500 Internal Privoxy Error

500 Internal Privoxy Error

Privoxy encountered an error while processing your request:

Could not load template file no-server-data or one of its included components.

Please contact your proxy administrator.

If you are the proxy administrator, please put the required file(s)in the (confdir)/templates directory. (小李子水枪是什么梗?当影迷们还沉浸在小李子的倾世容颜时,有网友在网上曝光了一组莱昂纳多戏水被狗仔的图,并调侃莱昂纳多才是狗仔的真爱。照片中,小李子半裸上身拿着水枪戏水,表情丰富,尽显自己老男孩的一面。还有网友调侃中年发福,不修边幅的小李子撞脸高晓松,爆笑网络,此梗走红。)The location of the (confdir) directory is specified in the main Privoxy config file. (It's typically the Privoxy install directory).