You are my destiny你是我的宿命_英文个性签名_QQ个性签名精选_飞外网

56 3 29 02月23日 09:52

To unmb the pain to laugh off my . 痛到麻木 才能笑得畅快淋漓

I promise you,if I am still alive,I will wait for you,here。我(ghs是什么梗?“ghs”是“搞黄色”的首拼音缩写,作为一个调侃意味的网络用语,经常出现在聊天对话中。)答应你,只要我活着,我会等着你的。

I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life . 我被迫要在生命中的每一天假装微笑、开怀大笑

anyhow as long as you love me 无论如何 只要你爱我

There will always be people who will leave, someone will come.总有人会离开,总有人会再来.

May. I. was. dying. with. my. weak. hand. for you .(愿我在垂死的时候用我虚弱的手握着你)

You are my destiny(你是我的宿命)

I think--I think too much. 我想,是我想太多了。

Time is we do not come loose.【时光不老,我们不散】

Not because of sad, because eyes acid.(不是因为难过,是因为眼睛酸。)

When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

If love need to beg ,I would rather a person.[若爱情需要乞讨,我宁愿一个人]

Storms make trees take deeper roots【风暴使树木深深扎根】

Bang Bang into the room.(进入房间 进行爱的一击)

The truth is in the dialog box and hit the delete.真话都是在对话框里打了又删了的。

To be happy even if no one to accompany. 就算没人陪也要快乐.

Lovers become friends after all. 情人终究沦为朋友.

I thought I was me, but I have not.我以为我还是那个我,可我已经不是了

May have time to look back, and with a loving all bald [ 愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头]

I want to try,but my pride told me not to.(我想哭泣,但我的骄傲不允许。)

I will do better,because I want you to regret.You missed me.我想做的更好,因为我想让你后悔你错过了我

Thank you push me off a cliff let me see the whole sky感谢你将我推下悬崖让我看清整片天空

Reality is reality too 是现实太现实

I love the way you lie.我连你的谎言都爱.

Beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone. 【美貌固然肤浅,丑陋却能深入骨髓】

I m just a girl, trying to find a place in this world(我只是一个女孩,试着找到在这世上的立足之地)

I want to be your bride . 【 我想成为你的新娘 】

Without you I cried as a smile。没了你我把哭当成了笑。

Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心软是病,可你是命.

Goodbye my almost lover . 再见了,我无缘的爱人

I like you, but just like you!纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故。

放弃之前想想为何坚持这么久(Before giving up think about why insist on so long)

If you obey all the rules. you miss all the FUN. 如果全部按牌理出牌,就不好玩了。

Do not let dream just be your dream. 别让梦想只停留在梦里。

Laugh eyes and lie face [会笑的眼和说谎的脸].

I have everything what I want except you除了你,我什么都不缺

Sometimes there is no way out exlep有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。

Would rather be a loser Don't do a coward afraid to try (宁愿做个失败者 也不做一个不敢尝试的懦夫)

Never say die。(永不言弃。)

Somewhere only we know.(有一个地方只有我们知道)

If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。

I and you did not contact hope you do not mind我和你不再联系,希望你不要介意

Buried city, to shut all lights.埋下一座城,关了所有灯。

No one and you(无人及你)

Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。

I will cherish every good to me。(我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人。)

Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。

I think i'm sick我认为我是病了

Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。

I know you're not lying, you are kindly advised me to leave.(我知道你没说谎,你只是好心劝我离开。)

I want someone who's afraid of losing me.我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。

sei la mia luce. ' 你是我的光

Don't apologize. I hope you choked to death不要道歉。我希望你窒息而死

Nicht jedes Licht kommt von der Sonne. (不是每一道光亮都来自太阳。)

Crowded I pull you tight 人潮拥挤我拉紧你

The status quo. 安于现状

This might be the last time we say good bye.这可能是我们最后一次说再见。

You are my pretty sunshine【你是我最美的太阳】

Thank you has been to my world (感谢你来过我的世界)

That summer I met you in love with her.(那年夏天我遇到了深爱着她的你)

I never go far.[我从未走远]

I am not giving up, I am just staring over(我没有放弃.我只是从头开始)

Please don't pretend to be nice, I am very silly, will take it seriously[请不要假装对我好,我很傻]