
USB Mass Storage Framework



加上对应的控制芯片(微控制器(含Nand Flash的控制器)+ USB设备控制器)和一个Nand Flash芯片:



USB MSC设备中的固件(firmware)或者硬件(hardware),必须要实现下面这些功能:

检测和响应通用的USB Request和USB总线上的事件。检测和响应来自USB设备的关于信息或者动作的USB Mass Storage Request。检测和响应,从USB Transfer中获得的SCSI Command。这些业界标准的命令,
是用来获得状态信息,控制设备操作,向存储介质块中读取(read block)和写入(write block)数据的。


U盘的功能,就是数据存储。而对应的数据传输,用的是USB中的Bulk Transfer。
而Control Transfer是用来发送Class-Specific的信息和Clear Stall。

但是只能用于,full-speed的软盘(Floppy drive),也不推荐将CBI用于其它新出的MSC设备上。


USB MSC Control/Bulk/Interrupt (CBI) 主要用于Floppy设备,对于我们关心的U盘,用不到,不需要太关心,可以忽略之。

如上所述,Bulk-only是USB设备端,此处的U盘和USB Host端,即普通PC,之间信息交换的协议。

Bulk Only Transport,也被简称为BOT。

USB MSC中的Bulk-Only 常被叫做BBB,是相对于前面所说的CBI来说的。

看起来,USB MSC的CBI,是Control/Bulk/Interrupt的简写,但是其具体含义是:


将命令块(command block)传给设备;即Control端点传送命令块

Bulk In和Bulk Out端点用于在主机(Host)和设备(Device)之间数据的传输。



因此,上面的USB MSC的Control/Bulk/Interrupt,才被简称为CBI。





既然,对于USB MSC设备来说,USB设备和USB主机之间的通信,

我的理解是,那是因为,最开始USB协议定义的时候,那时候市场上的Floppy Disk还是用的很多的。


多数开始用Flash Memory了,再加上通过合理规划,



USB MSC Bulk-Only (BBB) 协议,是我们要重点关注的对象。

UFI,即Universal Floppy Interface,因此看名字就知道,是关于软盘的。

此USB MSC UFI规范,定义了UFI命令集合(Command Set),设计出来此规范,
就是用于软盘的。此UFI命令集合,是基于SCSI-2 和SFF-8070i命令集合的。


是USB Flash Memory类型的,不是Floppy Disk类型的,所以,此处也可以不关心,暂忽略之。


因此,设计了这个规范,以使得操作系统可以从USB MSC设备上启动。

那么你就要实现对应的CDB(Command Descriptor Block,命令描述符块)或者Data数据。





“Lockable Storage Devices Feature Specification”,简称为 LSD FS。




此协议可实现允许主机Host或者设备Device去锁定Lock或者解锁Unlock 对应的存储设备。




UASP规范,定义了关于如何在USB 2.0和USB 3.0中,


那是因为,原先的BOT(Bulk Only Transport),虽然协议简单已实现,


而对于USB 3.0来说,速度从USB 2.0的480Mb/s变成了 5.0Gb/s,
USB传输速度也不太高,例如,有研究表明,2.4 GHz Core Duo™的CPU,
而USB 3.0的理论速度是5.0Gb/s=640MB/s,即还不到理论最大速度的一半。

因此,才有了这个UASP,对于SCSI协议进行了补充,以提高USB 2.0的USB总线利用率,
和充分利用USB 3.0的全双工能力,可以使得传输速度达到大约400MB/s。


而此UASP规范,定义了就是如何在USB 2.0和USB 3.0上实现对应的UAS协议。

SCSI Software Stack去访问Device,而USB的Interface也将从功能上看,
变成Host Stack中的另外一个SCSI Host Adapter。




2.1.2.USB MSC的各个协议之间关系总结

为了说明清楚USB Mass Storage各个协议的关系,我们先给这些协议编个号:

①USB Mass Storage Class Control/Bulk/Interrupt (CBI) Transport

②USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only (BBB) Transport

③USB Mass Storage Class Universal Floppy Interface (UFI) Command Specification

④USB Mass Storage Class Bootability Specification

⑤USB Mass Storage Class Compliance Test Specification

⑥USB Lockable Storage Devices Feature Specification (LSD FS)

⑦USB Mass Storage Class USB Attached SCSI Protocol (UASP)

直接用图来表示USB MSC各个协议之间的关系,显得更加直观:

图2.7.USB Storage Class Protocol Relation


CBI:主要用于Floppy设备,所以新的设备,都很少用此协议BOT:Bulk-Only Transport,也称BBB(Bulk/Bulk/Bulk),


协议方面说完了,再来看看USB Device这一端。


一种是Floppy设备,对应用的是UFI Command Set;而另外一种,就是我们常见的Flash Memory,对应的是用SCSI Command Set。

而SCSI协议,本身就是有的了,所以不是属于USB MSC协议范畴,即SCSI只是和USB MSC相关的协议。

同样的,对于USB Device本身,如果需要一些用到其他的特性,比如可启动性,兼容性,可锁定性等等,

④USB Mass Storage Class Bootability Specification

⑤USB Mass Storage Class Compliance Test Specification

⑥USB Lockable Storage Devices Feature Specification (LSD FS)




★★★ ②USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only (BBB) Transport

其次,需要关心USB Device内部和数据存储介质之间通信的协议

★★SCSI - Small Computer System Interface


★⑦USB Mass Storage Class USB Attached SCSI Protocol (UASP)

图2.8.SubClass Codes Mapped to Command Block Specifications Only Transport



Mass Storage设备所使用的SCSI命令集
0x00 TestUnitReady
0x03 RequestSense
0x12 Inquiry
0x1A ModeSense6
0x1B StartStop
0x1E MediumRemoval
0x23 ReadFormatCapacity
0x25 ReadCapacity
0x28 Read(10)
0x2A Write(10)
0x2F Verify
0x5A ModeSense10

- 主机首先发出Inquiry命令,响应了Inquiry之后就可以看到盘符.

- Inquiry之后会发出ReadFormatCapacity命令,这个命令在SCSI规范中是“厂家自定义命令”,
这个U盘所对应的USB Mass Storage Device这个节点,才能看到这个命令的数据流。

- ReadFormatCapacity之后会发出ReadCapacity命令。

- U盘读数据(读扇区)时会发送Read(10)。
- U盘写数据时(写扇区)会发送Write(10)。

- TestUnitReady会在无其他数据传输时会定时发送,如果设备没有回应成功的CSW给主机,

- Verify在写数据时有用,表示核实数据,一般直接返回成功的CSW就可以了。

- RequestSense:如果CSW指示此次传输不成功,那么主机会发出此请求。

- StartStop暂时未发现大用处,一般直接返回成功的CSW。

- MediumRemoval在U盘被Eject的时候有用,处理不正确会Windows会弹出错误信息。

- ModeSense6/ModeSense10 这两个命令可以不支持

USB Mass Storage设备的描述符及枚举过程

_Interface_Descriptor: .dw 0x09 //bLength: 0x09 byte .dw 0x04 //bDescriptorType: INTERFACE .dw 0x00 //bInterfaceNumber: interface 0 .dw 0x00 //bAlternateSetting: alternate setting 0 .dw 0x02 //bNumEndpoints: 3 endpoints(EP0,EP1,EP2) .dw 0x08 //bInterfaceClass: Mass Storage Devices Class .dw 0x06 //bInterfaceSubClass: .dw 0x50 //bInterfaceProtocol .dw 0x00 //iInterface: index of string_Interface_Descriptor_End:_Endpoint1: .dw 0x07 //bLength: 0x07 byte .dw 0x05 //bDescriptorType: ENDPOINT .dw 0x81 //bEndpointAddress: IN endpoint 1 .dw 0x02 //bmAttributes: Bulk .dw 0x40, 0x00 //wMaxPacketSize: 64 byte .dw 0x00 //bInterval: ignored_Endpoint2: //Endpoint 2 (0x07 byte) .dw 0x07 //bLength: 0x07 byte .dw 0x05 //bDescriptorType: ENDPOINT .dw 0x02 //bEndpointAddress: OUT endpoint 2 .dw 0x02 //bmAttributes: Bulk .dw 0x40, 0x00 //wMaxPacketSize: 64 byte .dw 0x00 //bInterval: ignored

Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset请求和
Get Max LUN请求。

Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset没有数据阶段,

Get Max LUN要求设备返回一个字节的数据给主机,以表明此USB设备有多少个逻辑设备。
返回的这个数据就是最大的设备逻辑号(Logic Unit Number),

USB Mass Storage设备的Bulk数据交换流程







- 在设备枚举完成之后,主机发出的第一个bulk OUT事务就是请求向设备发出CBW。
所以设备可以通过这第一次的bulk OUT事务来判定第一次bulk数据传输的开始。
因此,设备可以认为CSW完成后收到的下一个bulk OUT事务就是主机请求传输新的CBW。

- CBW[12](CBW数据块的第13个字节)指明了传输方向,CBW[8-11]指明了传输的数据长度。
不对应就要进行错误处理(Mass Storage Bulk-Only文档中有相关描述),

- CSW[12](CSW数据块的第13个字节)这个字节很重要,它为0则表示此次传输成功,非0就是不成功。

Bulk-Only 传输协议

下面看看Bulk-Only 传输协议:
(详细的规范请阅读《Universal Serial BusMass Storage ClassBulk-Only Transport》)

设备插入到USB 后,USB 即对设备进行搜索,并要求设备提供相应的描述符。
在USBHost 得到上述描述符后,即完成了设备的配置,
识别出为Bulk-Only 的Mass Storage 设备,
然后即进入Bulk-Only 传输方式。

在此方式下,USB 与设备间的所有数据均通过Bulk-In和Bulk-Out 来进行传输,不再通过控制端点传输任何数据。
在这种传输方式下,有三种类型的数据在USB 和设备之间传送,CBW、CSW 和普通数据。
CBW(Command Block Wrapper,即命令块包)是从USB Host 发送到设备的命令,
命令格式遵从接口中的bInterfaceSubClass 所指定的命令块,这里为SCSI 传输命令集。
USB设备需要将SCSI 命令从CBW 中提取出来,执行相应的命令,
完成以后,向Host 发出反映 当前命令执行状态的CSW(Command Status Wrapper),
Host 根据CSW 来决定是否继续发 送下一个CBW 或是数据。

Host 要求USB 设备执行的命令可能为发送数据,则此时需要将 特定数据传送出去,
完毕后发出CSW,以使Host 进行下一步的操作。USB 设备所执行的操作可用下图描述:


dCBWSignature:CBW的标识,固定值:43425355h (little endian)。
bmCBWFlags:反映数据传输的方向,0 表示来自Host,1 表示发至Host;
CBWCB: 传输的具体命令,符合bInterfaceSubClass.中定义的命令规范,此处是SCSI


dCSWSignature:CSW的标识,固定值:53425355h (little endian)
bCSWStatus:指示命令的执行状态。如果命令正确执行,bCSWStatus 返回0 即可。


Bulk-Only 的CBW 中的CBWCB 中的内容即为如下格式的命令块描述符
(Command Block Descriptor)。SCSI-2 有三种字长的命令,
6 字节、10字节和12字节,Microsoft Windows 环境下支持12 字节长的命令。

Operation Code:操作代码,表示特定的命令。
高3 位为Group Code,共有8 种组合,即8 个组,
低5 五位为Command Code,可以有32 种命令。

Logicol unit Number:为了兼容SCSI-1 而设的,此处可以不必关心。
Logical block address:为高位在前,低位在后的逻辑块地址,即扇区地址。第2 字节为高位,第3、4、5 字节依次为低位。
Transfer length:为需要从逻辑块地址处开始传输的扇区数(比如在Write 命令中)。
Parameter list length:为需要传输的数据长度(比如在Mode Sense 命令中);
Allocation length:为初始程序为返回数据所分配的最大字节数,此值可以为零,表示不需要传送数据。

SCSI指令集的Direct Accesss 类型存储介质的传输命令有许多,
Mass Storage协议只用到了其中的一些。

对于不同的命令,其命令块描述符略有不同,其要求的返回内容也有所不同,根据相 应的文档,
可以对每种请求作出适当的回应。比如,下面是INQUIRY 请求的命令块描述符和其返回内容的数据格式:


Host 会依次发出INQUIRY、Read Capacity、UFI Mode Sense 请求,
如果上述请求的返回结果都正确,则Host 会发出READ 命令,
读取文件系统0 簇0 扇区的MBR 数据,进入文件系统识别阶段。

Data Transfer Conditions

This section describes how the host and device remainsynchronized.

The host indicates the expected transfer in the CBWusing the Direction bit
and thedCBWDataTransferLength field.

The device thendetermines the actual direction and data transfer length.
The device responds as defined in 6 -
Host/Device DataTransfers by transferring data,
STALLing endpointswhen specified, and returning the appropriate CSW.

5.3.1 Command Transport
The host shall send each CBW, which contains acommand block,
to the device via the Bulk-Outendpoint.
The CBW shall start on a packet boundaryand end as a short packet
with exactly 31 (1Fh) bytestransferred.

The device shall indicate a successful transport of aCBW by accepting (ACKing) the CBW.
If the CBW isnot valid see 6.6.1 - CBW Not Valid.
If the host detectsa STALL of the Bulk-Out endpoint during commandtransport,
the host shall respond with a Reset Recovery(see 5.3.4 - Reset Recovery).

5.3.2 Data Transport

All data transport shall begin on a packet boundary.
The host shall attempt to transfer the exact number ofbytes
to or from the device as specified by thedCBWDataTransferLength and the Direction bit.
Thedevice shall respond as specified in 6 - Host/DeviceData Transfers.

To report an error before data transport completes and to maximize data integrity,
the device may terminate thecommand by STALLing the endpoint in use
(the Bulk-In endpoint during data in, the Bulk-Out endpoint duringdata out).

5.3.3 Status Transport
The device shall send each CSW to the host via the Bulk-In endpoint.
The CSW shall start on a packet boundaryand
end as a short packet with exactly 13 (Dh) bytes transferred.
Figure 2 - Status Transport Flow defines thealgorithm
the host shall use for any CSW transfer.

The CSW indicates to the host the status of the execution of the command block
from the corresponding CBW.
The dCSWDataResidue field indicates how much of the data transferred is
to be considered processed orrelevant.
The host shall ignore any data received beyond that which is relevant. Phase Error

The host shall perform a Reset Recovery
when Phase Error status is returned in the CSW.

5.3.4 Reset Recovery

For Reset Recovery the host shall issue in the following order: :

(a) a Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset
(b) a Clear Feature HALT to the Bulk-In endpoint
(c) a Clear Feature HALT to the Bulk-Out endpoint

Host/Device Data Transfers

6.1 Overview

A Bulk-Only Protocol transaction begins with the host sending a CBW to the device
and attempting to make theappropriate data transfer (In, Out or none).
The device receives the CBW, checks and interprets it, attempts tosatisfy the host's request,
and returns status via a CSW.

This section describes in more detail this interactionbetween the host and the device
during normal and abnormal Bulk-Only Protocol transactions.

6.2 Valid and Meaningful CBW

The host communicates its intent to the device through the CBW.
The device performs two verifications onevery CBW received.
First, the device verifies that what was received is a valid CBW.
Next, the devicedetermines if the data within the CBW is meaningful.

The device shall not use the contents of the dCBWTag in any way
other than to copy its value to the dCSWTag ofthe corresponding CSW.

6.2.1 Valid CBW

The device shall consider the CBW valid when:
· The CBW was received after the device had sent a CSW or after a reset,
· the CBW is 31 (1Fh) bytes in length,
· and the dCBWSignature is equal to 43425355h.

6.2.2 Meaningful CBW
The device shall consider the contents of a valid CBW meaningful when:
· no reserved bits are set,
· the bCBWLUN contains a valid LUN supported by the device,
· and both bCBWCBLength and the content of the CBWCB are in accordance withbInterfaceSubClass.

6.3 Valid and Meaningful CSW
The device generally communicates the results of its attempt to satisfy the host’s request through the CSW.
Thehost performs two verifications on every CSW received.
First, the host verifies that what was received is a validCSW
Next, the host determines if the data within the CSW is meaningful.

6.3.1 Valid CSW
The host shall consider the CSW valid when:
· the CSW is 13 (Dh) bytes in length,
· and the dCSWSignature is equal to 53425355h,
· the dCSWTag matches the dCBWTag from the corresponding CBW.

6.3.2 Meaningful CSW
The host shall consider the contents of the CSW meaningful when:
either the bCSWStatus value is 00h or 01h Command Passed orCommand Failed
and the dCSWDataResidue is less than or equal todCBWDataTransferLength..
or the bCSWStatus value is 02h. Phase Error

6.4 Device Error Handling
The device may not be able to fully satisfy the host's request.
At the point when the device discovers that itcannot fully satisfy the request,
there may be a Data-In or Data-Out transfer in progress on the bus,
and the hostmay have other pending requests.
The device may cause the host to terminate such transfers by STALLing theappropriate pipe.
The response of a device to a CBW that is not meaningful is not specified.

Please note that whether or not a STALL handshake actually appears on the bus
depends on whether or not thereis a transfer in progress at the point in time
when the device is ready to STALL the pipe.

6.5 Host Error Handling
If the host receives a CSW which is not valid, then the host shall perform a Reset Recovery.
If the host receivesa CSW which is not meaningful, then the host may perform a Reset Recovery.

6.6 Error Classes
In every transaction between the host and the device, there are four possible classes of errors.
These classes arenot always independent of each other and may occur at any time during the transaction.

6.6.1 CBW Not Valid
If the CBW is not valid, the device shall STALL the Bulk-In pipe.
Also, the device shall either STALL theBulk-Out pipe,
or the device shall accept and discard any Bulk-Out data.
The device shall maintain this stateuntil a Reset Recovery.

6.6.2 Internal Device Error
The device may detect an internal error for which it has no reliable means of recovery other than a reset.
Thedevice shall respond to such conditions by:
either STALLing any data transfer in progress and returning a Phase Error status(bCSWStatus = 02h).
or STALLing all further requests on the Bulk-In and the Bulk-Out pipes until a Reset Recovery.

6.6.3 Host/Device Disagreements
After recognizing that a CBW is valid and meaningful, and in the absence of internal errors,
the device maydetect a condition where it cannot meet the host’s expectation for data transfer,
as indicated by the Direction bitof the bmCBWFlags field and the dCBWDataTransferLength field of the CBW.
In some of these cases, thedevice may require a reset to recover.
In these cases, the device shall return Phase Error status (bCSWStatus =02h).
Details on which cases result in Phase Error vs. non-Phase Error status are given in 6.7 The ThirteenCases.

6.6.4 Command Failure
After recognizing that a CBW is valid and meaningful,
the device may still fail in its attempt to satisfy thecommand.
The device shall report this condition by returning a Command Failed status (bCSWStatus = 01h).

6.7 The Thirteen Cases
This section describes the thirteen possible cases of host expectations and device intent
in the absence ofoverriding error conditions.
Table 6.1 – Host/Device Data Transfer Matrix graphically displays these thirteencases.

Important notes about the thirteen cases.

· Cases (1), (6) and (12) represent the majority of host and device transactions.
They indicate thoseconditions where the host and device agree as to the direction
and amount of data to be transferred.
These cases are also referred to as “the thin diagonal.”

· Any host or device behavior not specifically outlined in the following sections
shall be consideredoutside this specification and the results are indeterminate.

6.7.1 Hn - Host expects no data transfers : Case (1), (2), (3)
These cases occur when dCBWDataTransferLength is zero.
This indicates that the hostis not expecting to send or receive any data
to or from the device.
The general requirements of these cases are:
· The value of the Direction bit shall not influence the results of these cases.

The specific host requirements are: The specific device requirements are:1. The host shall send a valid and meaningful CBW : 1. The device shall receive a CBW.The host may set or clear the Direction bit.2. The host shall attempt to receive a CSW. 2. When the CBW is valid and meaningful, then: · The device shall attempt the command.3. When the CSW is valid and meaningful, then:· [Case (1)] · [Case (1)]The bCSWStatus = 00h or 01h, and the dCSWDataResidue is 0. If the device had no data to send or receive, then: The device shall set bCSWStatus to 00h or 01h. The device shall set the dCSWDataResidue to 0.· [Case (2) or (3)] · [Case (2) or (3)]If bCSWStatus = 02h, then: If the device did have data to send or receive, then:The host shall Ignore the value of the dCSWDataResidue. The device shall set bCSWStatus to 02h.The host shall Perform a Reset Recovery.4. On a STALL condition receiving the CSW, then: 3. The device shall return a valid and meaningful CSW.· The host shall clear the Bulk-In pipe. · The device may STALL the Bulk-In pipe if bCSWStatus is not 00h or 01h.· The host shall attempt to receive the CSW again.

6.7.2 Hi - Host expects to receive data from the device : Case (4), (5),(6), (7),(8)

These cases occur when dCBWDataTransferLength is non zero and the Direction bitis 1 (Data-In).
This indicates that the host is expecting to receive data from thedevice.

The specific host requirements are: The specific device requirements are: 1. The host shall send a valid and meaningful CBW. 1. The device shall receive a CBW. 2. The host shall attempt to receive data from the device. 2. When the CBW is valid and meaningful, then:  · The device shall attempt the command. 3. On a STALL condition receiving data, then: · The host shall accept the data received. · [Case (4)or (5)] · The host shall clear the Bulk-In pipe. If the device intends to send less data than the host indicated, then:  The device shall send the intended data.  The device may send fill data to pad up to a total of dCBWDataTransferLength.4. The host shall attempt to receive a CSW. If the device actually transfers less data than the host indicated, then:  The device may end the transfer with a short packet. 5. On a STALL condition receiving the CSW, then: The device shall STALL the Bulk-In pipe. · The host shall clear the Bulk-In pipe. The device shall set bCSWStatus to 00h or 01h. · The host shall again attempt to receive the CSW. The device shall set dCSWDataResidue to the difference between  dCBWDataTransferLength and the actual amount of relevant data sent. 6. When the CSW is valid and meaningful, then:  · [Case (6)] · [Case (4) or (5)] If the device intends to send dCBWDataTransferLength, then: If bCSWStatus = 00h or 01h, then: The device shall send dCBWDataTransferLength bytes of data. The host shall determine the amount of relevant data received from the The device shall set bCSWStatus to 00h or 01h. difference between dCBWDataTransferLength and the value of dCSWDataResidue. The device shall set dCSWDataResidue to zero. · [Case (6)] [Case (7) or (8)] If bCSWStatus = 00h or 01h, then: If the device either intends to send more data than the host indicated or The host shall determine the amount of relevant data received from the intends to receive data from the host, then: difference between dCBWDataTransferLength and the value of dCSWDataResidue. The device may send data up to a total of dCBWDataTransferLength. · [Case (7) or (8)] If the device actually transfers less data than the host indicated, then: If bCSWStatus = 02h, then: The device may end the transfer with a short packet. The host shall ignore the value of the dCSWDataResidue. The device shall STALL the Bulk-In pipe. The host shall perform a Reset Recovery.  If the device actually transfers dCBWDataTransferLength then:  The device may STALL the Bulk-In pipe.  The device shall set bCSWStatus to 02h.  3. The device shall return a valid and meaningful CSW:  

6.7.3 Ho - Host expects to send data to the device: Case (9), (10),(11), (12),(13)

These cases occur when dCBWDataTransferLength is non zero-and the Direction bitis 0 (Data-Out).
This indicates that the host is expecting to send data to the device.

The general requirement of these cases is:
· The host shall not send zero length packets.

The specific host requirements are: The specific device requirements are:1. The host shall send a valid and meaningful CBW. 1. The device shall receive a CBW.2. The host shall send data to the device. 2. When the CBW is valid and meaningful, then:· The host shall send a short packet only at the end of the data transfer. · The device shall attempt the command.3. On a STALL condition sending data, then: · [Case (9), (11), or (12)]· The host shall clear the Bulk-Out pipe. If the device intends to process less than or equal to the amount of data that the host indicated, then:4. The host shall attempt to receive a CSW. The device shall receive the intended data. The device shall either accept a total of dCBWDataTransferLength,5. On a STALL condition receiving the CSW, then: or end the transfer prematurely by STALLing the Bulk-Out pipe.· The host shall clear the Bulk-In pipe. The device shall set bCSWStatus to 00h or 01h.· The host shall again attempt to receive the CSW. The device shall set dCSWDataResidue to the difference between dCBWDataTransferLength and the actual amount of data6. When the CSW is valid and meaningful, then: that was processed by the device.· [Case (9), (11), or (12)] · [Case (10) or (13)]If bCSWStatus = 00h or 01h, then: If the device either intends to process more dataThe host shall determine the amount of data that was processed than the host indicated or intends to send data,then:from the difference of dCBWDataTransferLength andthe value of dCSWDataResidue. The device may receive data up to a total of dCBWDataTransferLength. The device shall either accept a total of dCBWDataTransferLength,· [Case (10) or (13)] or end the transfer prematurely by STALLing the Bulk-Out pipe.If bCSWStatus = 02h, then: The device shall set bCSWStatus to 02h.The host shall ignore the value of the dCSWDataResidue.The host shall perform a Reset Recovery. 3. The device shall return a valid and meaningful CSW. · The device may STALL the Bulk-In pipe if bCSWStatus is not 00h or 01h.

USB MSD RD System Architecture

Mass Storage Device Mode Operation
When the device is in Mass Storage Device Mode,
the following blocks are used.
See Figure 3 for the connectionsbetween the blocks.

„ USB Low-level Interface
„ Mass Storage Device Class Command Interpreter
„ SCSI Command Interpreter
„ Sector Server
„ Media Access Firmware

The interactions between the USB, MSD, SCSI, and Sector Server blocks
are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.