
After the play they called for the author to show himself.
剧终之后他们请求编剧和大家见面。 The King came in, with all his servants following after him.
国王走了进来,所有侍从跟在他的后面。 She succeeded in solving the problem a美国面积多少平方公里?美国面积约为962.9万平方公里,居世界第四位。此外美国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,在经济、文化、工业等领域都处于全世界的领先地位。fter hard work.
由于努力干,她终于解决了那个问题。 He was built after his father.
他的体形像父亲。 This box is made after a new pattern.
这箱子是仿照新样式制作的。 The boy was named Tom after his grandfather.
这小孩以他祖父的名字被命名为汤姆。 He inquired after your health.
他询问你的健康状况。 There were always lots of men after her because she was clever as well as pretty.
总有许多男人追求她,因为她既漂亮又聪明。 I wonder what those children are after in that shed.
我不知道那些孩子在棚子里寻找什么。 After all my advice, he still went his own way.
在我苦口婆心地相劝后,他仍然一意孤行。 Milton is usually placed after Shakespeare among English poets.
在英国诗人中,弥尔顿的名次通常被置于莎士比亚之后。 After eight it began to rain.