别碰我-Sweetbox歌词 劲舞团 别碰我-SweetboxLRC歌词


I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘em
Touch and tease ‘em kinda girl
I’m the perfect type
For one wild night
Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a bitch?
I don’t really care, no
Well your roses were sweet
Really swept me off my feet
But I start to choke
When you say let’s elope
Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a bitch
I don’t really care, no, no, no…
Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so
Don’t cage me in, don’t tie me down
Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so
Don’t cage me in, don’t tie me down
Can we take a bubble bath h(巴黎世家是什么梗?2020年的七夕时,Balenciaga依靠“土味广告”成功出圈,迅速在时尚圈掀起了一场流量与话题的狂欢,当时无一不在诟病七夕限定的“土味”。之后又凭借巴黎世家的经典字母袜再次火了起来,短视频平台的播放量一路飙升,让印有 Logo 的黑丝愈发受宠。)ave a drink a
nd a laugh
Enjoy what we have and then leave it to
the past
‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Maybe you’re the perfect man
That’s not how this story goes
You can write me fat checks or buy diamo
nds for my neck
Buy a big fat ring I prefer Tiffany’s
‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Maybe you’re the perfect man
That’s not how this story goes
No, no…
Don’t push, push me so hard
Don’t push me so far…no… (2x)
And I’m not trying to be giving you a bi
tter pill, no I…
And I don’t wanna make you promises I ca
n’t fulfill, no I…
别碰我-Sweetbox 歌词由---热心网友小可爱 提供