大学实用英语教案lesson 1 food and drinks-飞外

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第一篇:大学实用英语教案lesson 1 food and drinks

Lesson1 Food and drinks

Ⅰ.Instructional objectives 1. capability goals: to talk in English about food and drinks and the related topics

to learn to search the information and resources concerning food and drinks

2. knowledge goals: Master the new words related to the topic of food and drinks Learn to practice and use the expressions in the dialogues and texts Ⅱ.Capability training design

1. training tasks: trying to eat in a foreign restaurant, talk about western food, and the situation of food and drinks both in China and America 2. training methods: reading, listening and imitation, role play, exercises presentation and discussion 3. training process and procedures a. new words: reference to the book b. useful expressions: reference to the book c. dialogues: Students are divided into several groups. They read and listen to the dialogue and create their own dialogues. Each group should give a presentation before the other students. The dialogues should cover the tasks mentioned above. d. exercises: do the exercises following the dialogues. e. texts:

Students are supposed to go through the texts and try to understand them in general. Then each group is in charge of one or more paragraphs and gives a presentation of paragraph(s) concerned. f. discussion: Students are supposed to find their own questions in the texts, discuss them and give the feedback to the teacher. Questions are settled and followed by the conclusion. g. listening and oral practice:

This procedure is to consolidate the capability of listening and speaking on the topic of the lesson. This can be realized by doing the exercises in section three of the lesson. III. Homework: Work in pairs or a group to act out a role play on food and drinks, practice the topic concerned, and do the exercises in the text book.

第二篇:幼儿英语教案lesson 1




音标班Lesson 1 英语字母名称音

Teaching aims:



3、学会ABCsong。 Important points:


2、能区别元音、辅音字母。 Difficult points:

1、26个字母中,有几个音是易混音,注意纠正和比较。如:Gg Jj Vv Zz Bb Dd Pp 。

2、英语书写的笔顺:d y小写字母,j的小字母格式。 Teaching creative:










10、 木头人

11、 super girls and boys

12、 真功夫大挑战

Teaching tools: 26个字母卡片、洋娃娃 Period:3

Period 1 Teaching aims:


2、26个字母歌谣的三会 Important points:


2、能区别元音、辅音字母 Difficult points:

1、G、J的发音 Teaching creative:





5、 巅峰对抗

Teaching tools:26个字母卡片 Teaching steps:

Step1:Greeting and warm-up

一、Greeting:Hello,dear students .Long time no see, do you miss me ? Today is a new day ,I believe everybody will do a good job !

二、Wam-up:《Follow me》



三:Slogan time :Teaching the students the sentences : I’m the best ,I can do it , I must do it .i can speak beautiful English. Step2: Lead in and presentation




当在黑板上默写的同学默写完后,老师对他所写的字母进行点评: Kk , Ff, Yy,的书写、Gg,Jj、Mm Nn的发音。

3、现在老师想请问一下,有哪个同学知道元音字母? WOW!!你们真得很棒哦,我们还没有学就知道了。好,现在老师教你们一种更加简单的方法,那我们一起来学习吧!看哪组同学是最配合老师的,而且学习最认真的,这样又可以为你们团队加分了。

英语字母二十六,五个元音出来秀(加动作),Aa, Ee, Ii ,Oo, Uu(两遍)。半元半辅字母Yy,20辅音来比帅。 Step3: Practice

1、提问:我们所学的二十六个字母,分为哪几类呢? A:三类 (分别是:元音,辅音,半元半辅) 有几个元音?5个。Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 半元半辅的字母是什么?Yy




请班上发音较准的同学上来带读,同样可以采取竞争的方式进行,当哪位同学表现突出时,老师可以进行表扬。强调字母的发音:Gg,Jj,Vv,Mm,Nn,Ll. Step4:Consolidation



A、 游戏规则:每个同学必须会读自己手上的字母,一边读字母一边蹲。 (A 蹲A蹲A蹲完„„H蹲)如果反应不够的快的同学就会淘汰。




A 蹲A蹲A蹲„完蹲H蹲 C、自我练习1分钟 D、游戏开始




奖惩:连续打败三个的学生,可以获得一分的奖励。最后哪组留下的同学最多就可以为团队加2分。 B、 老师示范 C、 游戏开始

4、 巅峰对抗




奖惩:全对又工整的同学是可以获得3分的奖励 B、游戏开始

5、 完成练习册字母抄写

请学生按照练习册上字母的正确书写格式将每个字母每排抄写3个。 Blackboard :

Period 2 Teaching aims:



3、熟记常见的缩写名称 Important points:

1、学会ABCsong,进一步巩固26个字母的发音。 Difficult points:

1、Jj ,Gg ,Mm ,Nn,Vv 的发音 Teaching creatives:






6、super girls and boys Teaching tools:26个字母卡片、洋娃娃 Teaching steps: Step1:Greeting warm-up and review

一、Greeting : Hi , children welcome back.. Last class you really did a good job. So let’s say “hey ,hey,wonderful .hey hey hey ,wonderful.”for ourselves.

二、Warm-up:26个字母歌谣 A、大家一起中速来一遍。



1、复习二十六个字母歌谣 提问:半元半辅的字母是?二十六个字母分为几类?元音字母是?

2、利用卡片复习26个字母,随机抽出卡片看哪个同学读的最快,可以将卡片作为他们的战利品,放在他们这个团队。最后看哪个团队的战利品最多为获胜,给团队加二分。 Step2:Lead in and persentation

Ok ,now we will learn a song together .i believe you can sing a beautiful song .Are you ready ? Step3:Practice

A、Listen to the tape carefully 听磁带(2),就可以和学生玩一个“木头人”的游戏。

刚才大家表现非常棒,所以现在老师就奖励一个游戏给你们,你们想不想玩呢?想!!好,现在你们每个人想一个最帅,最漂亮的pose。当老师喊stop的时候,你们就要摆好,同时也是锻炼你们的意志力,看谁能坚持到底。看哪组都能坚持到底就可以为你们团队加2分。 B、 Listen to the tape and repeat it . 老师对你们很有信心,你们一定会学好这首歌。那你们会用几遍将这首歌学会呢? 听第三遍的时候,就让他们跟着磁带一起唱。 C、老师快中慢带唱

对于难点不会唱,老师可以教唱两到三遍。强调难点字母发音:Gg,Jj,Mm,Nn,Vv. D、男女声PK赛 Step4:Consolidation






2、Super girls and boys



1、老师知道你们每个小朋友的记忆力都是非常好,老师就想知道,班上那位同学可以称为“天下第一”,也就是班上的记忆大王。好,现在你们的机会来了,你们敢不敢挑战呢?  老师先带大家一起阅读

 给他们自己5分钟自由记忆时间  游戏正式开始


纪律:如果知道答案,要举手告诉老师,如果没有举手就说出答案,不仅不加分,而且还要 扣你违反纪律分,一分。如果哪个团队的纪律最好,就可以加上一分。 2.完成练习册三大题,连线题。 Blackboard design:

Period 3 Teaching aims:



3、分团队,选出团队队长以及团队口号 Important points: 1. 确定团队及班干部,让班级管理步入正轨。 Difficult points:

1、增强班级的凝聚力。 Teaching creatives: 无

Teaching tools:练习册 Teaching steps: Step1:Greeting warm-up and review

一、Greeting : Hi ,dear students ,welcome back. Last two class you did a good job .

二、Warm-up : up and down




刚才大家对上两节课所学的知识掌握的非常好了,那你们是否真正的掌握了呢?好,那现在大家一起来检测一下吧! Step2:Practice 1.分团队,选团队队长



现在老师选出来的都是班上的优秀的成员,老师希望你们能为班上出力,也相信有你们的协助,我们班会成为最优秀的开放班级,但是每个同学都要认真负责,老师会给你们两周的适用期,在期间发现不负责的同学,老师会另选他人。一个月后,老师会根据你们的表现,对你们发工资。 学习部长(4名):帮助没有过关的同学过关,并且可以协助老师负责其他同学的过关,一定要严格把关。如果发现包庇的现象,就会撤职。 班务秘书(2名):每次到学校帮老师收发作业本,并将未交的同学名字记录好。将老师的成功手册填写完。 卫生部长(4名):每次放学检查班上的卫生情况,并对座位上有垃圾的同学进行扣分。 纪律部长(4名):上课期间管理班上的纪律,对于那些不守纪律的同学进行名字登记,并进行扣分。

指挥官(4名):在上课的时候,根据老师的手势或同学的表现进行喊出口号。 双语部长(4名):现在的社会到处都要讲普通话,现在剑桥为你们提供了平台,所以到这里不仅可以锻炼你们的普通话,也可以让你们锻炼英语。所以希望每位同学都能讲普通话,发现讲方言的会扣分。

只有大家一起努力才能将我们班打造成军队班级,你们有没有信心呢? Homework:



3、在家将ABCsong 以及26个字母歌谣表演给家长看,加1分。


第三篇:《现代大学英语精读2》教案(lesson 1-11)

Lesson 1 Another School Year—What For?


1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. to be fresh out of: be having recently finished 2. body: a group of people who work together 3. to reach for: try to obtain

To read: to have … written on it 4. Question: What’s the difference between training and education? 5. … be around long enough for it to matter.

Paraphrase: stay at college very long to understand my words, so it would not be important whether or not I told him all this. 6. to average out to/at…: (informal) to result in an average amount 7. to hold: to remain the same 8. to see to it that: to make sure that 9. … doesn’t go to the electric chair…

Paraphrase: is sentenced to death not because you are not a competent lawyer.

To go to the electric chair: to be punished or killed on the electric chair. 10. along with: in addition to; as well as

Sentence meaning: In addition to all other things the professional skills offer. 11. … may it always suffice.

I hope your income will always be enough. 12. reasonably: to a degree that is fairly good 还好的,尚可的 13. to maintain some contact with…: to keep in touch with…

14. Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering?

Paraphrase: Will you have a painting in your house that shows your taste? 15. to be out to do/be out for… : be trying to do 16. to be stuck for sth. : not knowing what to do 17. signing checks: paying for what you’ve bought by signing checks.

18. the best human minds: the best philosophers, scientists and writer. 19. If you have no time for…have no business in college.

Paraphrase: If you don’t want to study a little literature, philosophy and the fine arts and history, you shouldn’t be here at college. 20. You are on your way … button Neanderthal.

You’ll soon become a new type of humans who are uneducated and can only operate machines by pushing the buttons. 21. …rather the college went through them—without making contact.

Paraphrase: It’s more accurate to say that they pass through the college without learning anything. 22. …being unaided: without the help of others 23. There is not time enough … in order to be a civilized human.

Paraphrase: One lifetime is too short to create an environment for a person to become civilized. 24. …there cut into the stones are the names of the scientists.

Paraphrase: The names of the scientists are carved into the stone there as memorials. 25. the chances are: it is likely III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V.

Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. … spring was late in coming.

Paraphrase: it was so cold that it seemed that it were the weather of winter. In fact, it was spring. 2. to get: to put … into a place or state 3. not that: although it is not true that

4. ever: that I had ever known of. 5. upset: (v.) knock over, knock down 6. …waiting for things to quiet down.

Paraphrase: waiting until my grandma wasn’t angry 7. half grown: on the way of becoming an adult wolf. 8. Gone was the puppy-wool… black mantle.

Paraphrase: His fur changed from the puppy-wool to beautiful and black hair. (Here the author uses metaphor. He compares the wolf’s skin to a coat and mantle.) 9. after: (adv.) later

10. It all served to fog my mind with pleasure … one night Maheegun unchained.

Paraphrase: I was so happy with Maheegun that my alertness slacked and forgot to chain him one night.

11. The following morning in sailed Mrs. Yesno, wild with anger Wild with anger: very angry 12. start: (n.) a sudden uncontrolled movement 13. wild cry: natural and strong cry 14. for life: all one’s life 15. (all) for the best: best for the long run 16. I was as busy as … for the winter.

Paraphrase: I was busy with preparing myself for a future career. (The author uses simile here.) 17. It was not long after that I found the answer.

Paraphrase: Soon I found Maheegun still remembered me. 18. to slip into: to put on 19. I circled to my right … creek bed.

Paraphrase: I move around to the right and fell into a creek bed that was filled with snow. 20. … the snow had made a blank … have been no creek there.

Paraphrase: it was snowing heavily, and the air was so thick with big snow flakes that I couldn’t see through them. But I realized that I had taken the wrong direction, because there was no creek where I should have moved to. 21. to blow itself out: to lose force and stop entirely 22. A great white stillness had taken over and with it, biting cold.

Paraphrase: The storm had stopped. The white world was quiet and very cold. 23. … freeze the world with fear.

Paraphrase: seemed to terrify all the living creatures and make them become still. 24. Suddenly the world exploded in snarls.

Paraphrase: Suddenly with terrible snarls, the wolves began to attack. 25. to work one’s way: to move difficultly and gradually 26. … reached out: stretch out his tongue. 27. Maybe it was relief or weakness or both.

Paraphrase: Maybe I cried because I was now out of danger, or maybe because I was weak, or because of both of the two reasons. 28. … fanned it into life.

Paraphrase: caused it to burn by blowing the fire. 29. … my eyes came … by my bed.

Paraphrase: my eyes adjusted themselves to be able to see clearly my grandfather sitting by my bed. 30. He is with his own kind. Paraphrase: He is living among his fellow wolves. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V.

Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 3 More Crime and Less Punishment Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. households: people living together 2. to amount to: to add up to; to be equal to 3. … have arrest records for nontraffic offence.

Paraphrase: have been arrested because of illegal actions which don’t include breaking traffic rules.

4. correctional supervision: (a euphemism) a kind of punishment, such as reform school

5. to lock sb. away: to put sb. in prison 6. This is why the certainty and … the crime rate goes up.

Paraphrase: This is why not all crimes are punished and the punishment is less severe although the crime rate increases. 7. to give out: to announce, to enforce

8. property crimes: crimes of stealing, mugging (打劫) or robbery 9. … but it just might be the other way around.

the other way around/round: the opposite situation

Paraphrase: but the opposite might be true: crime prevents punishment. 10. Our current crop … who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.

Paraphrase: The present prisoners are much more serious law-breakers than the prisoners of the country in the years between 1930s and 1960s. 11. … it makes little/no sense… : it is not sensible or reasonable. 12. … answer the TV message: It’s 10 o’clock! Do you know where your children are?”

Paraphrase: make sure they are all home at 10 o’clock in the evening. 13. The other are rejected or dismissed … instead of punishment.

Paraphrase: The other three arrested criminals’ cases are refused or stopped because there isn’t sufficient evidence or no witness can be found. Or instead of being put into prison, these criminals are sent elsewhere for medical treatment (when they can produce proof for illness of some kind.) 14. the select few: the few criminals who are carefully chosen 15. to be easy on: to treat … in a gentle way and not too severe 16. Yet when measured against the lower crime rates …

To measure sth./sb. against sth./sb. : to judge sb./sth. by comparing them with another person or thing

Paraphrase: But when longer prison sentences are compared with the lower crime rates.

17. … are not worth the cost to state and local governments.

Paraphrase: are not worthwhile because state and local governments have to pay much money for this. 18. given: specific 19. … we do know the extent … major crime convictions.

Paraphrase: We do know how many of those people under parole are convicted and put into jail again for serious crime. 20. … only 15000 crimes prevented.

Paraphrase: If those prisoners were kept in prison for another year, only 15000 crimes would be prevented. 21. a drop in the bucket: an amount of sth. that is too small to be important. 22. This works out to more than $$100, 000 per crime prevented.

Paraphrase: This means that it costs more than $$100, 000 to prevent one crime. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 4 The Nightingale and the Rose Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.

Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. for want of: because of a lack of 2. lover: a person who loves 3. ball: a large party with dancing 4. to: according to; while sth. else is happening 伴随着 5. something of: to some degree 6. plot: a small piece of land used for a special purpose 7. … nipped my buds.

Paraphrase: stopped the growth of the buds 8. … and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man?

Paraphrase: The heart of a bird is nothing compared to the heart of a man. (The sentence is a rhetorical question.) 9. to ask … of sb. : to ask sb. for …

10. … he could not understand what the Nightingale was saying to him.

Question: Why couldn’t he understand? 11. to sing of: (formal) to mention sth in a song or a poem, especially to praise it 12. spray: (n.) a small branch having buds or flowers

13. girdle: a band of red color round the middle of the petals 14. … a film came over her eyes.

Film: a thin layer or covering of sth. 15. to choke: to make sb. unable to breathe 16. all over: all parts of one’s body III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 5 Say Yes Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text.

1. to pitch in: (Here in is an adverb.) to start to work eagerly 2. somehow: (adv.) in some way not yet know 3. to get onto: begin to talk about 4. “Oh boy” is used to show annoyance 5. to take my word for it: to believe what I say 6. She was piling dishes on the draining-board at a terrific rate. Question: Why at a great speed? 7. “Not the same, like us.”

Paraphrase: They don’t have the same background, and they are not like us. 8. to resort to : to adopt, use

Trick: method 9. He’d acted out of concern for her,

Paraphrase: He had done so because of concern for her. 10. … he thought that it would be a nice gesture on her part not to start up that conversation again, Paraphrase: he hoped his wife would show her concern in return by not continuing the unpleasant conversation. 11. For Christ’s sake: The expression is often used to show annoyance, like “Oh boy”. 12. Let’s say: Let’s suppose 13. cornered: forced into a difficult position 14. Let’s not move too fast on this.

Paraphrase: Let’s not rush to a decision. 15. “Thank you.”

Question: Thank you for what? 16. snap through the pages: turn the pages suddenly and quickly 17. While he was at it, Paraphrase: While he was cleaning dishes. 18. In another thirty years…

Question: What does the word “another” suggest? 19. What would all that stuff matter then?

Paraphrase: What is the sense of arguing about these problems? 20. I’ll make it up to you.

Paraphrase: I’ll do something good for you. 21. “We’ll see” is used when you don’t want to make a decision right now. 22. His heart pounded the way… the house, a stranger.

Question: What does the sentence show? III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. III. Checking the exercises.

IV. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 6 The Man in the Water Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. as persons/things go: compared with the average persons/things

As businessmen go, he is considered pretty honest. 2. There was the unusual element of … high traffic.

Paraphrase: One thing that was unusual about this disaster was that the plane hit the bridge when the traffic was heavy. 3. Then, too, there was the location of the event.

Paraphrase: Besides, the location of the event was also unusual. 4. … a blast of real winter…: a sudden strong and really cold winter 5. … a single slap of metal on metal: the plane’s colliding/collision on the bridge, both of which was made of metal 6. And there was the aesthetic clash as well—blue-and-green Air Florida, Paraphrase: When the air crash occurred, it was not just a clash of metal against the bridge, but also a clash between colors: the blue-green color of the plane and the gray and black color of the ice and river. 7. … while always special…

Paraphrase: although it is always special 8. … bring millions to tears or to attention.

Paraphrase: make millions of people cry or attract their attention 9. Why, then, the shock here?

Paraphrase: Why was there such a shock, then? 10. the elements: the bad weather 11. indifferent as ever: unconcerned about the consequences as always 12. to rise to the occasion: to deal successfully with a difficult situation 13. a park police: police whose job is to look after a park 14. in the line of duty: part of one’s duty

15. … lines that is no less admirable for being repeated.

Paraphrase: words that have been said before by many heroes, but the words are still admirable. 16. to stick in the mind: to be remembered 17. But the person most responsible for … “the man in the water”.

Be responsible for: be the cause for 18. lifeline: a rope used to save people at sea

19. mass casualty: large numbers of people hurt or killed 20. commitment: a strong sense of responsibility 21. his anonymity another.

Paraphrase: The fact that he did not leave his name was another reason why the story held national attention. 22. … gave him a universal character.

Paraphrase: make him have a universal quality and make people feel that it could have been anyone. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. rough: not exact

2. to turn out: to happen to be in the end 3. … Like liquid tropical sunlight,

Question: What does the sentence show? 4. to aim at: to direct one’s efforts towards 5. War is no longer a matter of armies;

Paraphrase: War doesn’t depend on how many armies you have. 6. …west of the Atlantic: Latin American countries.

7. … he was not at all what one would regard as the figure of a soldier.

Paraphrase: He was not at all the kind of person one would regard as a soldier, because he was not tall and strong. 8. charge: a rushing forceful attack

9. get rid of him: remove him from office 10. to let loose: to free 11. to have sth. within one’s grasp: to be able to achieve or attain sth. 12. to keep sb. at sth. : to force sb. to continue to do 13. … for I thought it very likely in a hot country like that.

Paraphrase: Because people usually think hot weather can make one become listless (无精打采的) and lazy. 14. to drive: to force sb. to work hard 15. … he was more than content: he was very content; he was very satisfied 16. … drove him away: made him work on another thing or sth. else. 17. drugged: addicted to drugs 18. And the splendor of our position faded like dreams.

Paraphrase: The glory of our country disappeared like dreams. 19. fancy: a new idea 20. … he gave me every facility, showing me the entire process…

Paraphrase: He used every facility to show me the whole process. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 8 Psychologically Speaking


1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. What is it?

Paraphrase: What is it on your mind? What are you thinking of?

2. to fool around/about: to waste time 闲逛 3. Out with it.

Paraphrase: Tell me about it. 4. up: (adv.) to the place in the north. 5. garage: a place where motor vehicles are repaired 6. delicate: very sensitive to what is proper

7. … unless he was.

Paraphrase: unless he was respectable. 8. … not when I’m working for you.

Paraphrase: I won’t go out with him when I’m working for you. 9. to behave yourself: to do things in a way that people think is correct or polite 10. impulsively: suddenly without thinking of the consequences 11. If it works out.

Paraphrase: If it succeeds. 12. under cover: pretending to be sb. else in order to do sth. secretly 13. be on your honor: be trusted to do sth. 14. We’re putting you and Dad on your honor.

Paraphrase: We respect you and believe in you. 15. … Bessie Waring once.

Explain: In some western countries, when a woman gets married, she will use her husband’s family name as her family name. 16. ... it was a fool’s paradise!

Paraphrase: It was an imaginary and unreal beautiful world. 17. to open one’s eyes to: to make sb. realize 18. to claim: ask for or demand because you think it is your right to have it 19. for all you know: you really don’t know III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 9 Quick Fix Society Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course:

I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. fix: (n.) solution to a problem, especially an easy and temporary one 2. consist of: be formed from 3. half the fun: the largest part of fun (of our trip to West Virginia) 4. … had tried to take on another hot July afternoon.

Question: What does “another” suggest? 5. to crowd: to (jk是什么意思是什么?JK是“じょしこうこうせい ”(女子高校生)罗马音 jyoshi koukousei 的简写(取其中“J”和“K”),通常指日本女高中生;JK也是ACGN次文化中的萌属性之一。)make … move close together 6. … no little dots this time.

Paraphrase: This time they didn’t seem like little dots. 7. … refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated.

Paraphrase: We felt energetic and fresh, and had experienced a new way of life. 8. … not just to get from Point A to Point B.

Paraphrase: not just to travel from place to place, but also in many other aspects of life.

9. Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification.

Paraphrase: Americans knew it took time for their desires to be satisfied. 10. We put a little of each paycheck away “for a rainy day”.

Paraphrase: We save a little money from our income in case we might need it in the future. 11. to save (up) for: to save money because of 12. to help sb. out: to help sb. in a difficult situation 13. relax now: buy what we want now 14. ready-made: able to be used at once 15. off the rack: ready-made 16. to warp up: to complete or finish 17. … doesn’t agree with us.

Paraphrase: make us feel sick. 18. … you guessed it.

Explain: This sentence shows that the readers know what the writer would say next. 19. minutes: a summary of a formal meeting 20. Cliff’s Notes: a series of reference books which contains the summary and comment of the work

21. … especially if we are students.

Question: Why? III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 10 The Richer, the Poorer Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. Bess had lived each day as if there were no other.

Paraphrase: Bess seized every minute to enjoy herself as if she would die next day. 2. lean: (adj.) small in amount 3. Bess had the clothes on her back.

Paraphrase: All of Bess’s clothes was what she was wearing. 4. wordly: (adj.) of the material world

5. … her child’s mouth watered for ice cream and candy.

Paraphrase: As a child, she wanted ice cream and candy very much. 6. to clerk: (v.) to keep records or accounts

7. But her freshman year found her unable to indulge this fantasy.

Paraphrase: But in her first year at high school, she found that she couldn’t allow herself to spend her money on clothes. 8. to put one’s mind to sth. : to concentrate on; to set one’s mind on sth. 集中精力做 9. Lottie expected to be settled with a home and family.

Settled: (adj.) comfortable and happy

Paraphrase: Lottie wanted to get married and lead a comfortable life. 10. … a homemaking job: being a housewife 11. in rags: wearing old torn clothes 12. to go to ruin: to become damaged 变破旧 13. … trapped by the blood tie.

Paraphrase: closely related to Bess. 14. be through with sth. : finish 15. to go about doing: to begin working at 开始着手做 16. She worked her way from kitchen to parlor.

Paraphrase: She worked hard to improve one room after another. 17. At night she slept like a child after a long and happy day of playing house.

Playing house: a children’s game in which children pretend to be mom and dad and to be housekeeping 18. She was living each hour for itself.

Paraphrase: she was doing something just to pass the time, not to prepare for old age. 19. She went on a spending spree from the specially shops to beauty salon.

Paraphrase: She began to spend money wildly and wastefully in specialty shops and beauty salons. 20. At the lavish table, top-heavy with turkey.

Paraphrase: There was a lot of food on the table and the main dish was a turkey which was too big and lavish for two old ladies. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

Lesson 11You Have to Get Me Out of Here Aims:

1. Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns; 2. Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented; 3. Help them master the grammatical rules presented; 4. Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.

Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar. Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences. Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.

Teaching Course: I. Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson. Previewing the text. Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist. II. Detailed study of the text. 1. … Rocky Mountain blue.

Paraphrase: the kind of blue that you can find above the Rocky Mountain 2. soft-spoken: having a gentle and quite voice 低声和气的 3. Its sheer granite face juts up hundreds of feet.

Paraphrase: The cliff is several hundred feet high. Its surface is all hard rock. 4. to pair sb. with sb. : to put sb. into the group of two people 5. Katie allowed the peace of the gorgeous spring day to embrace her.

Paraphrase: Katie enjoyed the peace of the wonderful spring day. 6. … crashing: moving and causing noise 移动,发出巨响 7. … threw her five-feet into the air.

Paraphrase: sent her flying into the air, five feet high above the ground 8. … a matter of minutes: only a few minutes

A matter of something: a situation that involves something or depends on something 9. Forcing pain off from her mind.

Paraphrase: Making great effort to forget about the pain. 10. to straighten sth. out: to deal with sth. 清理

11. to see sb. through: to give help or support to sb. for a time 12. choked back: tried hard to prevent 13. to pass out: to lose consciousness, faint 14. to catch up with sb. : to finally start to cause trouble for sb. 15. … breath came in painful gasps from the altitude.

Paraphrase: breath became quick and painful because of the altitude. 16. … bumps sent lightning bolts of pain through Katie’s body. Paraphrase: the uneven road caused severe pain through Katie’s body. 17. … to expose the veins.

Paraphrase: to make the veins easily seen. 18. … presence of mind.

Paraphrase: the ability to remain calm and clear 19. to wear off: to gradually disappear or stop 20. Katie knew that her desperate need to direct her own rescue was over.

Paraphrase: Katie knew that she didn’t have to direct her own rescue. III. Assignment: Exercises after the text. IV. Checking the exercises. V. Dictation of the new words in the lesson.

第四篇:幼儿英语教案lesson 7(1)

备课人:------------ 备课时间:------------- 检查人:----------- 一级B Lesson 7 Are you washing clothes?

一、 Teaching aims:





What is she doing? What are they doing?

5、学习歌曲《Are you sleeping?》。

二、Important points:


2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。



a.一般情况:直接加ing. b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing. c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.


What is she doing? What are they doing?

三、Difficult points:

1、难点单词children bicycle catch volleyball race的发音。

2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。


a.一般情况:直接加ing. b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing. c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.


What is she doing? What are they doing?

四、Teaching tools:


五、奖励方式: 星星

六、Teaching periods:3 periods

Period 1

一、Teaching aims:



二、Important points:

重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。

三、Difficult points:

1、难点单词children bicycle catch volleyball race的发音。

2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。

四、Teaching tools:


五、Creative points:

1. warm-up-----------------------------《Are you sleeping?》 2. Review“Super translator” 3. Lead in and presentation----------“小小翻译官”

4. Practice------------------------------重难点分析:“火眼金睛” “拼读大比拼” “趣味带读”“炸地雷”“造句比赛”

5. Consolidation-----------------------“Super doctor” “实战演习”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, nice to see you today. Last week all of you did a good job, yes or no? I believe you can do better this week! OK? before the class let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》, let’s me see which group is better? 全班一起唱并拍手。 “Super translator”

Rule: 老师出示写有中文的句子卡片,孩子们根据中文进行翻译,答对一个加一分! Step2: Lead in and presentation“小小翻译官”


A boy likes playing football and volleyball. Another boy likes riding a bicycle. Step3: Practice 重、难点分析“火眼金睛”


1、重读开音节,看看哪个团队找的速度是最快的!找对一个加一笔。 字母组合:children wash catch football volleyball matter cook 重读开音节:race ride 重读闭音节: fun leg left 2.“拼读大比拼”


3、 “趣味带读”





Rule:根据今日所学wash football ride cry重点单词,让学生对老师指定的任何一个单词造句,可以在书上找,造出一个给该团队加一笔。 Step5:Consolidation

1、“super doctor”




Blackboard design:

Period 2

一、Teaching aims:




What is she doing? What are they doing?

4、学习歌曲《Are you sleeping?》。

二、Important points:



a.一般情况:直接加ing. b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing. c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.


What is she doing? What are they doing?

三、Difficult points:


a.一般情况:直接加ing. b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing. c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.


What is she doing? What are they doing?

四、Teaching tools: 话剧头饰

五、Creative points:

1.Warm up-----《Are you sleeping?》 2. Review------“I do you say” 3. Lead in and presentation-----------------“快速笔记王”

4. Practice------重难点讲解:“Follow me”“挑战自己” “进一步挑战” “单词替换” “超级模仿秀”

5. Consolidation-----------------------------“话剧表演” “实战检验”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, welcome back! Last class all of you did a good job, yes or no? I hope you can persist in it! OK? before the class let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》. “I do you say”


Step2: Lead in and presentation“快速笔记王”

Rule:老师将现在进行时动词变为现在分词的规则和现在现在进行时的基本结构板书在黑板上,以团队为标准,看谁用工整的字迹最先抄完。将为本团队积分3笔! 现在进行时的基本结构:be+V-ing。 变一般疑问句:将be动词提前即可。 动词变现在分词的规则: a.一般情况:直接加ing. b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing. c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing. Step3: Practice

1、重点难点讲解:“Follow me”

Rule: 老师先让孩子们找出本单元的动词,回答对一个加一笔! wash/ catch/ ride/ cry/ cook 老师用其中的一个单词进行造句,然后孩子们根据老师的方式,对其他的单词也进行造句,答对一个加2笔!老师也可以将一般疑问句的变换方式也加进去让孩子们进行操练!






Rule:老师先用现在进行时造一个句子板书在黑板上: Are you cooking? 讲解:只用在最前面加一个What,将后面的动词改为doing,就可以,其他都是照抄!老师还可以用其他单词进行替换,让孩子们得到充分训练!


Rule:老师放磁带,孩子们跟读,看谁的声音是最大的,当场奖励一分! Step5: Consolidation(巩固)




Rule:请学生拿出练习册,给孩子们五分钟的时间做第二课时的题目,老师事先将磁带倒好,然后让孩子们保持安静做完。老师讲解的时候要请学生起来回答,如果不会,就请知道的孩子回答,没有人知道的,老师就一定要重点讲解,尤其是语法部分,并强调让孩子们做好笔记。 Blackboard design:

Period 3

一、Teaching aims:





二、Important points:



三、Difficult points:



四、Teaching tools: 练习册、七单元单词卡片

五、Creative points: 1.Warm up 2. Review---《Are you sleeping?》 3. Lead in and presentation--------------“三分钟速记” 4. Practice---“默写单词”

5. Consolidation---------------------------“听磁带完成练习册” “快乐传声”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, welcome back! This is our last class, I am so excited, because you will learn more in this class. Are you happy? OK! Before our class, let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》 团队PK,声音最大的将得到三笔的奖励,其他的分别加上211笔。 “闪卡”


Step2: Lead in and presentation“三分钟速记”

Rule: 给孩子们三分钟的时间记单词,一定要强调,本次的默写只是检测孩子们对于单词的掌握程度,不希望出现抄袭的现象,但是,它是占我们学习一栏的一部分。 Step3: Practice“默写单词”

Rule: 三秒钟时间将所有的书本收进抽屉,只留下默写本和考试用具,老师采用录音机播放报单词,默写期间,不允许有任何人东张西望,或者讲话的情况出现。 Step4: Consolidation(巩固)


Rule: 做第三课时的题目,老师事先就将磁带倒好,强调听磁带的时候教室保持安静,听完磁带后,安静继续答题。




Rule:将班上分为均等的四个团队,给每个团队的第一个孩子一张白纸,老师出示一个单词,由第一个孩子在纸上写下,然后向后传,每个人都要写,看哪个团队在两分钟之内写的最多,可以欣赏由最后一名的那组带来“母猪歌”。 Blackboard design:






第五篇:八下英语教案lesson 1

Unit 1 Spring is coming! Lesson 1:How’s the Weather?

一 、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1. New words and phrases:shower,thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise,set,exact, weather report,be scared of. 2. Understand the meaning oh text. 3.Grammar:Word building.

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1. Master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text. 2.How to talk about the weather in spring in English? 3.Learn to use the grammar to remember the words.

三、Key points:(重点)

Talking about the weather in spring.

四、Difficult points:(难点)

Use the grammar—word building to remember the words.

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly. Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. Review:Now we are at the beginning of the school,new term is coming and spring is coming.Last term,we learned how to talk our hobby and our future,we learned transportation,we learned neighborhood,and now what will we learn? Step 2. Lead in.(引入)

Ask some Ss to introduce the weather in Mangkang. T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s sunny/windy/cloudy........ Come to “Think About It!”

How is the weather in your hometown in spring? Have you ever heard a weather report?What expressions do they often use? Step 3. New lesson.(新课) No. 1 prepare lessons before class. Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly. No. 2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text. No. 3Important sentences: 1. How is the weather? It’s sunny/windy/cloudy........ 2. What’s the weather like today? 3. What’s the temperature? The temperature is......... 4. I’m scared of thunder. (be scared of) No. 4Gammar:Word building. Eg: thunderstorm,sunrise,sunset,hometown,basketball. 英语构词法主要有三种:合成法、转化法和派生法。掌握基本的构词法,有助于词汇的理解、记忆和积累。合成法,就是把两个或两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列构成新词的方法。用此法构成的词叫复合词。复合词主要包括复合名词、复合代词、复合形容词和复合副词等。



headache(头疼),daybreak(黎明) (2)动词+名词

playground(操场),postcard(明信片) (3)名词+名词

basketball(篮球),classroom(教室) (4)形容词+名词

blackboard(黑板),grandfather(爷爷) (5)动名词+名词



(1)some(any,every,no)+body:somebody(有人,某人),nobody(没有人) (2)some(any,every,n o)+thing:something(某物,某事),nothing(没有东西)


man-made(人造的),kind-hearted(好心的),hard-working(努力工作的),fund-raising (筹集资金的)等。



另外,复合动词有understand(理解),复合介词有without(无,没有)等。 No. 5 Dig In Here are some weather icons: Sunny

light rain

moderate rain

heavy rain Cloudy



lightening Frosty


thunder shower

snowy No. 6 Finish “Let’s Do It!”

Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape. Step 5.Summary. (小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences. Sum up the grammar. Step 6. Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice. Copy the new words and phrases twice. Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences. The grammar and practice. 八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

新概念英语1 Lesson51教案

新概念英语第一册lesson 51 A pleasant climate 【一、听录音回答问题】 HANS: Where do you come from? DIMITRI: I come from Greece. HANS: What s the climate like in......


Lesson1教案revised1. (约15min-20min)自我介绍说明课程考核方式和课程安排讲学习翻译的重要性(a.翻译是用途最广最实用的一项技能;b.学习翻译可以让人对语言的认识上升到一个......

review lesson 1教案

Unit 12 Review 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容:Unit 12 Review 二. 重点、难点: Words, Phrases and Sentences 三. 具体内容: Lesson 1 (一)大声读单词: 1. relax v. 放松;轻......

Lesson 1 Hello 教案

Lesson 1 Hello! 教案 教学目标 1. 通过创设情境学习What s your name? My name is..../I m....等简单句子。 2. 通过引导孩子学习另一种表达道别的说法:See you. 3. 通过......


Sean’s teaching plan 2010/4/28 Lesson1 1语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION) [15min+45min] 1) 复习元音/ i:/ / i/ / e/ / æ/ 辅音 听写单词 2) 学习音标U2 2课文A privat......

幼儿英语教案lesson 7

备课人: 备课时间:检查人:音标班Lesson 7 16个辅音及3个短音音标 Teaching aims : 1、能区别音素与音标的概念,介绍音标的相关知识,了解音节及重读概念。 2、16个辅音音标及格......

EEC小学英语三年级上册 Lesson1教案

EEC小学英语三年级上册Lesson1教学案例EEC小学英语三年级上册Lesson1教学案例《EEC小学英语》三年级上册Lesson 1 教学案例这是一节小学三年级的英语课,所教授的内容是黑龙......


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.1新概念英语☆ 小升初英语系列A Lecture for New Concept English 1Lesson 1-4Excuse meJane English Ce......