

小编(ntr什么意思?ntr是一个网络词汇,简单来说就是最近被别人戴绿帽了,有部分地方也将ntr称为牛头人。):简简单单时间:2010-11-18 10:43:17来源:飞外整理


1. Copy the crack to your Black Ops folder.(替换文件,应该都知道吧)
2. Copy the config to ***\Activision\Call of Duty - Black Ops\players.(这个同上)
3. Start BlackOpsMP.exe(开游戏)
4. Wait till it loads (won't connect to the server).(等待读取)
5. Open console with ~ and write /map MAPNAME (i.e. /map mp_nuked) .(按~用控制台输入命令开地图)
6. All gametypes will start with 23 bots you can change this by editing seta scr_bot_managed_all 23 and seta scr_bot_managed_spawn 23 to whatever number of bots you want.(这个是修改BOT的数量,用seta scr_bot_managed_all 23 和seta scr_bot_managed_spawn 23 这2个命令)
Note: Bots will load automatically at the start of the match (around 3-5sec mark before match starts)(BOT会在游戏开始前几秒加入)
Also I have added the seta r_multiGpu 0 and the seta r_multithreaded_device 1 by default to the config_mp.txt file feel free to change this.(这个是说修改这2个参数可以改善性能)

To play any gametype type the following before you load the map in the console(without quotes):(下面就是模式和地图的命令)

g_gametype tdm =Team deathmatch (used for default)
g_gametype dm =Free-for-all
g_gametype sab =Sabotage
g_gametype dem =Demolition
g_gametype ctf =Capture the flag
g_gametype sd =Search and destroy
g_gametype dom =Domination
g_gametype koth =Headquarters
g_gametype hlnd =Stick and Stones
g_gametype gun =Gun mode
g_gametype shrp =Sharpshooter
g_gametype oic =One in the Chamber

All maps(type in console after you type in gametype without quotes :

map mp_array
map mp_cairo
map mp_cosmodrome
map mp_cracked
map mp_crisis
map mp_duga
map mp_firingrange
map mp_hanoi
map mp_havoc
map mp_mountain
map mp_nuked
map mp_radiation
map mp_russianbase
map mp_villa

