.
    火箭直径似乎有12到15英尺。S+~+(to be) adj.He appeared quite well when I saw him last.
    我上次见到他时,他好像(显得)很健康。They appeared tired and panic-stricken.
    他们看起来很疲倦,而且显得惊慌失措。The room appeared much brighter than usual .
    这屋子看来比平时亮山根是什么?山根也叫鼻根,位于疾厄宫(年上、寿上)之上,在两眼之间,与眼同宽,属于心区。山根主要看一个人的心思、夫妻婚姻感情、父亲等。得多。The apple appeared sound on the outside, but it was rotten inside.
    这个苹果外表看起来很好,但里边已烂了。That appears very plausible.
    那似乎很合理。I appear to you rich and fortunate.
    在你看来,我很富,且很幸运。Their conversation appeared to him thoroughly dull.
    他们的谈话他听来感到非常没意思。To me her new bicycle doesn't appear so good as her earlier one.
    依我看,她的新自行车没有她旧的好。He appears (to be) young.
    他显得年轻。He appears (to be) very intelligent.
    他看来很聪明。He appeared (to be) discouraged.
    看来他灰心丧气了。This slum appeared to be endless.
    这个贫民窟似乎没有边际。He appeared to be afraid.
    他似乎很害怕。The baby appeared to be asleep.
    这个婴儿好像睡着了。The baby doesn't appear to be awake.
    那婴儿看上去似乎还没醒。He appeared to be very friendly with us.
    他对我们显得很友好。She appeared to be very fond of it.
    她看来很喜欢它。He appeared to be very sorry about it.
    关于此事他显得很难过。Their offer appears to be the most attractive.
    他们的出价看来是最有吸引力的。S+~+ v -edHe appeared taken aback.
    他显得很吃惊。He appeared perplexed.
    他显得迷惑不解。They appeared amused by the story.
    他们听了这故事显得很高兴的样子。S+~+ prep. -phraseThe aeroplane appeared as a small speck in the sky.
    那架飞机在高空像个小黑点。From the air, the city appears as one stretch after another of dense greens with buildings set among them.
    从飞机上看,这座城市像是一片接一片葱郁的树林,一幢幢楼房点缀其中。He tried to appear at his ease.
    他装出安详的样子。The two impostors tried to appear at their ease.
    两个骗子装出安然无事的样子。S+~+to- vHe appeared to be talking to himself.
    他似乎是在自言自语。They appeared to be avoiding him.
    他们像是在躲着他。She appeared not to notice anything.
    她似乎没看见什么。You appear to have travelled a lot.
    看来你到过不少地方。She appeared not to have heard what he had said.
    她似乎没有听见他的话。He appears to want to leave.
    他似乎想离去。He appears to have a lot of friends.
    他好像有很多朋友。He, who appeared to have a cold, gave such a very loud snort.
    他似乎感冒了,打了一个很响的喷嚏。They appear to have misunderstood me.
    他们似乎误解了我。The pump appears to work okay.
    水泵似乎转动得不错。S+~+ v -ingThere appears growing evidence to the contrary.
    愈来愈有证据说明情况正好相反。It ~s/~ed+(to be) n./adj. +that-clauseIt appears to be very unnatural that he should speak on her behalf.
    他既然代表她讲话,看来这是很反常的。It appears to be unlikely that he will take the position.
    看来他不太可能就任这个职务。It appears to be a blunder that he should have used that word.
    他既然使用这个字眼,看来是个大错。It ~s/~ed+(to be) n./adj. +to- vIt appeared unlikely for them to arrive on time.
    看来他们不太可能准时到达了。It appears to be reasonable to give him a three-day leave.
    给他三天假,似乎也合理。S+~+(to sb+) as if-clauseIt appears to me as if he will win.
    据我看,他好像能赢。It appeared to me as if she was ill.
    appear at (v.+prep.)
      出庭; 演出 have to face a court of law; perform at a theatre, etc.
    appear before (v.+prep.)
      出庭 have to face sb in a court of law
    appear for (v.+prep.)
      出庭 represent sb in court; perform duties as a lawyer for
      appear for sb

      He is the barrister who will appear for the defence.


      Who appeared for the plaintiff?


      Mr.Smith will appear for you in court tomorrow.


    appear in (v.+prep.)
      出版,发表 be printed and made public
    appear on (v.+prep.)
      表演 perform on
    词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词appear a fool显得像个白痴~+形容词appear different看起来不同appear healthy看起来健康appear sad显得悲哀~+副词appear anonymously匿名发表appear conspicuously引人注目地露面appear distinctly清晰地出现appear fortnightly双周出版appear impressively外观印象很深appear mysteriously神秘地出现appear originally最初发表appear serially连载~+介词appear against sb in court出庭和某人抗辩appear as作为…出现,表现为appear as Hamlet扮演哈姆莱特appear as mediator in the conflict出面调解争端appear as witness以证人身份出庭appear at出现,登台演出,出(庭)appear at the door出现在门口appear before a committee面对委员会appear before the court出庭appear before the footlights登台表演appear before the public出现在公众前面appear for为…出庭appear for the defendant为被告出庭appear in出现在…,表现在…,用…表示appear in court出庭appear in metal(效应)表现在金属上appear in person亲自到场appear in print印刷出版appear in the examination来应试,出现在考场上appear in the list登在名单上appear in the newspaper登载在报纸上appear on在…出现,在…上表演appear on the scene出现在现场appear on the stage登台演出appear round the corner of the street出现在街角appear to看来像是,看来似乎,出现在…面前appear under以(某名字)演出经典引文

    There appeared vnto him an Angel of the Lord.

    出自:Bible (AV): Luke

    A row of four or five swarthy faces had appeared at the stern of the galley.

    出自:C. S. Forester

    When he was about thirty the first signs of deafness appeared.

    出自:P. A. Scholes

    Hipparchus..had seen a new star appear in the sky.

    出自:A. Koestler

    Then one day..there appeared a sign in the empty store window.

    出自:B. Malamudappear的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)appear的基本含义有二:一是“出现”“到达”,指出席或在公共场所露面,也指可以看见或变得清晰起来,较少意味着具有确切地具体的背景或出处。引申为“出演”“出版”“面世”。appear作此解时,是不及物动词,其后常有时间、地点等状语。appear的另一个意思是“似乎”“显得”“看起来好像”,含有因视觉误差、观点限制或他人掩饰而得到的印象与事实并不一定相符的味道。appear作此解时,主要用作系动词,也可用作不及物动词。appear用作系动词,接“to be+ n./adj. ” 或者介词短语、动词不定式或as if/though引导的从句, to be可以省略。当形容词是表语形容词时, to be不可省略。appear用作系动词的句子中可插入to sb,在强调时可移至句首。在以动词不定式或that从句作主语时,一般须以it作形式主语,置于句首,而将该动词不定式或that从句置于appear之后。appear可用于存在句型(There ~s/ ~ed ),相当于不及物动词be。appear作为表示状态的动词,通常不用于进行体,而须用于一般时态。appear是表示感觉的系动词,可用于转移否定结构,即句中的否定虽然出现在主句的谓语部分,但否定范围却不在主句谓语动词本身,而是转移到句子末端的宾语、状语或其他成分上。appear为不及物动词,

    I have read the article on Japanese economy appeared in yesterday's paper.


    He appears (to be) very angry today.(句中的to be可省略)
    She appears to have enough money to live on.

    The baby seems/appears (to be) hungry.(两者都可用)
    She doesn't want to go on studying. It seems a pity.(只能用seem)


    She suddenly appeared in the doorway.

    appear, look, seem这三个词都可用作系动词,表示“看起来”。其区别是:1.在含义上, appear 强调外表上给人的某种印象,有时含实质上并非如此的意思; look意味着看上去如此,实际亦是如此; seem 则暗示判断有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。例如:He appears to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(实际上不一定如此)He looks to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(实际上也年轻)He seems to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(可能他的确很年轻)2.在用法上,这三个词都可跟形容词或“to be+形容词或名词”结构,也可用于It appears〔appeared〕/looks〔looked〕/seems〔seemed〕 as if...结构。但是, appear 和seem跟to- v 时仍表示“看起来”,而look 接to- v 则是“盼望”的意思。例如:He appears〔seems〕 to know it.他看来知道这件事。He looks to hear from you.他期待你来信。另外, appear 和seem可用于It appears〔appeared〕/seems〔seemed〕 that...结构,而look不能。例如:我看他似乎很喜欢看这部小说。[误] It looks to me that he enjoys read- ing the novel.[正] It appears〔seems〕 to me that he enjoys reading the novel.还有, appear 和seem一般不用于进行体; 而look可用现在进行时,这和一般现在时所表示的意思无多大区别。例如:You are looking〔look〕 very unhappy.你看起来很不高兴。
    appear, emerge, loom这三个词的共同意思是“出现”,其区别是:appear强调的是公开露面; emerge指从某个掩蔽处出现或摆脱遮挡物而被看见,强调“缓缓出现”; loom则强调眼前出现的物体好像从云雾中发出,无明显轮廓,即“朦胧出现”。

    误 Complaints about soaring prices appeared everywhere.

    正 Complaints about soaring prices could be heard everywhere.

    析 appear指能被看到的,而complaint只用于“能被听到”,不表示 “能被看到”。


    误 He appeared very angrily today.

    正 He appeared very angry today.

    析 appear用作系动词时,只能与形容词连用,不能与副词连用。


    误 He often appeared unexpected and invited himself to lunch.

    正 He often appeared unexpectedly and invited himself to lunch.

    析 appear作“出现”解时,是不及物动词,不能与形容词连用。


    误 He is appearing very sad.

    正 He appears very sad.

    析 appear不能用于进行体,可用一般现在时表示目前的状况。


    误 There a busy scene of autumn harvesting appeared before his eyes.

    正 There appeared before his eyes a busy scene of autumn harvesting.

    析 appear用于存在句型时,相当于be,需置于引导词there之后,主语之前,构成主谓倒装。

    词源解说☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的aparoir,意为显现;最初源自拉丁语的apparere:ad (去) + perere (看得见的)。appear的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】arisearriveemergeturn up【反义词】disappearevaporatevanish临近单词appearanceappealappearedappear onappearingappear asappear toappear inappear atappear forappear sadappears as