
专四参考答案(完整版)专四参考答案(完整版) 2012 专四听写参考答案 Nowadays, many ustry possible.We recycle our newspapers bottles,we take public transport work,we try buylocally produced fruit wewant whyalternative forms becomingpopular newforms tourism:responsible tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, educational tourism more.Although everyone may have differentdefinition, most people agree newforms tourismshould do following:first, shouldconserve area;second, shouldbenefit localpeople; third, shouldmake profitwithout destroying natural resources; shouldprovide touristswant 2012专四听力参考答案 说明:由于是一次性听力并作答,没有反复斟酌,不能保证答案百分百正确,但是 能保证百分之九十以上正确。另外对于有争议的答案下面会有备注。 advicebefore buying things happyabout her study pressure shehas makefriends changeaccommodation. hasvaried opinions about internetuse 10.A internet11.C telephonebill 12.A rent 13.D applying loans14.B plan your work properly 15.D learning how dogardening 16.C work havereasonable aims 17.A one position18.D all above19.A historical 20.D embracenew words 21.C cliffalong incomplete23.B snow stricken 24.D 48( 此题答案有可能不准确,当时听的时候一闪而过) 25.A offices 26.B hotel owners 27.B bankmanager 28.C dayafter policelaunched investigation 29.D problems complaintsabout e-mails 30.B box office revenue 2012 专四完形填空参考答案(周玉亮版) 31.A massive 32.D transformed 33.B continuously 34.D cause 35.A collided 36.Cwhen 37.B however 38.D which 39.A unpredictable 40.C crust 41.B bursts out 42.B 44.Bactive 45.C still 46.B across有点纠结,也可能选其他的) 47.A might仿佛都可以,只是语气不同) 48.B even 49.A accidents 50.B save 2012 专四语法与词汇参考答案(周玉亮版) 51. oneexcept his supporters agree NeitherJuila nor weregoing party考点:主谓一致问题 52. 限定词可以放在可数名词单复数之前 答案: 53.反身代词做同位语 答案: managerherself interviewMary. 54. 答案: sent虚拟语气 55. 表达 willingness 的句子 答案: Mybrother helpyou yourluggage. 56. 哪句语法有错? 答案: Howstrange feelings 大家应该知道what how用于感叹句时的区别 57. 下面哪个做主语 subject 答案: donedeliberately 主语从句 58. 下面哪个做宾语 object 答案: Myparents strongly object mygoing out alone night.59. 下面哪一个不包含同位语 appositive 答案:A Shebought herself shoes.60. Shall we buy ticketsfirst? 答案: Hesuggested webuy ticketsfirst. 61. 原因状语从句 adverbialclause cause答案: wroteagain. 62. 状语 adverbial 答案:D rain,everyone enjoyed trip.63. 答案: did.64. 让步状语从句 concession答案: heseems dislikeme, stilllike him. 65. 答案: machinerywere introduced factory.集体名词如 police, people, cattle, militia, poultry 等,通常作复数,用复数动词。 foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise, 通常作不可数名词,随后的 动词用单数。例如: All China.66. 答案: banquet(wedding banquet 婚宴 herbad temper. 70. badlyoff 穷困 缺少71. uncaring(=indifferent) 误导项 disinterested 一般指公正无私 72. withinliving memory 73. p(有哪些以lia开头的四字成语?没有lia字开头的成语,QQ接龙红包“一个顶俩”难倒了不少网友,根据成语词典提示,成语中含有俩(lia)的成语有:鬼蜮伎俩、鬼魅伎俩、有三有俩、鬼蜮技俩、一个顶俩。可是,按照规定,必须是俩(lia)开头的成语才可以。但是并没有俩(lia)开头的成语,所以这是一个无解的成语接龙呢。)uttingacross (=express) 74. service(饭菜不错,服务很差) 75. abolished(slavery) (废除奴隶制度) 76. fortunately(=mercifully) coin)(抛一枚硬币) 78. distinct(from) distinctfrom 非常不同)79. quiet(have quietword sb.单独或私下和某人说说话 2012专四阅读理解参考答案(周玉亮版) 81. appreciation82. Thanks83. Sure84. Gender85. others86. hadgreat impact life87. BigLake 88. Cindyhad seen differentway. 89. builtup family ties enthusiasm90. gaveher confidence optimism91. sharpcontrast between now pessimistic93. mildlycritical childrenfeel equally disappointed 95. graduateunemployment socialissue 96. awe97. foundlying right inside stonecoffin 98. quiet99. giganticstructure, great desert expanse 100.B objective. 2012 专四写作真题解析 First, you should tell what you know about festival.Second, you should describe how you otherpeople usually observe festival.很多同学纠结于 oberserve 个单词所是遵守的意思,其实在这里指的是celebrate 庆祝的意思。建议大家这样 ,可以发表下对端午节等传统节日现状的评论。 英语专四试题(完整word QUESTIONBOOKLET TEST ENGLISHMAJORS (2018) -GRADE FOUR- TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN PART DICTATION[10 MIN] Listen followingpassage. Altogether youfour times. During firstreading, which normalspeed, listen thirdreadings, readsentence 15seconds. lastreading normalspeed again timeyou should check your work. You givenONE minute checkthrough your work once more. Please write wholepassage ANSWERSHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] SECTION sectionyou talk.You talkONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look ANSWERSHEET ONE MORETHAN THREE WORDS eachgap. Make sure what you fill bothgrammatically semanticallyacceptable. You may use blanksheet note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds gap-fillingtask. Now listen talk.When over,you givenTWO minutes checkyour work. SECTION sectionyou heartwo conversations. eachconversation, five questions askedabout what said.Both spokenONCE ONLY. After each question ten-second pause. During pause,you should read fourchoices bestanswer eachquestion ANSWERSHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds choices.Now, listen conversations.Conversation One Questions ConversationOne. Manyforeign languages Britaincan speak foreignlanguage. foreignlanguage. Britishcan survive mothertongue. helpimprove international trade. simpletalk. educationsystem. encouragelearning another language. givesyou self-satisfaction. makesyou more confident. givesyou makesyou work hard. sister.Conversation Two Questions ConversationTwo. dangerousevent. unreasonablefear. smallprobability. risk-assessingability. onemillion. fourmillion. fourteenmillion. fortymillion. Futureevents. Catastrophicevents. Small-scaledisasters. Smokinghazards. Catchingbird flu. Smokingcigarettes. 10. getpleasure from risks. cancontrol potential risks. canassess danger from risks. havestrong needs risks.PART III LANGUAGE USAGE [10 MIN] twentysentences section.Beneath each sentence fouroptions marked bestcompletes question.Mark your answers ANSWERSHEET TWO. 11. BentPyramid outside Cairo ancientEgypt’s first attempt smooth-sidedpyramid. hasbeen believed havebeen havebeen 12.U.S. News collegessince 1983. verypopular resource studentslooking universitycampus. hasbeen maintaining 13. He crimehe would havecommitted. seldom14. She youngcountry wife mountainsbehind appleorchard. bluehazy Virginia hazyblue Virginia Virginiahazy blue Virginiablue hazy 15. evil16. Indeed, bodyshattering verypoint war17. chemicalprocess, during which light-sensitivematerial alteredwhen exposed itsmost basic itsbasic mostbasic basic18. She hired investigate,only Gabrielhad removed her name from infinitiveverb phrase intendedpurpose highdegree undesirableconsequence statedfact 19. Which followingitalicized words DOES metaphoricalmeaning? wonderwhat’s behind Jimturned personstanding behind him. workshould have been finished yesterday. gettingterribly behind luckybecause my parents were behind me all way.20. My mother helpthose shewould have been immensely proud whathas been achieved last20 years. italicizedpart sentenceexpresses surprise21. When policeofficers who took part Kingbeating were first brought lawyersused evidenceagainst verdict22. mostcontroversial candidate electioncampaign, he has been strongly criticized hiscrude comments about women. Debatably23. Prices have recently risen increasedcost rawmaterials. offset24. celebritysays courtpapers she “has givingany authorization recognition25. What actually goodangle goodselfie overall whatwe considered beautiful. constructs26. nextgeneration sportingstars thanks itsunique development program. extra27. teachers’union lawsuitagainst districtcalling repairing“deplorable” school conditions. filled28. Last March 19th century cargo ship underwaterarchaeological team. wreck29. She’s worn his designs occasionsfrom red carpets moviepremieres. numeral30. operationscompany has released its analysis worldwidereported incidents crimeagainst mariners. maritimePART IV CLOZE [10 MIN] Decide which wordsgiven boxbelow would best complete correspondingblank. wordscan usedONCE ONLY. Mark eachword ANSWERSHEET TWO. fewyears ago, universityprofessor tried littleexperiment. He sent Christmas cards perfectstrangers. Although he expected some reaction, responsehe received holidaycards addressed himcame pouring back from peoplewho had never met nor heard greatmajority thosewho returned cardnever inquired (31)professor. receivedhis holiday greeting card, (32)sent one studyshows mostpowerful influencearound us rulesays weshould try (33),what another person has provided us. womandoes us favor,we should do her mansends us birthdaypresent, we should remember his birthday ourown; (35)invites us party,we should invitethem reciprocityrule, futurerepayment favors,gifts, invitations, like.So typical termlike “much obliged” has become “thankyou,” Englishlanguage impressiveaspect itspervasiveness humanculture. afterintensive study, sociologists can report humansociety rule.PART READINGCOMPREHENSION [35 MIN] SECTION MULTIPLECHOICE QUESTIONS threepassages followed tenmultiple choice questions. eachmultiple choice question, foursuggested answers marked youthink bestanswer markyour answers ANSWERSHEET TWO. PASSAGE ONE earliestsettlers came NorthAmerican continent establishcolonies which were free from Europeansocieties. controlsplaced governments,priests churched,noblemen historicdecisions made thosefirst settlers have had profoundeffect Americancharacter. formalaristocracy, freedomwhere individual.Individual freedom mostbasic allAmerican values. “freedom,”Americans mean allindividuals owndestiny without outside interference from rulingnoble class, anyother organized authority. individualfreedom: self -reliance. Americansbelieve shouldstand ownfeet, achieving both financial emotionalindependence from possible,usually age18 secondimportant reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn