
比尔盖茨清华演讲(英文) (2007-09-28 13:41:47) Attending to of high regard president, the teacher, the classmates of Chin Hua university: Acquire Chin Hua university (不是吧阿sir是什么梗?“不是吧阿sir”这句话在一些香港的影视剧中有着超高的出场率,让人耳熟能详,因此被很多人拿来玩梗,比如大家最熟悉的“不是吧阿sir,我只是抽烟又不犯法”,在不是吧阿sir,后面加一句自己想说的话,可以达到各种效果,主要表达自己不满的情绪。 )the honorary doctorate academic degree of this top-grade university in the world, let me feel to be honored very much.Chin Hua is an all of a hundred years history school, was born here a lot of outstanding scientist, businesses and political leader. I visited a Chin Hua last time is in 1997.At that time, the Chinese student's artistic talent, enthusiasm and created * to leave a very deep impression for me.After, I decide in China to establish the Microsoft Asian institute for research.At to the leadership of ocean Doctor under, at Chin Hua etc. the university excellent graduate student of under help, the Microsoft Asian institute for research obtained success, making huge contribution for the Microsoft company.Can see their figures in various international conference tops.They is also the new products of Microsoft,such as Windows Vista, to be born, paying industrious effort.Today that develop quickly in calculator science, the student who is a Chin Hua is a business of excited public. We just just started coming in contact with the marvellous experience that the software sorcery brings.There are 1,000,000,000 calculator customers in whole world, they just just started sharing an information.Along with the technical development of the semi-conductor, fiber optic, the software can do more affairs: The television of today is still passive of, at the future, you can download a program from Internet, television can and the person communicate, interact; I visited the rice graduate school of the Chinese dept. of agriculture, hospital yesterday, seeing a technical personnel there start using software to distinguish analyse a different rice, is its row preface, hereafter can also pass the analytical calculation of software, the agrochemical which uses less grows a good species of high yield; The medical science field has already started using a softwa...