
(of打卡是什么意思?签到,打卡原指上班考勤签到,在网络中传播后,衍生意思为看过留名,就相当于签到的意思一样,好像是一个日常的行为,表示自己知道了、看过了、今天来过了,对自己的行为做出记录。 actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but;

"the job is (just) about done"
"the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"
"we're almost finished"
"the car all but ran her down"
"he nearly fainted"
"talked for nigh onto 2 hours"
"the recording is well-nigh perfect"
"virtually all the parties signed the contract"
"I was near exhausted by the run"
"most everyone agrees"