
You should fly your kite against the wind.
你应该迎着风放风筝。 She always advances against difficulties.
她总是迎着困难而上。 The seats have no back against which to lean.
这些座位都没有靠背可倚。 A picture hangs against the wall.
墙上挂着一幅图画。 The present economic climate works against the smaller companies.
当前的经济气候对小公司不利。 I struck my head against the branch of a tree.
我的头撞在了树枝上。 Warn the lady against pickpockets.
告诫女士谨防扒手。 The government has already adopted effective measures against piracy.
政府已采取有效措施惩治盗版行为。 Roosevelt ran against Hoover in 1932. 1932
年罗斯福和胡佛竞选美国总统。 This explanation is against the natural law.
这种解释是违背自然规律的。 She is preparing a substantial meal against his return.
她正在准备一顿丰盛的饭菜为他接风。 He fought against the disease for a long time.
他同疾病做了长时间的斗争。 I checked my watch against the steeple clock.
我根据教堂尖塔的大钟对了表。 Please deliver this package against payment of cost.
请把这件货物送去,把货款带回。 He is elected by a majority of 40 votes against 10.
他以40票对10票的大多数票当选。 The mountain looked一个标准团有多少人?一个标准团人数通常是1500人左右,是由若干个营(或连)及战斗、勤务保障分队编成的军队一级组织。 magnificent against the sky.