

初二英语听力材料【1】 The Beck Zoo is in Canada. There isn t any cage in it. They put the animals in a big place. The Indian elephants and African tigers are all in the same place. The animals are all happy. Visitors can watch the animals behind a big piece of glass. They can see how the animals live together there. The zoo has a river in it. Many ducks are in the river. Many of the animals are from Canada. Sometimes the zoo gets animals from other countries.

初二英语听力材料【2】 M: Where do you come from, Lily?

W: Guess!

M: You come from England.

W: Yes. How did you know, Zhang Ming?

M: The way you speak. When did you come to Beijing?

W: Two years ago.

M: Why did you come here?

W: My father found a job here.

M: What does your father do then?

W: He is an English teacher and teaches English in a middle school.

M: Great! Can I ask him to help me (***上查询银行卡卡号:点开支付宝,进入我的,点击银行卡,以农行卡为例,点击银行卡,进入下一界面,点击最下方的卡管理,点击查看卡号,只要输入你的支付密码就可以查看到具体的卡号。)with my English now?

W: Now? He is in hospital now. He is ill.

M: Oh, I m sorry to hear that.

初二英语听力材料【3】 1.M: Can you say something about your favorite animal?

W: Yes. It is not big and it can swim well. It can jump. It can live in water or on land.

Question: What animal does he like best?

2.M: Why is the river dirty now?

W: Some people throw rubbish into it. We must stop them.

Question: What do they want to do?

3.M: I can t find my pen anywhere.

W: The monkey hid it on the cupboard.

Question: Who hid his pen?

4.W: Do you often watch TV?

M: I watch TV on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Question: How often does the boy watch TV?

5.W: I m going to the city by bus tomorrow.

M: Could I go with you?

Question: Where is the woman going tomorrow?

6.W: I go to school by bus every day? What about you?

M: I go to school by bike.

Question: How does the boy go to school every day?

7.W: Could you get me a glass of milk?

M: Sure. Here you are.

Question: What does that woman want?

8.W : What a big zoo!

M: There are more than 150 kinds of animals in it.

Question: How many kinds of animals are than in the zoo?

9.W: How much is the fruit?

M: The apples are 4 yuan a kilo. The pears are 5 yuan a kilo.

Question: Which fruit is cheaper?

10.M: Windy, shall we meet at about 11:30 at the school gate?

W: Certainly. See you then.

Question: What time are they going to meet?

初二英语听力材料【4】 W: What are you going to do this weekend, Bob?

M: I have no idea. What about you, Amy?

W: I don t know. Do you want to do something together?

M: Sure. What do you want to do?

W: How about going fishing on Saturday?

M: OK! Where are we going to meet?

W: Let s meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can teach us fishing on the lake.

M: What time shall we meet?

W: Let s leave early in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.

M: Great! It will be very funny. See you on Saturday.

W: See you then.










