
Please say that sentence again.
请把句子再说一遍。 Come again when you're free.
有空时请再来。 He was glad to be home again.
他对再次回到家中感到高兴。 If you fail the first time, try again.
第一次不行,就再试一次。 He won't do that again.
他再也不做那样的事了。 She was never seen again.
再没有人见过她。 It's good to see all my teachers and friends again.
又见到我的老师和朋友们真好极了。 She wjk是什么意思是什么?JK是“じょしこうこうせい ”(女子高校生)罗马音 jyoshi koukousei 的简写(取其中“J”和“K”),通常指日本女高中生;JK也是ACGN次文化中的萌属性之一。as ill but now she is well again.
她病了,不过现在她好了。 Things are well again with us.
我们的情况又很顺利了。 I doubt whether he'll be himself again.
我怀疑他是否会复原。 It might happen and again it might not.
它可能发生,另一方面也可能不发生。 It might rain, and again it might not.
天可能下雨,也可能不下雨。 And again, can you acknowledge it as true?
再则,你能认为真有此事吗? I'll answer him back again if he tries to convince me by his argument.
如果他想用他的论点说服我,我就顶他回去。 I answered him again.