Pretty Vacant(Live)- live歌词_Pretty Vacant(Live)- liveLRC歌词_S

there's no point in asking you'll get no reply oh just remember a don't decide i got no reason it's too all much you'll always find us out to lunch oh we're so pretty oh so pretty we're vacant oh we're so pretty oh so pretty a vacant don'y ask us to attend 'cos we're not all there oh don't pretend 'cos i don't care i don't belive illusions 'cos too much is real so stop you'r cheap comment 'cos we know what we feel oh we're so pretty oh so pretty we're vacant oh we're so pretty oh so pretty we're vacant ah but now and we don't care there's no piont in asking y(桃花劫是什么意思?桃花运是命理术数名词,又叫桃花煞。民间说法为“犯桃花”的坏情形,是中国文化中用来形容一个人出现爱情纠葛、异性缘变佳的情形。桃花可分为犯到好的桃花和坏的桃花:好的桃花代表得到良好的异性感情互动;坏的桃花就称桃花劫、桃花煞,指因感情出现纠纷或灾劫。化解方法据说有星命、风水、道术等途径。此外有同名电影、电视剧和歌曲。)ou'll get no reply oh just remember a don't decide i got no reason it's all too much you'll always find me out to lunch we're out on lunch oh we're so pretty oh so pretty we're vacant oh we're so pretty oh so pretty we're vacant oh we're so pretty oh so pretty ah but now and we don't care we're pretty a pretty vacant we're pretty a pretty vacant we're pretty a pretty vacant we're pretty a pretty vacant and we don't care