
Sour, sour. It's vinegar.酸的, 酸的, 是醋。Heartburn and sour acid eructations are frequent.常有烧心感和嗳酸。Decrease of th(舌战群儒的主人公是谁?舌战群儒的主人公是诸葛亮。舌战群儒典故的意思:舌战、激烈争辩;儒:指读书人。指同很多人辩论,并驳倒对方。)e capacity of amine liquid for absorbing sour gas.胺液吸收酸气的能力下降。Repress the sour activity of ammonia, quickly the melanin's absorption.抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,加快黑色素的吸收。In general have hot and sour popular loin loin and two kinds of sweet and sour.一般流行有酸辣里脊和糖醋里脊两种。Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomit abdominal distention abdominal pain食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐腹胀腹痛Muscle of ministry of arm, back, leg can have acerbity sour to have the effect namely!手臂,背部,腿部肌肉会有酸酸感就是有效果啦!The absorption method was used to treat phenol in water purified by sour water stripping.采用吸附法对酸水汽提净化水中得酚进行了处理。Taste sensations.The desert, Amaretto sour mousse with marachino cherry sorbet was sweet sour and sublime.甜点是意大利苦杏酒酸甜点加樱桃甜酒, 甜酸纯爽。Therefore, the sweet and sour radish, sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour pork ribs fliers gallery popular dishes.因此, 糖醋萝卜, 糖醋鱼, 糖醋排骨传单画廊流行菜肴。