当幸福来敲门片尾曲 当幸福来敲门片尾曲式神峨眉_飞外经验

当幸福来敲门片尾曲 当幸福来敲门片尾曲式神峨眉

原|2021-04-30 17:52:48|浏览:64

1、电影《当幸福来敲门的》的片尾曲是《A Fathers Way》。


I build a fence around,you in a fathers way

I try to feel what it is youll be going through

Co’s I’ve played many ways

When you grow, how much will it take to slow you down…

Half the way?Do my best to feed you and I do whats right

I try to find the words that Ill say to you

When you come home tonight,And if so, how hard will

we cry before our sound,Fades away?

One day when the fence is not so high

The road you took How far will you go?

How high will you climb? And when all in life’s unfair

Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way

find another way? find another way? find another way?

A Father’s way I build a fence around

you in a father’s way Just like the one who

used to preach to me Now I’ve become that way

But you know How soft now the hand that used to strike

To the heart One day when the fence is not so high

The road you took How far will you go?

How high will you climb? And when all in life’s unfair

Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way

to find another way, find another way find another way? find another way(《与妻书》最出名的一句话是什么?《与妻书》最出名的一句话是:吾今与汝无言矣!吾居九泉之下,遥闻汝哭声,当哭相和也。吾平日不信有鬼,今则又望其真有。今人又言心电感应有道,吾亦望其言是实,则吾之死,吾灵尚依依旁汝也,汝不必以无侣悲!)? find another way?

There’s no way You will stay

There’s no way I know you There’s no way

You will stay There’s no way

I know you There’s no way

You will stay There’s no way

I build a fence around you in a father’s way