
accept 基本词汇 英 [ək'sept]   [ək'sept]    
  • acceptedacceptedacceptingacceptsnewaccept的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义v.(动词)相信,信接受,接纳,领受,收受答应,应允,同意,赞成认可,承认【商】承兑承担(责任)容忍,忍受受,收,领应,顺应(形势)容纳理解认为欢迎招收,吸收(为成员)双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 收受; 接受 take willingly sth that is offered; say “yes” to an offer, invitation, etc.; take sth that sb gives you; take or receive (sth offered or given), especially willinglyvt. & vi. 同意; 答应; 认可 agree to do what sb asks or suggests; agree to or approve of sthvt. 相信 recognize that sth is true, fair, or right; believe that sth is true; recognize as being true or rightvt. 承认; 承担 admit that you are responsible or to blame for sthvt. 忍受; 容忍 recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changedvt. 接纳; 吸收(成员) allow sb to join an organizationvt. & vi. 承兑 make a particular form of payment英英释义Verb:consider or hold as true;

    "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"
    "accept an argument"

    receive willingly something given or offered;

    "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"
    "I won't have this dog in my house!"
    "Please accept my present"

    give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to;

    "I cannot accept your invitation"
    "I go for this resolution"

    react favorably to; consider right and proper;

    "People did not accept atonal music at that time"
    "We 帕梅拉是什么?帕梅拉是一名健身女博主,常驻于哔哩哔哩和小红书上,她的减肥教程效果显著,一个星期就可以看出效果。accept the idea of universal health care"

    admit into a group or community;

    "accept students for graduate study"
    "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"

    take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person;

    "I'll accept the charges"
    "She agreed to bear the responsibility"

    tolerate or accommodate oneself to;

    "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"
    "I swallowed the insult"
    "She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies"

    be designed to hold or take;

    "This surface will not take the dye"

    receive (a report) officially, as from a committee

    make use of or accept for some purpose;

    "take a risk"
    "take an opportunity"

    be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal;

    "The cow accepted the bull"

    accept的用法和样例:例句用作及物动词(vt.)We gave him a present,but he did not accept it.
    我们给他一件礼物,但他不肯接受。She is too independent to accept charity.
    她很强调自力更生,不肯接受赈济。she accepted the judge's decision.
    她同意了法官的判决。They accepted responsibility for the accident.
    他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。用作不及物动词(vi.)She offered him a lift and he accepted.
    她请他坐她的车,他就领情了。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)After a little persuasion, he accepted.
    稍加劝说后,他就接受了。If you accept, please let me know.
    如果你接受的话,请通知我。They offered her a job, and she accepted without hesitation.
    他们提出给她一份工作,她毫不犹豫地接受了。He offered her a lift and she accepted.
    他请她坐他的车,她同意了。He asked her to marry him and she accepted.
    他向她求婚,她答应了他。The firm accepted for $$200 only.
    这家公司只承兑200美元。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He asked her to marry him and she accepted him.
    他向她求婚,她答应了他。The local people never really accepted us.
    当地人从没真正接纳过我们。I hardly like accepting it.
    我很难接受它。I accept your apology.
    我接受你的道歉。I accepted your advice.
    我接受了你的劝告。Finally they accepted our terms.
    他们终于接受了我们的条件。I can't accept your advice in this matter.
    在这个问题上我不能接受你的劝告。He accepted criticism with an open mind.
    他虚心接受批评。She did not accept his hand in marriage.
    她没有接受他的求婚。She is still angry and refuses to accept my apology.
    她仍在生气,拒绝接受我的道歉。We hesitated to accept the proposal.
    我们对是否接受这一建议犹豫不决。He accepted the job.
    他接受了这份工作。I cannot accept this gift.
    我不能接受这份礼物。He accepted the present with hearty thanks.
    他衷心感激地接受了这件礼物。Will you accept my invitation?
    你愿接受我的邀请吗?I've accepted her invitation to go to her dinner.
    我接受了参加她的宴会的邀请。Please accept my best wishes for your success.
    请接受我对您成功的最美好的祝愿。Please accept this gift and my gratitude.
    谨致薄礼,聊表谢意,敬请收下。She sincerely accepted this customer's criticism.
    她诚恳地接受了那位顾客的批评。They accepted his article for publication.
    他们接受了他的文稿,准备出版。I am here to accept the award on Ms. Winslet's behalf.
    我在这儿代温斯莱特女士领这个奖。Sauders has been convicted for accepting bribes.
    桑德斯被控犯有受贿罪。We accepted a very hard assignment.
    我们接受了一项很困难的任务。They found it hard to accept defeat.
    他们发现很难接受失败。She received his present but she didn't accept it.
    她收到了他的礼物,但并没有接受。They offered him a large sum of money but he didn't accept it.
    他们给了他一大笔钱,但他没接受。Scholars now generally accept Einstein's theory of relativity.
    学者们现在普遍接受爱因斯坦的相对论。He accepted simply, as a matter of course, the tradition.
    事实上,他全盘继承了这一传统。Our clients will never accept this proposal.
    我们的客户绝不会同意这个提案。They accepted the plan in principle.
    他们原则上同意这计划。We cannot accept your view on this subject.
    我们不能同意你对这个问题的看法。Those people will never accept abstract sculpture.
    那些人是绝不会赞成抽象派雕塑的。A publisher in New York has accepted her novel for publication.
    纽约的一家出版社答应出版她的小说。He accepted the judge's decision.
    他同意了法官的判决。I know it's not fair, but you'll just have to accept it.
    我知道这不公平,但你只能认了。The company accepted his plan and bought new machines.
    公司认可他的计划购买了新机器。I cannot accept an excuse like that.
    我无法相信那样的辩解。Sam accepted her explanation without question.
    萨姆毫不怀疑地相信了她的解释。Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make.
    玛丽很轻信,你随便找个借口她都可以相信。The media must accept their share of the blame.
    传媒必须承担他们应承担的过错。The boy accepted full responsibility for breaking the window.
    那男孩承担了打破窗子的全部责任。We accept liability for the accident.
    我们承担事故的责任。We cannot accept liability for items stolen from your car.
    我们不能承担你汽车上物品被盗的责任。This wood will not accept oil paints.
    这种木料不吸油漆。There's no time to hold meetings. So do it! Yes,I accept responsibility.
    没有时间举行会议了,就这么干!有什么问题我兜着。The hotel accepts traveller's cheque.
    这家旅馆承兑旅行支票。We accept personal cheques with proper identification .
    如果有适当的证明,我们可以承兑个人支票。1She applied to join the League and was accepted.
    她申请入团被接受了。This theory has not been generally accepted.
    这一理论尚未被广泛接受。His views on genetics are not now widely accepted.
    他关于遗传学的观点现在并未被广泛接受。The idea of universal education is widely accepted.
    普及教育的意见得到广泛的赞同。This argument is unlikely to be accepted by the court.
    这一证据不大可能被法庭接受。The completed project has been checked and accepted by the government.
    工程已由政府验收。The design of the new car was not accepted by the public.
    这种新型汽车的设计不受公众的欢迎。After some discussion, this proposition was accepted by both sides.
    经过讨论,双方都接受了这一条款。Most of the report's recommendations have been accepted by the government.
    报告中的大部分建议已被政府采纳了。Has he been accepted at Cambridge University?
    他被剑桥大学录取了吗?Betty was finally accepted in the best circles.
    贝蒂最终为上流社会所接纳。Under the new law, gay people will be accepted in the armed forces.
    按照新法律,同性恋者将能被吸收入伍。Some people have recently been accepted into the Party.
    最近接受了一些人入党。The proposal will be accepted upon the following conditions.
    这项提案将按下列条件予以采纳。S+~+to- vI finally accepted to work with them.
    我最后同意和他们一起工作。Miss Frangron accepted to come and have all three acts read to her.
    弗兰恭小姐愿意来,并同意让人把剧本的三幕台词全部读给她听。1She was accepted to study music.
    她获准学习音乐。S+~+ v -ingAt last she accepted marrying him.
    她最后同意嫁给他。She could not accept lagging behind others.
    她不甘心落在别人的后面。I never accept meekly being pushed around .
    我从来不轻易让人摆布。It cannot have been easy for a grown man to accept being carried about in the locked arms of aids.
    一个成年人让随从们像照顾娃娃似地摆弄来摆弄去,真够呛。S+~+that/wh-clauseWe've accepted that we'll vote tomorrow.
    我们一致同意明天表决。Many countries accept that they will need to maintain a powerful collective defence.
    好几个国家一致同意他们将需要保持一个强大的集体防御力量。For a long time, he simply could not accept that she was dead.
    在很长一段时间里,他就是无法接受她死了的事实。I accept that I was wrong to be so angry.
    我承认我这样动怒是不对的。I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to make a forced landing.
    我承认这架飞机除作强行着陆外别无其他选择。I accepted that I was wrong.
    我承认我错了。I can't accept that he is to blame.
    我认为不能怪他。Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions.
    大多数科学家都相信气候变化与排放的含碳气体有关。Did you accept that his statement was true?
    你认为他说的是实话吗?She didn't accept that I was telling the truth.
    她不认为我在说真话。Do you accept what he told you?
    你同意他告诉你的事吗?It is/was ~ed+that-clauseIt is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination.
    公认的事实是:超级大国都在各自寻求世界范围的支配权。It's accepted that the universe is endless.
    谁都认为宇宙是无穷尽的。It's generally accepted that smoking causes bad health.
    一般认为吸烟有害健康。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- vGovernment accepted the whole affair to be an unfortunate accident.
    政府承认整个事件是一桩出人意料的不幸事情。S+~+ n./pron. +as n./adj.Please accept the diamond ring as a present.
    请把这枚钻戒作为一件礼物收下。I accept him as the best student in our class.
    我承认他是我们班最优秀的学生。He accepted a position as accountant.
    他担任了会计职务。I cannot accept you as my assistant.
    我不能接受你作为我的助手。They accepted me as a member of their organization.
    他们接纳我参加他们的组织。The manager did not accept her as his secretary.
    那位经理没有接收她做秘书。The opposition party has decided to accept him as premier.
    反对党已决定同意他担任政府总理。The crowd accepted her statement as truth.
    人们认为她说的是实情。The police accept his story as true.
    警察相信他讲的都是实情。They accept the news as authoritative.
    他们把那消息看作是权威性的。We accepted the conclusion as correct.
    我们认为这个结论是正确的。She accepted the rumour as true.
    她对这流言信以为真。You may accept the book as a safe guide.
    你可以将这本书作为可靠的指南。Don't accept everything you have heard as true.
    不要认为你所听到的一切都是真实的。1She has been accepted as a new member of the club.
    她已被接收为俱乐部的新会员。He was accepted as a member of the tennis club.
    他被接纳为网球俱乐部的成员。It may be provisionally accepted as a fact.
    不妨权且把它当作事实。The opinion is accepted as true.
    这个意见被认为是正确的。Mexico was accepted as a member of the OECD in 1994.
    墨西哥在1994年被吸纳为经济合作与发展组织的成员。其他The new theory became widely accepted.
    这一新理论被普遍接受。This is the standard accepted by all.
    这是大家公认的标准。词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词accept a bill of exchange承兑票据accept a challenge应战accept a favour接受恩惠accept a gift接受礼物accept a job接受一份工作accept aid接受援助accept an apology接受道歉accept an assignment接受任务accept an award领奖accept an invitation接受邀请accept a note of exchange承兑票据accept an office接受职务accept a present接受礼物accept a task接受任务accept battle应战accept check接收支票accept cheque接收支票accept criticism接受批评accept defeat承认失败accept delivery of goods负责送货accept failure承认失败accept family planning赞同计划生育accept help接受帮助accept liability承担责任accept membership接受为成员或会员accept modern music认同现代音乐accept one's fate认命accept rewards接受酬劳accept sb's advice接受某人的劝告accept sb's decision赞同某人的决定accept sb's excuse相信某人的解释accept sb's explanation相信某人的辩解accept sb's good will接受某人的好意accept sb's hand in marriage答应与某人结婚accept sb's kind offer接受某人的好意accept sb's proposal接受某人的建议accept sb's reasons相信某人的理由accept sb's suggestion接受某人的建议accept sb's terms接受某人的条件accept the conditions接受条件accept the consequence承担后果accept the plan赞同这个计划accept the present situation承认现状accept the situation听天由命accept the theory赞同这一理论accept the truth of sb's statements认为某人的陈述属实accept this view同意这种见解accept sth as truth承认…是事实accept sth from sb接受某人的…~+副词accept blindly盲目地接受accept bravely勇敢地接受; 大胆地接受accept casually非正式地承认accept cautiously谨慎地接受accept cheerfully愉快地接受accept complacently自鸣得意地接受accept courteously谦恭地接受accept credulously轻信accept eagerly热切地接受accept elatedly兴高采烈地接受accept enthusiastically热情接受accept fatalistically听天由命地领受accept frankly真诚地接受accept generally普遍地接受accept good-naturedly温厚地接受accept graciously彬彬有礼地接受accept gratefully感恩地接受accept grudgingly勉强接受accept implicitly含蓄地承认accept impulsively冲动地接受accept magnanimously大度地接受accept passively被动接受accept peacefully平静地接受accept philosophically冷静地接受accept phlegmatically冷淡地接受accept provisionally暂且接受accept readily欣然接受accept reasonably明智地接受accept reluctantly勉强接受accept sincerely诚恳地接受accept skeptically心存怀疑地接受accept slavishly盲从地接受accept stoically淡泊地接受accept thankfully感激地接受accept unhesitatingly即刻接受; 毫不犹豫地接受accept universally完全接受accept unreservedly无保留地接受accept unwillingly勉强接受; 不情愿地接受accept widely广泛接受accept willingly乐意接受~+介词accept for当作,把…理解为accept for a fact把…当作事实accept for $$200 only只承兑200美元accept in principle原则上同意accept of接受accept upon按…接受accept upon the following conditions按下列条件接受accept with an open mind虚心接受accept with hearty thanks衷心感谢地接受accept without question毫无疑问地接受经典引文

    The husband she had thoughtlessly accepted.

    出自:M. Pattison

    Mr Mulligan accepted of the invitation.


    Accept my gratitude for your warning.

    出自:E. O

    A great many more accepted Than we thought would want to come.

    出自:absol.accept的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)accept的基本意思是“接受”,如接受礼物、邀请、好意、批评、建议、接纳为成员等等。引申可表示“承认; 同意; 认可; 相信”,如答应某些条件、相信某种解释、相信某事属实、认同某种理论、承担责任、容忍或忍受困境等等。在商业用语中accept则表示“承兑; 接受(某种付款方式)”。accept具有明显的主观色彩,不仅客观上“接”,而且更主要的是主观上的“受”。accept某人的劝说或者建议时表示你情愿地按照他们的劝说或建议去做; accept令人不愉快的情形时表示你认识到这是不能改变的、必须接受的现实,即含不情愿和勉强之意。accept主要用作及物动词,其宾语可为名词、代词或动名词,也可接动词不定式。作“认可; 相信”等解时可接that/wh-从句。作“承认…是…”解时还常接以“as+ n./adj./v -ing”充当补足语的复合宾语,这时as不可省略。accept表示声明“接受”或“不接受”邀请,通常用现在时态。表示为大学或俱乐部所接受时,后面所跟的介词是 by 而不是 to; 表示“聘用”时,后面接介词 for。同receive不同,accept是“接受”,而receive是“收到”。accept a present是“接受一个礼物”,不会退还,而receive a present是“收到一个礼物”,有可能会退还;acceptaccept of以前可以替换使用,现accept of用的比较少,往往带有“正式”或“垂恩”之意。只适用于说接受present,favour,love,hospitality等,不适于接受theory,advice,apology,challenge,offer,invitation,ruling等;单独用作“接受邀请或条件”等意思,

    If you accept, please let me know immediately.


    I am pleased to accept your invitation.
    不用I shall be pleased to accept your invitation.


    She accepted my claim to be heard.

    accept, believe这两个词都可以表示“相信”,但含义上有细微差别。accept强调的是对某人的解释或声明的真实性感到满意或认为可以接受,有时含有不加鉴别或者无可奈何甚至是违心的意思,常可译为“认可”; 而believe则强调相信某事是真的。例如:He accepted the explanation without question.他认可了这个解释,没有提出疑问。We no longer believed the lies spread by them.我们再也不相信他们散布的谣言了。
    accept, receive这两个词都含有“收到”的意思。在表示“赞同某一意见或看法”时可互换。例如:Her husband did not accept〔receive〕 her story.她的丈夫不相信她的话。The theory was not received〔accepted〕 as truth by the broad masses of people.这一理论并未被广大人民群众当成真理。其区别是:1.从搭配上说:在表示“受到教育〔惩罚,支持〕”和“接待客人”等意时只能用receive,不能用accept; 而在表示“接受某条件”时却只能用accept,而不能用receive。2.从含义上说: receive只表示“被动地收到”这一事实,而accept则多了一层主观上“某种程度甚至完全赞同”的意味。例如:I've received an invitation but I don't think I'll accept.我收到一份邀请,但不准备接受。Though he has received several offers, he can accept only one of them.虽然他收到了几处的聘请,但他只能接受其中之一。再如,收到(receive)别人的致歉,但不一定予以承认(accept); 头脑可以接收(receive)某一思想,但不一定认同(accept); 一个人可以为社会所容纳(receive),但不一定为他人所理解(accept)。简而言之,“accept=receive+乐意地”。此外, receive之后还可以拒绝甚至退回,而一经accept,则除极特殊情况外,一般是不能再拒绝或退回的。因此,复信中写I've received your invitation.就显得不够礼貌了。
    accept as, consider asaccept as是有了客观因素后才“把…看成是…”; 而consider as是指经过主观上的思考或亲身经历后才“认为…是…”。
    词源解说☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的accepter,意为给什么拿什么;最初源自拉丁语的capere,意为心甘情愿地领受。accept的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】receive willinglyreceive with favourtake sth offeredaccede toadoptagree toassent toconsent togrant as satisfactoryreceive with approvalacknowledgeadmitallowassumebearundertake【反义词】declineignorerefuserejectdenydisownrepudiate派生词v.(动词)
      accepted adj. 公认的临近单词acceptableaccentuateacceptaraccepteracceptedacceptoraccepteeacceptantacceptiveaccept asacceptaneaccepting