
arm 基本词汇 英 [ɑːm]   [ɑːrm]    
    n.臂;扶手;袖子n.武器;军种vt.武装;装备(复)arms: 军事行动;纹章;兵役.
  • armerarmedarmedarmingarmsnewarm的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)臂,手臂,上肢,臂状物扶手衣袖,袖子兵种武器权力杆大树枝力量部门,分部狭长港湾,狭长地带职能部门花一大笔钱与某人保持距离军事行动纹章兵役abbr.(缩略词)= antiradar missile 反雷达飞弹= antiradiation missile 反辐射飞弹= automated route management 自动化程式管理= adjustable rate mortgage 可调息抵押贷款= Asynchronous Response Mode 异步应答方式v.(动词)用武器装备,武装(到牙齿),全副武装, 装备武器、工具等,装备(防御工事)提供,供给,供给...武器,为...提供武器,给...装甲配备(所需部件)备战给…装上引信(导火线)打开…的保险准备发射使随时爆炸拿起武器,准备(斗争)发给扩充军备筑堡于,设防于准备…以随时应用双解释义n.(名词)[C]臂 the part of body from shoulder to hand[U]武器,军火 a thing that you use for fightingv.(动词)vt. & vi. 把…武装起来 supply weapons and armor英英释义Noun:a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb

    any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm;

    "the arm of the record player"
    "an arm of the sea"
    "a branch of the sewer"

    any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting;

    "he was licensed to carry a weapon"

    the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person

    a division of some larger or more complex organization;

    "a branch of Congress"
    "botany is a branch of biology"
    "the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages"

    the part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the arm

    Verb:prepare oneself for a military confrontation;

    "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"
    "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"

    supply with arms;

    "The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"

    arm的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)You should wind a cloth round the wounded arm.
    你应该把一块布缠在受伤的和臂上。The archer holds the bow in his bow arm.
    运动员用执弓臂握住弓。His left arm was hurt in an accident.
    他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。He draped his legs over the arm of the chair.
    他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。There's a tear in the arm of my jacket.
    我上衣袖子上有个破囗。用作名词(n.)They were not allowed to use arms.
    不许他们使用武器。用作及物动词(vt.)We must arm ourselves against the enemy.
    我们必须武装自己,防范敌人。The new battleship shall be armed with 16-inch guns.
    新战舰将以16英寸口径的大炮武装起来。The nation must arm its soldiers for battle.
    国家必须装备士兵,以防打仗。 常见句型用作名词(n.)He broke his arm in an accident.
    他在一次事故中折断了手臂。They took me by the arm.
    他们抓住我的胳膊。Every person has two arms, the right arm and the left arm.
    每个人都有两支手臂,左臂和右臂。The right arm is usually stronger.
    右臂通常较强壮。She put her arm around his neck and kissed him.
    她搂住他的脖子,吻了他。Don't stay under the arm of a derrick!
    不要在起重机的吊臂下!A hooligan put the arm on him last night when he was on his way home.
    昨晚在回家的路上,他遭到流氓的抢劫。The policemen put the arm on the man until they could verify his story.
    警察把这个人扣留起来,等到核实了他没有问题以后才释放他。They were not allowed to use arms.
    不许他们使用武器。British policemen do not usually carry arms.
    英国警察通常不带武器。People were up in arms against the invaders.
    人民拿起武器反抗侵略者。There is no need to get up in arms about such trifles.
    为这样一些小事动火毫无必要。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Their former enemy is arming again.
    他们从前的敌人正在重整军备。War is certain, we should arm without delay.
    战争肯定要发生,我们必须立即武装起来。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He said that both sides were arming themselves.
    他说双方都在武装着自己。We must know how to arm ourselves.
    我们应该懂得怎样武装自己。During World War II the United States armed many of its allies.
    第二次世界大战期间,美国为它的许多同盟国提供武器装备。In colonial days the French armed the Indians to attack the British.
    在殖民地时期法国人武装印度人去抗击英国人。1The man was armed to the teeth.
    那人是全副武装。其他v -ing as Adverb.Arming only with a short sword, he drove off five of his attackers.
    他只持一把短剑就赶跑了五名来犯者。v -ed as Adverb.Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices.
    arm in arm
      挽臂,携手 with the arm of one person being passed through the bent arm of the other
    bear arms
      从军,服兵役 join the army
    go to arms
      诉诸武力 settle the matter by the use of the army
    make a long arm for
      伸臂去拿某物 reach arms to catch sth
    twist arm
      强迫 oblige sb to do sth
    arm against( v.+prep. )
      为对付…而武装起来; 对…加以防备 provide defence for oneself or sb with weapons, etc. against sth; guard against
      arm against sth

      We bought the house to arm against big price rises.


      arm sb/oneself against sb/sth

      We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals.


    arm for ( v.+prep. )
      武装…以备 supply sb with weapons for; prepare for
      arm for sth

      The soldiers armed for battle.


      arm sb/sth for sth

      The nation must arm its soldiers for battle.


    arm with ( v.+prep. )
      用…武装; 向…提供 provide sb with weapons; provide with the means to gain sth
      arm sb/oneself/sth with sth

      They armed him with a rifle.


      John had armed himself with an excuse before he went to see the headmaster.


      The crowd were armed with broken bottles.


      The divers were armed with cameras and collecting gear.


      A teacher should be armed with answers to questions that his pupils are likely to ask.


      The warship was armed with 16-inch guns.


    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~bend one's arms弯曲手臂break one's arms弄断手臂chance one's arm冒一次险,冒险试一下cross one's arms交叉双臂fold one's arms把两臂交叉于胸前,袖手旁观make an arm伸手取open one's arms伸开双臂put one's arm around sb用手搂着某人raise one's arms举起双臂throw arm around sb用手搂着某人throw into sb's arms投入某人怀抱wave one's arm挥动手臂bear arms服兵役,当兵carry arms携带武器go to arms诉诸武力lay down one's arms放下武器,投降rise in arms起义stand to arms反抗,自卫take up arms拿起武器,武装起来形容词+~long arms长长的手臂small arms轻武器strong arms粗壮的双臂名词+~air arms空军side arms随身的武器~+名词arms industry军需工业arms production武器生产arms race军备竞赛arms trade军火贸易介词+~a wound in the arm胳膊上的伤口coat of arms盾形纹章on the arm臂上have a basket on one's arm手臂上挽着篮子the call to arms战斗号令under arm在腋下men under arms现役军人troops under arms处于战备状态的军队用作动词 (v.)~+副词arm fully充分武装起来arm imperfectly未充分武装起来arm powerfully强有力地武装~+介词arm against a potential enemy为防御潜在的敌人而武装起来arm oneself against danger武装起来,对付危险arm at戒备arm from top to toe从头到脚武装起来arm to the teeth武装到牙齿arm missiles with nuclear warheads给导弹装上核弹头arm one's mind with dialectics用辩证法武装头脑arm the Governor with veto power授予州长否决权arm with an evil tongue惯于恶语中伤arm with excuses总有借口arm with five guns配备5门大炮arm with thorns长满刺arm without delay立即武装起来经典引文

    He got up and put his arm around her like a brother.

    出自:G. Stein

    Outside I met Therese with her arms full of pillows and blankets.

    出自:J. Conrad

    Allowing his long, gorilla-like arms to hang loosely over the edge of his seat.

    出自:D. Lodge

    Boys..clap their female joints In stiff unwieldy arms.

    出自:Richard II,Shakespeare

    Enough swords, pistols, partisans, cross-bows, and blunderbusses to arm a whole irregular regiment.

    出自:G. K. Chesterton

    Armed themselves, fought and won battles against their hostile neighbours.

    出自:P. Gallicoarm的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)arm用作名词的基本意思是“臂”,多指人的手臂、胳膊,也可指动物的前肢,亦喻指各种状似手臂的东西。arm的复数形式arms,指“武器(尤指枪支)”。用于比喻时可指“权力”,也可指“兵种”,此时既不能带不定冠词,也不能为数词所修饰。用作定语时亦然。arms可用在另一名词前作修饰语。chance one's arm的意思是“冒险,做冒险的事”; give one's right arm的意思是“付出极大代价”。v.(动词)arm用作动词的基本意思是“把…武装起来”,可以表示“提供”“配备”“支持”,也可以表示“以(武器)装备”。就目的而言可仅指为加强力量或安全做准备而提供,也可指为有效行为或作战而准备进攻或防御的装备。arm引申还可指精神上、道德上或身体上的准备。arm可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,以被武装的对象作宾语。keep at arm's length属于习语,有时指“避免同……亲近”。

    The mother kept her b要求人心净化先要求人生美化是谁的名言?朱光潜,要求人心净化先要求人生美化是朱光潜的名言。朱光潜坚信情感比理智重要,要洗刷人心,并非几句道德家言所可了事,一定要从“怡情养性”做起,一定要用饱食暖衣、高官厚禄等等之外,别有较高尚、较纯洁的企求。aby at arm's length, thinking that he might try to kiss her.

    at arm's length指“伸臂可达之处”,单用时,也不加an。

    He held the picture at arm's length to show it to me.

    arms, weapon这两个词的共同意思是“武器”。其区别是:arms常用作复数形式,指专为战争而制造的兵器,如枪、炮,尤指士兵个人使用的具体的武器; weapon可用作单数形式或复数形式,指各种可用于进攻或防御的东西,如石块、木棍、枪炮、原子弹,也可用于借喻。例如:The soldiers have enough arms.士兵有足够的武器。Guns and swords are weapons.枪炮和刀剑都是武器。He used the pen as his weapon.他以笔作武器。眼泪是女人的武器吗?[误] Are tears woman's arms?[正] Are tears woman's weapon?
    with open arms, with open handswith open arms的意思是“热情地”, with open hands则是“花钱大手大脚地”的意思。例如:We welcomed these foreign guests with open arms.我们热情地欢迎这些外宾。Susan spends her money with open hands.苏珊花钱大手大脚。

    误 The woman who is carrying a child with her arms is my aunt.

    正 The woman who is carrying a child in her arms is my aunt.

    析 “抱着…”应说 one's arms,其中介词不能用with,因为这里表示的是状态,而不是用某种工具。


    误 These soldiers were provided with American arm.

    正 These soldiers were provided with American arms.

    析 arms作“武器”讲时,总是以复数形式出现,不能用作单数。


    误 He took me by my arm.

    正 He took my arm.

    正 He took me by the arm.

    析 抓住某人身体的某部位用句型“take sb by the+ n. (被抓的部位)”或“take sb's+ n. ”。

    词源解说☆ 直接源自古法语的armes;最初源自拉丁语的arma,意为武器。arm的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】 outfurnishprovidesupply【反义词】disarm放下武器派生词v.(动词)
      armed adj. 武装(到某种程度)的临近单词ArmadaarlesARMDArmaArmiarmtArmoArmikArmenArmeyArmayArmal